@ -10,10 +10,11 @@
. col - md - 4 {
background : # fff ;
. postPresenterContainer {
background : # fff ;
@ media ( min - width : 720 px ) {
. postPresenterContainer {
background : # 000 ;
min - height : 600 px ;
@ -57,8 +58,30 @@
< div class = "postPresenterLoader text-center" >
< div class = "lds-ring" > < div > < / div > < div > < / div > < div > < / div > < div > < / div > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "postPresenterContainer d-none" >
< div class = "postPresenterContainer d-none d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center" >
< div v-if ="status.pf_type === 'photo'" class="w-100" >
< photo -presenter :status ="status" > < / p h o t o - p r e s e n t e r >
< / div >
< div v -else -if = " status.pf_type = = = ' video ' " class = "w-100" >
< video -presenter :status ="status" > < / v i d e o - p r e s e n t e r >
< / div >
< div v -else -if = " status.pf_type = = = ' photo : album ' " class = "w-100" >
< photo -album -presenter :status ="status" > < / p h o t o - a l b u m - p r e s e n t e r >
< / div >
< div v -else -if = " status.pf_type = = = ' video : album ' " class = "w-100" >
< video -album -presenter :status ="status" > < / v i d e o - a l b u m - p r e s e n t e r >
< / div >
< div v -else -if = " status.pf_type = = = ' photo : video : album ' " class = "w-100" >
< mixed -album -presenter :status ="status" > < / m i x e d - a l b u m - p r e s e n t e r >
< / div >
< div v -else class = "w-100" >
< p class = "text-center p-0 font-weight-bold text-white" > Error : Problem rendering preview . < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
@ -210,153 +233,6 @@
pixelfed . postComponent = { } ;
pixelfed . presenter = {
show : {
image : function ( container , media , status ) {
$ ( '.status-container' )
. removeClass ( 'orientation-unknown' )
. addClass ( 'orientation-' + media [ 0 ] [ 'orientation' ] ) ;
let wrapper = $ ( '<div>' ) ;
container . addClass ( 'd-flex align-items-center' ) ;
if ( media [ 0 ] [ 'filter_class' ] ) {
wrapper . addClass ( media [ 0 ] [ 'filter_class' ] ) ;
let el = $ ( '<img>' ) ;
el . attr ( 'src' , media [ 0 ] [ 'url' ] ) ;
el . attr ( 'title' , media [ 0 ] [ 'description' ] ) ;
el . addClass ( 'img-fluid' ) ;
wrapper . append ( el ) ;
if ( status . sensitive == true ) {
let spoilerText = status . spoiler _text ? status . spoiler _text : 'CW / NSFW / Hidden Media' ;
let cw = $ ( '<details>' ) . addClass ( 'details-animated w-100' ) ;
let summary = $ ( '<summary>' ) ;
let text = $ ( '<p>' ) . addClass ( 'mb-0 lead font-weight-bold' ) . text ( spoilerText ) ;
let direction = $ ( '<p>' ) . addClass ( 'font-weight-light' ) . text ( '(click to show)' ) ;
summary . append ( text , direction ) ;
cw . append ( summary , wrapper ) ;
container . append ( cw ) ;
} else {
container . append ( wrapper ) ;
} ,
video : function ( container , media , status ) {
let wrapper = $ ( '<div>' ) ;
container . addClass ( 'd-flex align-items-center' ) ;
let el = $ ( '<video>' ) ;
el . addClass ( 'embed-responsive-item' ) ;
el . attr ( 'controls' , '' ) ;
el . attr ( 'loop' , '' ) ;
el . attr ( 'src' , media [ 0 ] [ 'url' ] ) ;
el . attr ( 'title' , media [ 0 ] [ 'description' ] ) ;
wrapper . append ( el ) ;
if ( status . sensitive == true ) {
let spoilerText = status . spoiler _text ? status . spoiler _text : 'CW / NSFW / Hidden Media' ;
let cw = $ ( '<details>' ) . addClass ( 'details-animated w-100' ) ;
let summary = $ ( '<summary>' ) ;
let text = $ ( '<p>' ) . addClass ( 'mb-0 lead font-weight-bold' ) . text ( spoilerText ) ;
let direction = $ ( '<p>' ) . addClass ( 'font-weight-light' ) . text ( '(click to show)' ) ;
summary . append ( text , direction ) ;
cw . append ( summary , wrapper ) ;
container . append ( cw ) ;
} else {
container . append ( wrapper ) ;
const player = new Plyr ( el , {
controls : [
'restart' , / / R e s t a r t p l a y b a c k
'play' , / / P l a y / p a u s e p l a y b a c k
'progress' , / / T h e p r o g r e s s b a r a n d s c r u b b e r f o r p l a y b a c k a n d b u f f e r i n g
'current-time' , / / T h e c u r r e n t t i m e o f p l a y b a c k
'duration' , / / T h e f u l l d u r a t i o n o f t h e m e d i a
'volume' , / / V o l u m e c o n t r o l
'captions' , / / T o g g l e c a p t i o n s
'settings' , / / S e t t i n g s m e n u
'fullscreen' , / / T o g g l e f u l l s c r e e n
} ) ;
player . volume = 0.75 ;
} ,
imageAlbum : function ( container , media , status ) {
$ ( '.status-container' )
. removeClass ( 'orientation-unknown' )
. addClass ( 'orientation-' + media [ 0 ] [ 'orientation' ] ) ;
let id = 'photo-carousel-wrapper-' + status . id ;
let wrapper = $ ( '<div>' ) ;
container . addClass ( 'd-flex align-items-center' ) ;
wrapper . addClass ( 'carousel slide carousel-fade' ) ;
wrapper . attr ( 'data-ride' , 'carousel' ) ;
wrapper . attr ( 'id' , id ) ;
let indicators = $ ( '<ol>' ) ;
indicators . addClass ( 'carousel-indicators' ) ;
let prev = $ ( '<a>' ) ;
prev . addClass ( 'carousel-control-prev' ) ;
prev . attr ( 'href' , '#' + id ) ;
prev . attr ( 'role' , 'button' ) ;
prev . attr ( 'data-slide' , 'prev' ) ;
let prevIcon = $ ( '<span>' ) . addClass ( 'carousel-control-prev-icon' ) . attr ( 'aria-hidden' , 'true' ) ;
let prevSr = $ ( '<span>' ) . addClass ( 'sr-only' ) ;
prev . append ( prevIcon , prevSr ) ;
let next = $ ( '<a>' ) ;
next . addClass ( 'carousel-control-next' ) ;
next . attr ( 'href' , '#' + id ) ;
next . attr ( 'role' , 'button' ) ;
next . attr ( 'data-slide' , 'next' ) ;
let nextIcon = $ ( '<span>' ) . addClass ( 'carousel-control-next-icon' ) . attr ( 'aria-hidden' , 'true' ) ;
let nextSr = $ ( '<span>' ) . addClass ( 'sr-only' ) ;
let inner = $ ( '<div>' ) . addClass ( 'carousel-inner' ) ;
next . append ( nextIcon , nextSr ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < media . length ; i ++ ) {
let li = $ ( '<li>' ) ;
li . attr ( 'data-target' , '#' + id ) ;
li . attr ( 'data-slide-to' , i ) ;
if ( i == 0 ) {
li . addClass ( 'active' ) ;
indicators . append ( li ) ;
let item = media [ i ] ;
let carouselItem = $ ( '<div>' ) . addClass ( 'carousel-item' ) ;
if ( i == 0 ) {
carouselItem . addClass ( 'active' ) ;
let figure = $ ( '<figure>' ) ;
if ( item [ 'filter_class' ] ) {
figure . addClass ( item [ 'filter_class' ] ) ;
let badge = $ ( '<span>' ) ;
badge . addClass ( 'float-right mr-3 badge badge-dark' ) ;
badge . style = 'position:fixed;top:8px;right:0;margin-bottom:-20px;' ;
badge . text ( i + 1 + '/' + media . length ) ;
let img = $ ( '<img>' ) ;
img . addClass ( 'd-block w-100' ) ;
img . attr ( 'src' , item [ 'url' ] ) ;
figure . append ( badge , img ) ;
carouselItem . append ( figure ) ;
inner . append ( carouselItem ) ;
wrapper . append ( indicators , inner , prev , next ) ;
if ( status . sensitive == true ) {
let spoilerText = status . spoiler _text ? status . spoiler _text : 'CW / NSFW / Hidden Media' ;
let cw = $ ( '<details>' ) . addClass ( 'details-animated w-100' ) ;
let summary = $ ( '<summary>' ) ;
let text = $ ( '<p>' ) . addClass ( 'mb-0 lead font-weight-bold' ) . text ( spoilerText ) ;
let direction = $ ( '<p>' ) . addClass ( 'font-weight-light' ) . text ( '(click to show)' ) ;
summary . append ( text , direction ) ;
cw . append ( summary , wrapper ) ;
container . append ( cw ) ;
} else {
container . append ( wrapper ) ;
} ;
export default {
props : [ 'status-id' , 'status-username' , 'status-template' , 'status-url' , 'status-profile-url' , 'status-avatar' ] ,
data ( ) {
@ -454,10 +330,13 @@ export default {
self . shares = response . data . shares ;
self . likesPage = 2 ;
self . sharesPage = 2 ;
this . buildPresenter ( ) ;
/ / t h i s . b u i l d P r e s e n t e r ( ) ;
this . showMuteBlock ( ) ;
loader . hide ( ) ;
pixelfed . readmore ( ) ;
$ ( '.postComponent' ) . removeClass ( 'd-none' ) ;
$ ( '.postPresenterLoader' ) . addClass ( 'd-none' ) ;
$ ( '.postPresenterContainer' ) . removeClass ( 'd-none' ) ;
} ) . catch ( error => {
if ( ! error . response ) {
$ ( '.postPresenterLoader .lds-ring' ) . attr ( 'style' , 'width:100%' ) . addClass ( 'pt-4 font-weight-bold text-muted' ) . text ( 'An error occured, cannot fetch media. Please try again later.' ) ;
@ -529,56 +408,6 @@ export default {
} ) ;
} ,
buildPresenter ( ) {
let container = $ ( '.postPresenterContainer' ) ;
let status = this . status ;
let media = this . media ;
$ ( 'input[name="item"]' ) . each ( function ( k , v ) {
let el = $ ( v ) ;
el . val ( status . account . id ) ;
} ) ;
if ( container . children ( ) . length != 0 ) {
return ;
let template = this . status . pf _type ? this . status . pf _type : this . statusTemplate ;
switch ( template ) {
case 'image' :
case 'photo' :
pixelfed . presenter . show . image ( container , media , this . status ) ;
break ;
case 'album' :
case 'photo:album' :
pixelfed . presenter . show . imageAlbum ( container , media , this . status ) ;
break ;
case 'video' :
pixelfed . presenter . show . video ( container , media , this . status ) ;
break ;
case 'video:album' :
case 'photo:video:album' :
$ ( '.postPresenterLoader .lds-ring' ) . attr ( 'style' , 'width:100%' ) . addClass ( 'pt-4 font-weight-bold text-muted' ) . text ( 'We cannot load this post properly. We\'re working on a fix!' ) ;
return ;
break ;
default :
$ ( '.postPresenterLoader .lds-ring' ) . attr ( 'style' , 'width:100%' ) . addClass ( 'pt-4 font-weight-bold text-muted' ) . text ( 'An error occured, cannot fetch media. Please try again later.' ) ;
break ;
if ( container . children ( ) . length == 0 ) {
$ ( '.postPresenterLoader .lds-ring' ) . attr ( 'style' , 'width:100%' ) . addClass ( 'pt-4 font-weight-bold text-muted' ) . text ( 'An error occured, cannot fetch media. Please try again later.' ) ;
return ;
pixelfed . readmore ( ) ;
$ ( '.postPresenterLoader' ) . addClass ( 'd-none' ) ;
$ ( '.postPresenterContainer' ) . removeClass ( 'd-none' ) ;
} ,
likeStatus ( event ) {
if ( $ ( 'body' ) . hasClass ( 'loggedIn' ) == false ) {
return ;