# paste
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> Simple [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) pastebin built with [Koa](https://koajs.com/), [MongoDB](https://www.mongodb.com/), [Jade](http://jade-lang.com/), [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/) and [Prism.js](https://prismjs.com/).
Try it out at [paste.fyi](http://paste.fyi/)
## Features
* Clean code thanks to ES7 async/await and [Koa](https://koajs.com/)
* Full syntax highlighting via [Prism.js](https://prismjs.com/)
* CTRL+Enter hotkey for quick paste submission
* Short URLs via [shortid](https://github.com/dylang/shortid), e.g. `NyQO9puMe`
* Full support for CLI requests with [curl](https://curl.haxx.se/) etc
* Textarea grows to fit content via [autosize.js](https://github.com/jackmoore/autosize)
* Automatic and configurable paste expiry
* Runs fully containerized with [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) and [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/)
* Simple and responsive UI built with [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/)
## Usage
# Simple paste
$ echo 'Hello World' | curl -F 'paste=<-' http://paste.fyi
# wget or any other tool is fine too:
$ wget --post-data 'paste=Hello from wget' -qO- http://paste.fyi
# Either form or multipart data is accepted:
$ curl -d 'paste=Sent as multipart' http://paste.fyi
# Specify the syntax to highlight:
$ git diff README.md | curl -F 'paste=<-' -F 'highlight=diff' http://paste.fyi
## Development
1. Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/JoeBiellik/paste.git && cd paste
2. Start the virtual machine and connect:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
4. Install dependencies:
npm install
5. Start MongoDB:
docker-compose up -d db
5. Start app and watch for changes:
npm run watch
## Deployment
1. Configure `config/docker.json` with any custom settings
2. Start the production database and Node.js server:
docker-compose up