# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'Admin::Roles' do context 'when user has administrator permissions' do let(:user_role) { Fabricate(:user_role, permissions: UserRole::FLAGS[:administrator], position: 10) } before { sign_in Fabricate(:user, role: user_role) } it 'creates new user role' do visit new_admin_role_path fill_in 'user_role_name', with: 'Baz' fill_in 'user_role_position', with: '1' check 'user_role_permissions_as_keys_manage_reports' check 'user_role_permissions_as_keys_manage_roles' expect { click_on I18n.t('admin.roles.add_new') } .to change(UserRole, :count) expect(page) .to have_title(I18n.t('admin.roles.title')) end end context 'when user has permissions to manage roles' do let(:user_role) { Fabricate(:user_role, permissions: UserRole::FLAGS[:manage_roles], position: 10) } before { sign_in Fabricate(:user, role: user_role) } it 'Creates user roles' do visit admin_roles_path expect(page) .to have_title(I18n.t('admin.roles.title')) click_on I18n.t('admin.roles.add_new') expect(page) .to have_title(I18n.t('admin.roles.add_new')) # Position too high fill_in 'user_role_name', with: 'Baz' fill_in 'user_role_position', with: '100' expect { click_on I18n.t('admin.roles.add_new') } .to_not change(UserRole, :count) expect(page) .to have_content(I18n.t('activerecord.errors.models.user_role.attributes.position.elevated')) # Valid submission fill_in 'user_role_name', with: 'Baz' fill_in 'user_role_position', with: '5' # Lower than user check 'user_role_permissions_as_keys_manage_roles' # User has permission expect { click_on I18n.t('admin.roles.add_new') } .to change(UserRole, :count) expect(page) .to have_title(I18n.t('admin.roles.title')) end it 'Manages existing user roles' do role = Fabricate :user_role, name: 'Baz' visit edit_admin_role_path(role) expect(page) .to have_title(I18n.t('admin.roles.edit', name: 'Baz')) # Update role attribute fill_in 'user_role_position', with: '5' # Lower than user expect { click_on submit_button } .to(change { role.reload.position }) # Destroy the role visit edit_admin_role_path(role) expect { click_on I18n.t('admin.roles.delete') } .to change(UserRole, :count).by(-1) expect(page) .to have_title(I18n.t('admin.roles.title')) end end end