@ -164,29 +164,11 @@ func (s *Server) registerResourceRoutes(g *echo.Group) {
if filetype == "image/jpeg" || filetype == "image/png" {
_ , err := sourceFile . Seek ( 0 , io . SeekStart )
if err != nil {
return echo . NewHTTPError ( http . StatusInternalServerError , "Failed to seek file" ) . SetInternal ( err )
fileBytes , err := io . ReadAll ( sourceFile )
if err != nil {
return echo . NewHTTPError ( http . StatusInternalServerError , "Failed to load file" ) . SetInternal ( err )
thumbnailBytes , err := common . ResizeImageBlob ( fileBytes , 302 , filetype )
thumbnailPath := path . Join ( s . Profile . Data , common . ThumbnailDir , publicID )
err := common . ResizeImageFile ( thumbnailPath , filePath , filetype )
if err != nil {
return echo . NewHTTPError ( http . StatusInternalServerError , "Failed to generate thumbnail" ) . SetInternal ( err )
dir := filepath . Join ( s . Profile . Data , common . ThumbnailPath )
if err = os . MkdirAll ( dir , os . ModePerm ) ; err != nil {
return echo . NewHTTPError ( http . StatusInternalServerError , "Failed to create directory" ) . SetInternal ( err )
err = os . WriteFile ( filepath . Join ( dir , publicID ) , thumbnailBytes , 0666 )
if err != nil {
return echo . NewHTTPError ( http . StatusInternalServerError , "Failed to create thumbnail" ) . SetInternal ( err )
resourceCreate = & api . ResourceCreate {
@ -346,7 +328,7 @@ func (s *Server) registerResourceRoutes(g *echo.Group) {
log . Warn ( fmt . Sprintf ( "failed to delete local file with path %s" , resource . InternalPath ) , zap . Error ( err ) )
thumbnailPath := file path. Join ( s . Profile . Data , common . Thumbnail Path , resource . PublicID )
thumbnailPath := path. Join ( s . Profile . Data , common . Thumbnail Dir , resource . PublicID )
err = os . Remove ( thumbnailPath )
if err != nil {
log . Warn ( fmt . Sprintf ( "failed to delete local thumbnail with path %s" , thumbnailPath ) , zap . Error ( err ) )
@ -442,9 +424,18 @@ func (s *Server) registerResourcePublicRoutes(g *echo.Group) {
if resource . InternalPath != "" {
resourcePath := resource . InternalPath
if c . QueryParam ( "thumbnail" ) == "1" && ( resource . Type == "image/jpeg" || resource . Type == "image/png" ) {
thumbnailPath := file path. Join ( s . Profile . Data , common . Thumbnail Path , resource . PublicID )
thumbnailPath := path. Join ( s . Profile . Data , common . Thumbnail Dir , resource . PublicID )
if _ , err := os . Stat ( thumbnailPath ) ; err == nil {
resourcePath = thumbnailPath
} else if os . IsNotExist ( err ) {
err := common . ResizeImageFile ( thumbnailPath , resourcePath , resource . Type )
if err != nil {
return echo . NewHTTPError ( http . StatusInternalServerError , fmt . Sprintf ( "Failed to resize resource: %s" , resourcePath ) ) . SetInternal ( err )
resourcePath = thumbnailPath
} else {
return echo . NewHTTPError ( http . StatusInternalServerError , fmt . Sprintf ( "Failed to check resource thumbnail stat: %s" , thumbnailPath ) ) . SetInternal ( err )