You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

40 lines
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- show_results = (user_signed_in? && poll.voted?(current_account)) || poll.expired?
- own_votes = user_signed_in? ? poll.own_votes(current_account) : []
- total_votes_count = poll.voters_count || poll.votes_count
- poll.loaded_options.each_with_index do |option, index|
- if show_results
- percent = total_votes_count > 0 ? 100 * option.votes_count / total_votes_count : 0
= "#{percent.round}%"
= prerender_custom_emojis(h(option.title), status.emojis)
- if own_votes.include?(index)
%progress{ max: 100, value: percent < 1 ? 1 : percent, 'aria-hidden': 'true' }
- else
%span.poll__input{ class: poll.multiple? ? 'checkbox' : nil }><
= prerender_custom_emojis(h(option.title), status.emojis)
- unless show_results
%button.button.button-secondary{ disabled: true }
= t('')
- if poll.voters_count.nil?
%span= t('statuses.poll.total_votes', count: poll.votes_count)
- else
%span= t('statuses.poll.total_people', count: poll.voters_count)
- unless poll.expires_at.nil?
%span= l poll.expires_at