An open-source, self-hosted note-taking solution designed for seamless deployment and multi-platform access. Experience effortless plain text writing with pain-free, complemented by robust Markdown syntax support for enhanced formatting.
> This command is only applicable for Unix/Linux systems. For Windows, please refer to the detailed [documentation](
> The `~/.memos/` directory will be used as the data directory on your local machine, while `/var/opt/memos` is the directory of the volume in Docker and should not be modified.
Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. We greatly appreciate any contributions you make. Thank you for being a part of our community! 🥰
- [**Slash**]( An open source, self-hosted bookmarks and link sharing platform. Save and share your links very easily.
- [**Gomark**]( A markdown parser written in Go for Memos. And its [WebAssembly version]( is also available.