You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

312 lines
12 KiB

about_mastodon: Mastodon esas <em>gratuita, apertitkodexa</em> sociala reto. Ol esas <em>sencentra</em> altra alternativo a komercala servadi. Ol evitigas, ke sola firmo guvernez tua tota komunikadol. Selektez servero, quan tu fidas. Irge qua esas tua selekto, tu povas komunikar kun omna altra uzeri. Irgu povas krear sua propra instaluro di Mastodon en sua servero, e partoprenar en la <em>sociala reto</em> tote glate.
about_this: Pri ta instaluro
apps: Apliki
business_email: 'Profesionala retpost-adreso:'
closed_registrations: Membresko ne nun esas posible en ta instaluro.
contact: Kontaktar
description_headline: Quo esas %{domain}?
domain_count_after: altra instaluri
domain_count_before: Konektita ad
api: Apertita API por apliki e servadi
blocks: Kompleta utensili por blokusar e celar
characters: Til 500 signi por singla mesajo
chronology: Tempolinei seguntempa
ethics: 'Etike kreita: nula anunco, nula trakado'
gifv: Posibleso diskononigar mikra videi e GIFV
privacy: Videbleso ajustita segun la mesajo
public: Publika tempolinei
features_headline: Quale Mastodon esas diferanta
get_started: Komencar
links: Ligili
other_instances: Altra instaluri
source_code: Fontkodexo
status_count_after: mesaji
status_count_before: Qua publikigis
terms: Terms
user_count_after: uzeri
user_count_before: Hemo di
follow: Sequar
followers: Sequanti
following: Sequati
nothing_here: Esas nulo hike!
people_followed_by: Sequati da %{name}
people_who_follow: Sequanti di %{name}
posts: Mesaji
remote_follow: Fore sequar
unfollow: Dessequar
are_you_sure: Ka tu esas certa?
display_name: Display name
domain: Domain
edit: Edit
email: E-mail
feed_url: Feed URL
followers: Followers
follows: Follows
all: All
local: Local
remote: Remote
title: Location
media_attachments: Media attachments
all: All
silenced: Silenced
suspended: Suspended
title: Moderation
most_recent_activity: Most recent activity
most_recent_ip: Most recent IP
not_subscribed: Not subscribed
alphabetic: Alphabetic
most_recent: Most recent
title: Order
perform_full_suspension: Perform full suspension
profile_url: Profile URL
public: Public
push_subscription_expires: PuSH subscription expires
reset_password: Reset password
salmon_url: Salmon URL
created_reports: Reports created by this account
report: report
targeted_reports: Reports made about this account
silence: Silence
statuses: Statuses
title: Accounts
undo_silenced: Undo silence
undo_suspension: Undo suspension
username: Username
web: Web
add_new: Add new
created_msg: Domain block is now being processed
destroyed_msg: Domain block has been undone
domain: Domain
create: Create block
hint: The domain block will not prevent creation of account entries in the database, but will retroactively and automatically apply specific moderation methods on those accounts.
desc_html: "<strong>Silence</strong> will make the account's posts invisible to anyone who isn't following them. <strong>Suspend</strong> will remove all of the account's content, media, and profile data."
silence: Silence
suspend: Suspend
title: New domain block
reject_media: Reject media files
reject_media_hint: Removes locally stored media files and refuses to download any in the future. Irrelevant for suspensions
silence: Silence
suspend: Suspend
severity: Severity
one: One account in the database affected
other: "%{count} accounts in the database affected"
silence: Unsilence all existing accounts from this domain
suspend: Unsuspend all existing accounts from this domain
title: Undo domain block for %{domain}
undo: Undo
title: Domain Blocks
undo: Undo
account_count: Known accounts
domain_name: Domain
title: Known Instances
callback_url: Callback URL
confirmed: Confirmed
expires_in: Expires in
last_delivery: Last delivery
title: PubSubHubbub
topic: Topic
label: Comment
none: None
delete: Delete
id: ID
mark_as_resolved: Mark as resolved
report: 'Report #%{id}'
reported_account: Reported account
reported_by: Reported by
resolved: Resolved
silence_account: Silence account
status: Status
suspend_account: Suspend account
target: Target
title: Reports
unresolved: Unresolved
view: View
click_to_edit: Click to edit
email: Enter a public e-mail address
label: Contact information
username: Enter a username
desc_html: Displayed on frontpage when registrations are closed<br>You can use HTML tags
title: Closed registration message
disabled: Disabled
enabled: Enabled
title: Open registration
setting: Setting
desc_html: Displayed as a paragraph on the frontpage and used as a meta tag.<br>You can use HTML tags, in particular <code>&lt;a&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;em&gt;</code>.
title: Site description
desc_html: Displayed on extended information page<br>You can use HTML tags
title: Extended site description
site_title: Site title
title: Site Settings
title: Administration
settings: 'Chanjar la retpost-mesajala preferi: %{link}'
signature: Savigi di Mastodon de %{instance}
view: 'Vidar:'
invalid_url: La URL donita ne esas valida
change_password: Chanjar pasvorto
didnt_get_confirmation: Ka tu ne recevis la instrucioni por konfirmar?
forgot_password: Pasvorto obliviita?
login: Enirar
logout: Ekirar
register: Membreskar
resend_confirmation: Risendar la instrucioni por konfirmar
reset_password: Chanjar la pasvorto
set_new_password: Selektar nova pasvorto
error: Regretinde, eventis eraro probante konsultar la fora konto
follow: Sequar
prompt_html: 'Tu (<strong>%{self}</strong>) demandis sequar:'
title: Sequar %{acct}
about_x_hours: "%{count}h"
about_x_months: "%{count}mo"
about_x_years: "%{count}y"
almost_x_years: "%{count}y"
half_a_minute: Jus
less_than_x_minutes: "%{count}m"
less_than_x_seconds: Jus
over_x_years: "%{count}y"
x_days: "%{count}d"
x_minutes: "%{count}m"
x_months: "%{count}mo"
x_seconds: "%{count}s"
'404': La pagino quan tu serchas ne existas.
'410': La pagino quan tu serchas ne plus existas.
content: Security verification failed. Are you blocking cookies?
title: Security verification failed
blocks: Tu blokusas
csv: CSV
follows: Tu sequas
mutes: You mute
storage: Konservado di kontenajo
changes_saved_msg: Chanji senprobleme konservita!
powered_by: povigita da %{link}
save_changes: Konservar la chanji
one: Ulo ne eventis senprobleme! Voluntez konsultar la suba eror-raporto.
other: Ulo ne eventis senprobleme! Voluntez konsultar la suba %{count} eror-raporti.
preface: Tu povas importacar kelka datumi, tal quala listi de omna homi quin tu sequas o blokusas, a tua konto di ca instaluro, per dosiero exportacita de altra instaluro.
success: Tua datumi esis senprobleme importacita ed esos traktita quale projetita.
blocking: Listo de blokusiti
following: Listo de sequati
muting: Muting list
upload: Kargar
landing_strip_html: <strong>%{name}</strong> esas uzero en %{link_to_root_path}. Tu povas sequar lu o komunikar kun lu, se tu havas konto irgaloke en la Fediverse. Se tu ne havas, tu povas <a href="%{sign_up_path}">membreskar hike</a>.
images_and_video: Cannot attach a video to a status that already contains images
too_many: Cannot attach more than 4 files
body: 'Yen mikra rezumo di to, quo eventis en %{instance}, depos ke tu laste vizitis en %{since}:'
mention: "%{name} mencionis tu en:"
one: Tu obtenis nova sequanto! Yey!
other: Tu obtenis %{count} nova sequanti! Astonive!
one: "1 nova savigo depos tua lasta vizito \U0001F418"
other: "%{count} nova savigi depos tua lasta vizito \U0001F418"
body: '%{name} favoris tua mesajo:'
subject: "%{name} favoris tua mesajo"
body: "%{name} sequeskas tu!"
subject: "%{name} sequeskas tu"
body: "%{name} demandis sequar tu"
subject: '%{name} demandis sequar tu'
body: '%{name} mencionis tu en:'
subject: '%{name} mencionis tu'
body: '%{name} diskonocigis tua mesajo:'
subject: "%{name} diskonocigis tua mesajo"
next: Sequanta
prev: Preiranta
truncate: "&hellip;"
acct: Enpozez tua uzernomo@instaluro de ube tu volas sequar ta uzero
missing_resource: La URL di plussendado ne povis esar trovita
proceed: Durar por plussendar
prompt: 'Tu sequeskos:'
authorized_apps: Yurizita apliki
back: Retro a Mastodon
edit_profile: Redaktar la profilo
export: Exportacar datumi
import: Importacar
preferences: Preferi
settings: Settings
two_factor_authentication: Dufaktora autentikigo
open_in_web: Apertar retnavigile
over_character_limit: limito de %{max} signi ecesita
show_more: Montrar plue
private: Montrar nur a sequanti
public: Publika
unlisted: Publika, ma ne aperos en publika tempolinei
click_to_show: Kliktar por montrar
reblogged: diskonocigita
sensitive_content: Titiliva kontenajo
default: "%b %d, %Y, %H:%M"
code_hint: Enter the code generated by your authenticator app to confirm
description_html: Se tu posibligas <strong>dufaktora autentikigo</strong>, tu bezonos tua poshtelefonilo por enirar, nam ol kreos nombri, quin tu devos enskribar.
disable: Extingar
enable: Acendar
enabled_success: Two-factor authentication successfully enabled
generate_recovery_codes: Generate Recovery Codes
instructions_html: "<strong>Skanez ta QR-kodexo per Google Authenticator o per simila apliko di tua poshtelefonilo</strong>. De lore, la apliko kreos nombri, quin tu devos enskribar."
lost_recovery_codes: Recovery codes allow you to regain access to your account if you lose your phone. If you've lost your recovery codes, you can regenerate them here. Your old recovery codes will be invalidated.
manual_instructions: 'If you can''t scan the QR code and need to enter it manually, here is the plain-text secret:'
recovery_codes_regenerated: Recovery codes successfully regenerated
recovery_instructions: If you ever lose access to your phone, you can use one of the recovery codes below to regain access to your account. Keep the recovery codes safe, for example by printing them and storing them with other important documents.
setup: Set up
wrong_code: The entered code was invalid! Are server time and device time correct?
invalid_email: La retpost-adreso ne esas valida
invalid_otp_token: La dufaktora autentikigila kodexo ne esas valida