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252 lines
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9 years ago
"name": "Paste",
"host": "",
"port": 80,
"db": "mongodb://localhost/paste",
"keys": [
"random key here"
"prettyHtml": true,
9 years ago
"cacheAge": 86400,
"sizeLimit": "2mb",
9 years ago
"expiresDefault": 604800,
"expires": {
"600": "10 minutes",
9 years ago
"3600": "1 hour",
"86400": "1 day",
"604800": "1 week",
"2592000": "1 month",
"31536000 ": "1 year"
9 years ago
"highlights": {
"abap": "ABAP",
"abnf": "Augmented BackusNaur form",
9 years ago
"actionscript": "ActionScript",
"ada": "Ada",
"al": "AL",
"antlr4": "ANTLR4",
9 years ago
"apacheconf": "Apache Configuration",
"apl": "APL",
"applescript": "AppleScript",
"aql": "AQL",
"arduino": "Arduino",
"arff": "ARFF",
9 years ago
"asciidoc": "AsciiDoc",
"asm6502": "6502 Assembly",
9 years ago
"aspnet": "ASP.NET (C#)",
"atom": "Atom",
9 years ago
"autohotkey": "AutoHotkey",
"autoit": "AutoIt",
9 years ago
"bash": "Bash",
"basic": "BASIC",
"batch": "Batch",
"bbcode": "BBcode",
9 years ago
"bison": "Bison",
"bnf": "BackusNaur form",
9 years ago
"brainfuck": "Brainfuck",
"brightscript": "BrightScript",
"bro": "Bro",
9 years ago
"c": "C",
"cil": "CIL",
9 years ago
"clike": "C-like",
"clojure": "Clojure",
"cmake": "CMake",
9 years ago
"coffeescript": "CoffeeScript",
"concurnas": "Concurnas",
"cpp": "C++",
9 years ago
"crystal": "Crystal",
"csharp": "C#",
"csp": "Content-Security-Policy",
9 years ago
"css-extras": "CSS Extras",
"css": "CSS",
9 years ago
"d": "D",
"dart": "Dart",
"dax": "DAX",
9 years ago
"diff": "Diff",
"django": "Django",
"dns-zone-file": "DNS zone file",
9 years ago
"docker": "Docker",
"ebnf": "Extended BackusNaur form",
9 years ago
"eiffel": "Eiffel",
"ejs": "EJS",
9 years ago
"elixir": "Elixir",
"elm": "Elm",
"erb": "ERB",
9 years ago
"erlang": "Erlang",
"etlua": "Embedded Lua templating",
"excel-formula": "Excel Formula",
"factor": "Factor",
"firestore-security-rules": "Firestore security rules",
"flow": "Flow",
9 years ago
"fortran": "Fortran",
"fsharp": "F#",
"ftl": "FreeMarker Template Language",
"gcode": "G-code",
"gdscript": "GDScript",
"gedcom": "GEDCOM",
9 years ago
"gherkin": "Gherkin",
"git": "Git",
"glsl": "GLSL",
"gml": "GameMaker Language",
9 years ago
"go": "Go",
"graphql": "GraphQL",
9 years ago
"groovy": "Groovy",
"haml": "Haml",
"handlebars": "Handlebars",
"haskell": "Haskell",
"haxe": "Haxe",
"hcl": "HCL",
"hlsl": "HLSL",
"hpkp": "HTTP Public-Key-Pins",
"hsts": "HTTP Strict-Transport-Security",
"html": "HTML",
9 years ago
"http": "HTTP",
"ichigojam": "IchigoJam",
9 years ago
"icon": "Icon",
"iecst": "Structured Text (IEC 61131-3)",
9 years ago
"inform7": "Inform 7",
"ini": "Ini",
"io": "Io",
9 years ago
"j": "J",
"java": "Java",
"javadoc": "JavaDoc",
"javadoclike": "JavaDoc-like",
9 years ago
"javascript": "JavaScript",
"javastacktrace": "Java stack trace",
"jinja2": "Jinja2",
"jolie": "Jolie",
"jq": "JQ",
"js-extras": "JS Extras",
"js-templates": "JS Templates",
"jsdoc": "JSDoc",
"json": "JSON",
"json5": "JSON5",
"jsonp": "JSONP",
"jsstacktrace": "JS stack trace",
"jsx": "React JSX",
9 years ago
"julia": "Julia",
"keyman": "Keyman",
"kotlin": "Kotlin",
"latex": "LaTeX",
"latte": "Latte",
9 years ago
"less": "Less",
"lilypond": "LilyPond",
"liquid": "Liquid",
"lisp": "Lisp",
"livescript": "LiveScript",
"llvm": "LLVM IR",
9 years ago
"lolcode": "LOLCODE",
"lua": "Lua",
"makefile": "Makefile",
"markdown": "Markdown",
"markup-templating": "Markup templating",
"mathml": "MathML",
9 years ago
"matlab": "MATLAB",
"mel": "MEL",
"mizar": "Mizar",
"monkey": "Monkey",
"moonscript": "MoonScript",
"n1ql": "N1QL",
"n4js": "N4JS",
"nand2tetris-hdl": "Nand To Tetris HDL",
9 years ago
"nasm": "NASM",
"neon": "NEON",
9 years ago
"nginx": "nginx",
"nim": "Nim",
"nix": "Nix",
"nsis": "NSIS",
"objectivec": "Objective-C",
"ocaml": "OCaml",
"opencl": "OpenCL",
9 years ago
"oz": "Oz",
"parigp": "PARI/GP",
"parser": "Parser",
"pascal": "Pascal",
"pascaligo": "Pascaligo",
"pcaxis": "PC-Axis",
"peoplecode": "PeopleCode",
9 years ago
"perl": "Perl",
"php-extras": "PHP Extras",
"php": "PHP",
"phpdoc": "PHPDoc",
9 years ago
"plain": "Plain text",
"plsql": "PL/SQL",
"powerquery": "PowerQuery",
9 years ago
"powershell": "PowerShell",
"processing": "Processing",
"prolog": "Prolog",
"properties": ".properties",
"protobuf": "Protocol Buffers",
"pug": "Pug",
9 years ago
"puppet": "Puppet",
"pure": "Pure",
"purebasic": "PureBasic",
9 years ago
"python": "Python",
"q": "Q (kdb+ database)",
"qml": "QML",
9 years ago
"qore": "Qore",
"r": "R",
"racket": "Racket",
"reason": "Reason",
"regex": "Regex",
"renpy": "Ren'py",
9 years ago
"rest": "reST (reStructuredText)",
"rip": "Rip",
"roboconf": "Roboconf",
"robotframework": "Robot Framework",
"rss": "RSS",
9 years ago
"ruby": "Ruby",
"rust": "Rust",
"sas": "SAS",
"sass": "Sass (Sass)",
"scala": "Scala",
"scheme": "Scheme",
"scss": "Sass (Scss)",
"shell-session": "Shell session",
"shell": "Shell",
9 years ago
"smalltalk": "Smalltalk",
"smarty": "Smarty",
"solidity": "Solidity (Ethereum)",
"solution-file": "Solution file",
"soy": "Soy (Closure Template)",
"sparql": "SPARQL",
"splunk-spl": "Splunk SPL",
"sqf": "SQF",
9 years ago
"sql": "SQL",
"ssml": "SSML",
9 years ago
"stylus": "Stylus",
"svg": "SVG",
9 years ago
"swift": "Swift",
"t4-cs": "T4 Text Templates (C#)",
"t4-templating": "T4 templating",
"t4-vb": "T4 Text Templates (VB)",
"tap": "TAP",
9 years ago
"tcl": "Tcl",
"textile": "Textile",
"toml": "TOML",
"tsx": "React TSX",
"tt2": "Template Toolkit 2",
"turtle": "Turtle",
9 years ago
"twig": "Twig",
"typescript": "TypeScript",
"unrealscript": "UnrealScript",
"vala": "Vala",
"vbnet": "VB.Net",
"velocity": "Velocity",
9 years ago
"verilog": "Verilog",
"vhdl": "VHDL",
"vim": "vim",
"visual-basic": "Visual Basic",
"warpscript": "WarpScript",
"wasm": "WebAssembly",
9 years ago
"wiki": "Wiki markup",
"xeora": "Xeora",
"xml-doc": "XML doc (.net)",
"xml": "XML",
"xojo": "Xojo (REALbasic)",
"xquery": "XQuery",
"yaml": "YAML",
"zig": "Zig"
9 years ago