package postgres
import (
storepb "github.com/usememos/memos/proto/gen/store"
func (d *DB) CreateMemo(ctx context.Context, create *store.Memo) (*store.Memo, error) {
fields := []string{"uid", "creator_id", "content", "visibility", "payload"}
payload := "{}"
if create.Payload != nil {
payloadBytes, err := protojson.Marshal(create.Payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
payload = string(payloadBytes)
args := []any{create.UID, create.CreatorID, create.Content, create.Visibility, payload}
stmt := "INSERT INTO memo (" + strings.Join(fields, ", ") + ") VALUES (" + placeholders(len(args)) + ") RETURNING id, created_ts, updated_ts, row_status"
if err := d.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, stmt, args...).Scan(
); err != nil {
return nil, err
return create, nil
func (d *DB) ListMemos(ctx context.Context, find *store.FindMemo) ([]*store.Memo, error) {
where, args := []string{"1 = 1"}, []any{}
if v := find.ID; v != nil {
where, args = append(where, "memo.id = "+placeholder(len(args)+1)), append(args, *v)
if v := find.UID; v != nil {
where, args = append(where, "memo.uid = "+placeholder(len(args)+1)), append(args, *v)
if v := find.CreatorID; v != nil {
where, args = append(where, "memo.creator_id = "+placeholder(len(args)+1)), append(args, *v)
if v := find.RowStatus; v != nil {
where, args = append(where, "memo.row_status = "+placeholder(len(args)+1)), append(args, *v)
if v := find.CreatedTsBefore; v != nil {
where, args = append(where, "memo.created_ts < "+placeholder(len(args)+1)), append(args, *v)
if v := find.CreatedTsAfter; v != nil {
where, args = append(where, "memo.created_ts > "+placeholder(len(args)+1)), append(args, *v)
if v := find.UpdatedTsBefore; v != nil {
where, args = append(where, "memo.updated_ts < "+placeholder(len(args)+1)), append(args, *v)
if v := find.UpdatedTsAfter; v != nil {
where, args = append(where, "memo.updated_ts > "+placeholder(len(args)+1)), append(args, *v)
if v := find.ContentSearch; len(v) != 0 {
for _, s := range v {
where, args = append(where, "memo.content LIKE "+placeholder(len(args)+1)), append(args, fmt.Sprintf("%%%s%%", s))
if v := find.VisibilityList; len(v) != 0 {
holders := []string{}
for _, visibility := range v {
holders = append(holders, placeholder(len(args)+1))
args = append(args, visibility.String())
where = append(where, fmt.Sprintf("memo.visibility in (%s)", strings.Join(holders, ", ")))
if v := find.PayloadFind; v != nil {
if v.Raw != nil {
where, args = append(where, "memo.payload = "+placeholder(len(args)+1)), append(args, *v.Raw)
if v.Tag != nil {
where, args = append(where, "memo.payload->'property'->'tags' @> "+placeholder(len(args)+1)), append(args, fmt.Sprintf(`["%s"]`, *v.Tag))
if find.ExcludeComments {
where = append(where, "memo_relation.related_memo_id IS NULL")
orders := []string{}
if find.OrderByPinned {
orders = append(orders, "pinned DESC")
if find.OrderByUpdatedTs {
orders = append(orders, "updated_ts DESC")
} else {
orders = append(orders, "created_ts DESC")
orders = append(orders, "id DESC")
if find.Random {
orders = append(orders, "RAND()")
fields := []string{
`memo.id AS id`,
`memo.uid AS uid`,
`memo.creator_id AS creator_id`,
`memo.created_ts AS created_ts`,
`memo.updated_ts AS updated_ts`,
`memo.row_status AS row_status`,
`memo.visibility AS visibility`,
`memo.payload AS payload`,
`COALESCE(memo_organizer.pinned, 0) AS pinned`,
`memo_relation.related_memo_id AS parent_id`,
if !find.ExcludeContent {
fields = append(fields, `memo.content AS content`)
query := `SELECT ` + strings.Join(fields, ", ") + `
FROM memo
LEFT JOIN memo_organizer ON memo.id = memo_organizer.memo_id AND memo.creator_id = memo_organizer.user_id
LEFT JOIN memo_relation ON memo.id = memo_relation.memo_id AND memo_relation.type = 'COMMENT'
WHERE ` + strings.Join(where, " AND ") + `
ORDER BY ` + strings.Join(orders, ", ")
if find.Limit != nil {
query = fmt.Sprintf("%s LIMIT %d", query, *find.Limit)
if find.Offset != nil {
query = fmt.Sprintf("%s OFFSET %d", query, *find.Offset)
rows, err := d.db.QueryContext(ctx, query, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
list := make([]*store.Memo, 0)
for rows.Next() {
var memo store.Memo
var payloadBytes []byte
dests := []any{
if !find.ExcludeContent {
dests = append(dests, &memo.Content)
if err := rows.Scan(dests...); err != nil {
return nil, err
payload := &storepb.MemoPayload{}
if err := protojsonUnmarshaler.Unmarshal(payloadBytes, payload); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal payload")
memo.Payload = payload
list = append(list, &memo)
if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return list, nil
func (d *DB) GetMemo(ctx context.Context, find *store.FindMemo) (*store.Memo, error) {
list, err := d.ListMemos(ctx, find)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(list) == 0 {
return nil, nil
memo := list[0]
return memo, nil
func (d *DB) UpdateMemo(ctx context.Context, update *store.UpdateMemo) error {
set, args := []string{}, []any{}
if v := update.UID; v != nil {
set, args = append(set, "uid = "+placeholder(len(args)+1)), append(args, *v)
if v := update.CreatedTs; v != nil {
set, args = append(set, "created_ts = "+placeholder(len(args)+1)), append(args, *v)
if v := update.UpdatedTs; v != nil {
set, args = append(set, "updated_ts = "+placeholder(len(args)+1)), append(args, *v)
if v := update.RowStatus; v != nil {
set, args = append(set, "row_status = "+placeholder(len(args)+1)), append(args, *v)
if v := update.Content; v != nil {
set, args = append(set, "content = "+placeholder(len(args)+1)), append(args, *v)
if v := update.Visibility; v != nil {
set, args = append(set, "visibility = "+placeholder(len(args)+1)), append(args, *v)
if v := update.Payload; v != nil {
payloadBytes, err := protojson.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return err
set, args = append(set, "payload = "+placeholder(len(args)+1)), append(args, string(payloadBytes))
stmt := `UPDATE memo SET ` + strings.Join(set, ", ") + ` WHERE id = ` + placeholder(len(args)+1)
args = append(args, update.ID)
if _, err := d.db.ExecContext(ctx, stmt, args...); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (d *DB) DeleteMemo(ctx context.Context, delete *store.DeleteMemo) error {
where, args := []string{"id = " + placeholder(1)}, []any{delete.ID}
stmt := `DELETE FROM memo WHERE ` + strings.Join(where, " AND ")
result, err := d.db.ExecContext(ctx, stmt, args...)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to delete memo")
if _, err := result.RowsAffected(); err != nil {
return err
return nil