## ## Quark configuration ## # MongoDB MONGODB=mongodb://database # Redis REDIS_URI=redis://redis/ # Hostname used for Caddy # This should in most cases match REVOLT_APP_URL HOSTNAME=http://local.revolt.chat # URL to where the Revolt app is publicly accessible REVOLT_APP_URL=http://local.revolt.chat # URL to where the API is publicly accessible REVOLT_PUBLIC_URL=http://local.revolt.chat/api VITE_API_URL=http://local.revolt.chat/api # URL to where the WebSocket server is publicly accessible REVOLT_EXTERNAL_WS_URL=ws://local.revolt.chat/ws # URL to where Autumn is publicly available AUTUMN_PUBLIC_URL=http://local.revolt.chat/autumn # URL to where January is publicly available JANUARY_PUBLIC_URL=http://local.revolt.chat/january ## ## hCaptcha Settings ## # If you are sure that you don't want to use hCaptcha, set to 1. REVOLT_UNSAFE_NO_CAPTCHA=1 # hCaptcha API key # REVOLT_HCAPTCHA_KEY=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # hCaptcha site key # REVOLT_HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY=10000000-ffff-ffff-ffff-000000000001 ## ## Email Settings ## # If you are sure that you don't want to use email verification, set to 1. REVOLT_UNSAFE_NO_EMAIL=1 # SMTP host # REVOLT_SMTP_HOST=smtp.example.com # SMTP username # REVOLT_SMTP_USERNAME=noreply@example.com # SMTP password # REVOLT_SMTP_PASSWORD=CHANGEME # SMTP From header # REVOLT_SMTP_FROM=Revolt ## ## Application Settings ## # Whether to only allow users to sign up if they have an invite code REVOLT_INVITE_ONLY=0 # Maximum number of people that can be in a group chat REVOLT_MAX_GROUP_SIZE=150 # VAPID keys for push notifications # Generate using this guide: https://gitlab.insrt.uk/revolt/delta/-/wikis/vapid # --> Please replace these keys before going into production! <-- REVOLT_VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY=LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBFQyBQUklWQVRFIEtFWS0tLS0tCk1IY0NBUUVFSUJSUWpyTWxLRnBiVWhsUHpUbERvcEliYk1yeVNrNXpKYzVYVzIxSjJDS3hvQW9HQ0NxR1NNNDkKQXdFSG9VUURRZ0FFWnkrQkg2TGJQZ2hEa3pEempXOG0rUXVPM3pCajRXT1phdkR6ZU00c0pqbmFwd1psTFE0WAp1ZDh2TzVodU94QWhMQlU3WWRldVovWHlBdFpWZmNyQi9BPT0KLS0tLS1FTkQgRUMgUFJJVkFURSBLRVktLS0tLQo= REVOLT_VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY=BGcvgR-i2z4IQ5Mw841vJvkLjt8wY-FjmWrw83jOLCY52qcGZS0OF7nfLzuYbjsQISwVO2HXrmf18gLWVX3Kwfw= ## ## Autumn configuration ## # S3 Region AUTUMN_S3_REGION=minio # S3 Endpoint AUTUMN_S3_ENDPOINT=http://minio:9000 # MinIO Root User MINIO_ROOT_USER=minioautumn # MinIO Root Password MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=minioautumn # AWS Access Key ID AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=minioautumn # AWS Secret Key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=minioautumn