You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

20 lines
829 B

- include_threads ||= false
- is_predecessor ||= false
- is_successor ||= false
- centered ||= include_threads && !is_predecessor && !is_successor
- if status.reply? && include_threads
= render partial: 'status', collection: @ancestors, as: :status, locals: { is_predecessor: true }
.entry{ class: entry_classes(status, is_predecessor, is_successor, include_threads) }
- if status.reblog?
Shared by
= link_to display_name(status.account), TagManager.instance.url_for(status.account), class: 'name'
= render partial: centered ? 'stream_entries/detailed_status' : 'stream_entries/simple_status', locals: { status: proper_status(status) }
- if include_threads
= render partial: 'status', collection: @descendants, as: :status, locals: { is_successor: true }