@ -360,22 +360,47 @@ export const Search: React.FC<{
const couldBeURL =
trimmedValue . startsWith ( 'https://' ) && ! trimmedValue . includes ( ' ' ) ;
let mastoPath ;
if ( couldBeURL ) {
newQuickActions . push ( QuickActionGenerators . couldBeURL ( trimmedValue ) ) ;
// presume URL is from a mastodon server; not just some random web URL
mastoPath = new URL ( trimmedValue ) . pathname . replace ( /^\// , '' ) ;
} else {
mastoPath = '' ;
const couldBeHashtag =
( trimmedValue . startsWith ( '#' ) && trimmedValue . length > 1 ) ||
trimmedValue . match ( HASHTAG_REGEX ) ;
trimmedValue . match ( HASHTAG_REGEX ) ||
( couldBeURL && mastoPath . startsWith ( 'tags/' ) ) ;
if ( couldBeHashtag ) {
newQuickActions . push ( QuickActionGenerators . couldBeHashtag ( trimmedValue . replace ( /^#/ , '' ) ) ) ;
const hashtag = couldBeURL
? mastoPath . replace ( /^tags\// , '' )
: trimmedValue . replace ( /^#/ , '' ) ;
const couldBeUsername = /^@?[a-z0-9_-]+(@[^\s]+)?$/i . exec ( trimmedValue ) ;
newQuickActions . push ( QuickActionGenerators . couldBeHashtag ( hashtag ) ) ;
const userRegexp = /^@?[a-z0-9_-]+(@[^\s]+)?$/i ;
const couldBeUsername =
userRegexp . test ( trimmedValue ) ||
( couldBeURL && userRegexp . test ( mastoPath ) ) ;
if ( couldBeUsername ) {
newQuickActions . push ( QuickActionGenerators . couldBeUsername ( trimmedValue . replace ( /^@/ , '' ) ) ) ;
const mastoUser = mastoPath . replace ( /^@/ , '' ) ;
const username = ! couldBeURL
? trimmedValue . replace ( /^@/ , '' )
: // @ts-expect-error : mastoPath was tested against userRegexp above, meaning there must be at least one `@`:
// so match can't return null here
mastoPath . match ( /@/g ) . length === 1
? // if there's only 1 `@` in mastoPath, obtain domain from URL's FQDN & append to mastoUser
` ${ mastoUser } @ ${ new URL ( trimmedValue ) . hostname } `
: // otherwise there were at least (hopefully, only) 2, and it's a full masto identifier
mastoUser ;
newQuickActions . push ( QuickActionGenerators . couldBeUsername ( username ) ) ;
const couldBeStatusSearch = searchEnabled ;