# frozen_string_literal: true
# == Schema Information
# Table name: accounts
# id :bigint(8) not null, primary key
# username :string default(""), not null
# domain :string
# secret :string default(""), not null
# private_key :text
# public_key :text default(""), not null
# remote_url :string default(""), not null
# salmon_url :string default(""), not null
# hub_url :string default(""), not null
# created_at :datetime not null
# updated_at :datetime not null
# note :text default(""), not null
# display_name :string default(""), not null
# uri :string default(""), not null
# url :string
# avatar_file_name :string
# avatar_content_type :string
# avatar_file_size :integer
# avatar_updated_at :datetime
# header_file_name :string
# header_content_type :string
# header_file_size :integer
# header_updated_at :datetime
# avatar_remote_url :string
# subscription_expires_at :datetime
# locked :boolean default(FALSE), not null
# header_remote_url :string default(""), not null
# last_webfingered_at :datetime
# inbox_url :string default(""), not null
# outbox_url :string default(""), not null
# shared_inbox_url :string default(""), not null
# followers_url :string default(""), not null
# protocol :integer default("ostatus"), not null
# memorial :boolean default(FALSE), not null
# moved_to_account_id :bigint(8)
# featured_collection_url :string
# fields :jsonb
# actor_type :string
# discoverable :boolean
# also_known_as :string is an Array
# silenced_at :datetime
# suspended_at :datetime
class Account < ApplicationRecord
USERNAME_RE = / [a-z0-9_]+([a-z0-9_ \ .-]+[a-z0-9_]+)? /i
MENTION_RE = / (?<=^|[^ \/ [:word:]])@(( #{ USERNAME_RE } )(?:@[a-z0-9 \ . \ -]+[a-z0-9]+)?) /i
include AccountAssociations
include AccountAvatar
include AccountFinderConcern
include AccountHeader
Account domain blocks (#2381)
* Add <ostatus:conversation /> tag to Atom input/output
Only uses ref attribute (not href) because href would be
the alternate link that's always included also.
Creates new conversation for every non-reply status. Carries
over conversation for every reply. Keeps remote URIs verbatim,
generates local URIs on the fly like the rest of them.
* Conversation muting - prevents notifications that reference a conversation
(including replies, favourites, reblogs) from being created. API endpoints
/api/v1/statuses/:id/mute and /api/v1/statuses/:id/unmute
Currently no way to tell when a status/conversation is muted, so the web UI
only has a "disable notifications" button, doesn't work as a toggle
* Display "Dismiss notifications" on all statuses in notifications column, not just own
* Add "muted" as a boolean attribute on statuses JSON
For now always false on contained reblogs, since it's only relevant for
statuses returned from the notifications endpoint, which are not nested
Remove "Disable notifications" from detailed status view, since it's
only relevant in the notifications column
* Up max class length
* Remove pending test for conversation mute
* Add tests, clean up
* Rename to "mute conversation" and "unmute conversation"
* Raise validation error when trying to mute/unmute status without conversation
* Adding account domain blocks that filter notifications and public timelines
* Add tests for domain blocks in notifications, public timelines
Filter reblogs of blocked domains from home
* Add API for listing and creating account domain blocks
* API for creating/deleting domain blocks, tests for Status#ancestors
and Status#descendants, filter domain blocks from them
* Filter domains in streaming API
* Update account_domain_block_spec.rb
8 years ago
include AccountInteractions
include Attachmentable
include Paginable
include AccountCounters
include DomainNormalizable
enum protocol : [ :ostatus , :activitypub ]
validates :username , presence : true
# Remote user validations
validates :username , uniqueness : { scope : :domain , case_sensitive : true } , if : - > { ! local? && will_save_change_to_username? }
validates :username , format : { with : / \ A #{ USERNAME_RE } \ z /i } , if : - > { ! local? && will_save_change_to_username? }
# Local user validations
validates :username , format : { with : / \ A[a-z0-9_]+ \ z /i } , length : { maximum : 30 } , if : - > { local? && will_save_change_to_username? }
validates_with UniqueUsernameValidator , if : - > { local? && will_save_change_to_username? }
validates_with UnreservedUsernameValidator , if : - > { local? && will_save_change_to_username? }
validates :display_name , length : { maximum : 30 } , if : - > { local? && will_save_change_to_display_name? }
validates :note , note_length : { maximum : 160 } , if : - > { local? && will_save_change_to_note? }
validates :fields , length : { maximum : 4 } , if : - > { local? && will_save_change_to_fields? }
scope :remote , - > { where . not ( domain : nil ) }
scope :local , - > { where ( domain : nil ) }
scope :expiring , - > ( time ) { remote . where . not ( subscription_expires_at : nil ) . where ( 'subscription_expires_at < ?' , time ) }
scope :partitioned , - > { order ( Arel . sql ( 'row_number() over (partition by domain)' ) ) }
scope :silenced , - > { where . not ( silenced_at : nil ) }
scope :suspended , - > { where . not ( suspended_at : nil ) }
scope :without_suspended , - > { where ( suspended_at : nil ) }
scope :without_silenced , - > { where ( silenced_at : nil ) }
scope :recent , - > { reorder ( id : :desc ) }
scope :bots , - > { where ( actor_type : %w( Application Service ) ) }
scope :alphabetic , - > { order ( domain : :asc , username : :asc ) }
scope :by_domain_accounts , - > { group ( :domain ) . select ( :domain , 'COUNT(*) AS accounts_count' ) . order ( 'accounts_count desc' ) }
scope :matches_username , - > ( value ) { where ( arel_table [ :username ] . matches ( " #{ value } % " ) ) }
scope :matches_display_name , - > ( value ) { where ( arel_table [ :display_name ] . matches ( " #{ value } % " ) ) }
scope :matches_domain , - > ( value ) { where ( arel_table [ :domain ] . matches ( " % #{ value } % " ) ) }
scope :searchable , - > { without_suspended . where ( moved_to_account_id : nil ) }
scope :discoverable , - > { searchable . without_silenced . where ( discoverable : true ) . joins ( :account_stat ) . where ( AccountStat . arel_table [ :followers_count ] . gteq ( MIN_FOLLOWERS_DISCOVERY ) ) }
scope :tagged_with , - > ( tag ) { joins ( :accounts_tags ) . where ( accounts_tags : { tag_id : tag } ) }
scope :by_recent_status , - > { order ( Arel . sql ( '(case when account_stats.last_status_at is null then 1 else 0 end) asc, account_stats.last_status_at desc' ) ) }
scope :popular , - > { order ( 'account_stats.followers_count desc' ) }
delegate :email ,
:unconfirmed_email ,
:current_sign_in_ip ,
:current_sign_in_at ,
:confirmed? ,
:approved? ,
:pending? ,
:admin? ,
:moderator? ,
:staff? ,
:locale ,
:hides_network? ,
:shows_application? ,
to : :user ,
prefix : true ,
allow_nil : true
delegate :chosen_languages , to : :user , prefix : false , allow_nil : true
def local?
domain . nil?
def moved?
moved_to_account_id . present?
def bot?
%w( Application Service ) . include? actor_type
alias bot bot?
def bot = ( val )
self . actor_type = ActiveModel :: Type :: Boolean . new . cast ( val ) ? 'Service' : 'Person'
def acct
local? ? username : " #{ username } @ #{ domain } "
def local_username_and_domain
" #{ username } @ #{ Rails . configuration . x . local_domain } "
Add local followers page to admin account UI (#9610)
* Add local followers page to admin account UI
For moderation, I often find myself wondering who, locally, is following
a remote user. Currently, to see this, I have to go back to the web UI,
paste in their full handle, click their profile, and go to the
"Followers" tab (plus, this information is incidental, and if mastodon
ever decides to resolve all of the follower information, there will be
no place local followers are shown). This PR adds a new page which is
accessible via the "following" count on the admin's account view
page, which shows the local followers. (It has filter parameters for
account location to indicate that only local followers are shown, and
leave room for expansion if mastodon ever decides to store the entire
remote follow list).
* Normalize en.yml
6 years ago
def local_followers_count
Follow . where ( target_account_id : id ) . count
def to_webfinger_s
" acct: #{ local_username_and_domain } "
def subscribed?
subscription_expires_at . present?
def possibly_stale?
last_webfingered_at . nil? || last_webfingered_at < = 1 . day . ago
def refresh!
return if local?
ResolveAccountService . new . call ( acct )
def silenced?
silenced_at . present?
def silence! ( date = nil )
date || = Time . now . utc
update! ( silenced_at : date )
Add moderation warnings (#9519)
* Add moderation warnings
Replace individual routes for disabling, silencing, and suspending
a user, as well as the report update route, with a unified account
action controller that allows you to select an action (none,
disable, silence, suspend) as well as whether it should generate an
e-mail notification with optional custom text. That notification,
with the optional custom text, is saved as a warning.
Additionally, there are warning presets you can configure to save
time when performing the above.
* Use Account#local_username_and_domain
6 years ago
def unsilence!
update! ( silenced_at : nil )
def suspended?
suspended_at . present?
Add moderation warnings (#9519)
* Add moderation warnings
Replace individual routes for disabling, silencing, and suspending
a user, as well as the report update route, with a unified account
action controller that allows you to select an action (none,
disable, silence, suspend) as well as whether it should generate an
e-mail notification with optional custom text. That notification,
with the optional custom text, is saved as a warning.
Additionally, there are warning presets you can configure to save
time when performing the above.
* Use Account#local_username_and_domain
6 years ago
def suspend! ( date = nil )
date || = Time . now . utc
transaction do
user & . disable! if local?
update! ( suspended_at : date )
def unsuspend!
transaction do
user & . enable! if local?
update! ( suspended_at : nil )
def memorialize!
transaction do
user & . disable! if local?
update! ( memorial : true )
def keypair
@keypair || = OpenSSL :: PKey :: RSA . new ( private_key || public_key )
def tags_as_strings = ( tag_names )
tag_names . map! { | name | name . mb_chars . downcase . to_s }
tag_names . uniq!
# Existing hashtags
hashtags_map = Tag . where ( name : tag_names ) . each_with_object ( { } ) { | tag , h | h [ tag . name ] = tag }
# Initialize not yet existing hashtags
tag_names . each do | name |
next if hashtags_map . key? ( name )
hashtags_map [ name ] = Tag . new ( name : name )
# Remove hashtags that are to be deleted
tags . each do | tag |
if hashtags_map . key? ( tag . name )
hashtags_map . delete ( tag . name )
transaction do
tags . delete ( tag )
tag . decrement_count! ( :accounts_count )
# Add hashtags that were so far missing
hashtags_map . each_value do | tag |
transaction do
tags << tag
tag . increment_count! ( :accounts_count )
def also_known_as
self [ :also_known_as ] || [ ]
def fields
( self [ :fields ] || [ ] ) . map { | f | Field . new ( self , f ) }
def fields_attributes = ( attributes )
fields = [ ]
old_fields = self [ :fields ] || [ ]
old_fields = [ ] if old_fields . is_a? ( Hash )
if attributes . is_a? ( Hash )
attributes . each_value do | attr |
next if attr [ :name ] . blank?
previous = old_fields . find { | item | item [ 'value' ] == attr [ :value ] }
if previous && previous [ 'verified_at' ] . present?
attr [ :verified_at ] = previous [ 'verified_at' ]
fields << attr
self [ :fields ] = fields
def build_fields
return if fields . size > = DEFAULT_FIELDS_SIZE
tmp = self [ :fields ] || [ ]
tmp = [ ] if tmp . is_a? ( Hash )
( DEFAULT_FIELDS_SIZE - tmp . size ) . times do
tmp << { name : '' , value : '' }
self . fields = tmp
def magic_key
modulus , exponent = [ keypair . public_key . n , keypair . public_key . e ] . map do | component |
result = [ ]
until component . zero?
result << [ component % 256 ] . pack ( 'C' )
component >> = 8
result . reverse . join
( [ 'RSA' ] + [ modulus , exponent ] . map { | n | Base64 . urlsafe_encode64 ( n ) } ) . join ( '.' )
def subscription ( webhook_url )
@subscription || = OStatus2 :: Subscription . new ( remote_url , secret : secret , webhook : webhook_url , hub : hub_url )
def save_with_optional_media!
rescue ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid
self . avatar = nil
self . header = nil
self [ :avatar_remote_url ] = ''
self [ :header_remote_url ] = ''
def object_type
def to_param
def excluded_from_timeline_account_ids
Rails . cache . fetch ( " exclude_account_ids_for: #{ id } " ) { blocking . pluck ( :target_account_id ) + blocked_by . pluck ( :account_id ) + muting . pluck ( :target_account_id ) }
Account domain blocks (#2381)
* Add <ostatus:conversation /> tag to Atom input/output
Only uses ref attribute (not href) because href would be
the alternate link that's always included also.
Creates new conversation for every non-reply status. Carries
over conversation for every reply. Keeps remote URIs verbatim,
generates local URIs on the fly like the rest of them.
* Conversation muting - prevents notifications that reference a conversation
(including replies, favourites, reblogs) from being created. API endpoints
/api/v1/statuses/:id/mute and /api/v1/statuses/:id/unmute
Currently no way to tell when a status/conversation is muted, so the web UI
only has a "disable notifications" button, doesn't work as a toggle
* Display "Dismiss notifications" on all statuses in notifications column, not just own
* Add "muted" as a boolean attribute on statuses JSON
For now always false on contained reblogs, since it's only relevant for
statuses returned from the notifications endpoint, which are not nested
Remove "Disable notifications" from detailed status view, since it's
only relevant in the notifications column
* Up max class length
* Remove pending test for conversation mute
* Add tests, clean up
* Rename to "mute conversation" and "unmute conversation"
* Raise validation error when trying to mute/unmute status without conversation
* Adding account domain blocks that filter notifications and public timelines
* Add tests for domain blocks in notifications, public timelines
Filter reblogs of blocked domains from home
* Add API for listing and creating account domain blocks
* API for creating/deleting domain blocks, tests for Status#ancestors
and Status#descendants, filter domain blocks from them
* Filter domains in streaming API
* Update account_domain_block_spec.rb
8 years ago
def excluded_from_timeline_domains
Rails . cache . fetch ( " exclude_domains_for: #{ id } " ) { domain_blocks . pluck ( :domain ) }
def preferred_inbox_url
shared_inbox_url . presence || inbox_url
class Field < ActiveModelSerializers :: Model
attributes :name , :value , :verified_at , :account , :errors
def initialize ( account , attributes )
@account = account
@attributes = attributes
@name = attributes [ 'name' ] . strip [ 0 , string_limit ]
@value = attributes [ 'value' ] . strip [ 0 , string_limit ]
@verified_at = attributes [ 'verified_at' ] & . to_datetime
@errors = { }
def verified?
verified_at . present?
def value_for_verification
@value_for_verification || = begin
if account . local?
ActionController :: Base . helpers . strip_tags ( value )
def verifiable?
value_for_verification . present? && value_for_verification . start_with? ( 'http://' , 'https://' )
def mark_verified!
@verified_at = Time . now . utc
@attributes [ 'verified_at' ] = @verified_at
def to_h
{ name : @name , value : @value , verified_at : @verified_at }
def string_limit
if account . local?
class << self
def readonly_attributes
super - %w( statuses_count following_count followers_count )
def domains
reorder ( nil ) . pluck ( Arel . sql ( 'distinct accounts.domain' ) )
def inboxes
urls = reorder ( nil ) . where ( protocol : :activitypub ) . pluck ( Arel . sql ( " distinct coalesce(nullif(accounts.shared_inbox_url, ''), accounts.inbox_url) " ) )
DeliveryFailureTracker . filter ( urls )
Add type, limit, offset, min_id, max_id, account_id to search API (#10091)
* Add type, limit, offset, min_id, max_id, account_id to search API
Fix #8939
* Make the offset work on accounts and hashtags search as well
* Assure brakeman we are not doing mass assignment here
* Do not allow paginating unless a type is chosen
* Fix search query and index id field on statuses instead of created_at
6 years ago
def search_for ( terms , limit = 10 , offset = 0 )
textsearch , query = generate_query_for_search ( terms )
sql = <<-SQL.squish
accounts . * ,
ts_rank_cd ( #{textsearch}, #{query}, 32) AS rank
FROM accounts
WHERE #{query} @@ #{textsearch}
AND accounts . suspended_at IS NULL
AND accounts . moved_to_account_id IS NULL
Add type, limit, offset, min_id, max_id, account_id to search API (#10091)
* Add type, limit, offset, min_id, max_id, account_id to search API
Fix #8939
* Make the offset work on accounts and hashtags search as well
* Assure brakeman we are not doing mass assignment here
* Do not allow paginating unless a type is chosen
* Fix search query and index id field on statuses instead of created_at
6 years ago
Add type, limit, offset, min_id, max_id, account_id to search API (#10091)
* Add type, limit, offset, min_id, max_id, account_id to search API
Fix #8939
* Make the offset work on accounts and hashtags search as well
* Assure brakeman we are not doing mass assignment here
* Do not allow paginating unless a type is chosen
* Fix search query and index id field on statuses instead of created_at
6 years ago
records = find_by_sql ( [ sql , limit , offset ] )
ActiveRecord :: Associations :: Preloader . new . preload ( records , :account_stat )
Add type, limit, offset, min_id, max_id, account_id to search API (#10091)
* Add type, limit, offset, min_id, max_id, account_id to search API
Fix #8939
* Make the offset work on accounts and hashtags search as well
* Assure brakeman we are not doing mass assignment here
* Do not allow paginating unless a type is chosen
* Fix search query and index id field on statuses instead of created_at
6 years ago
def advanced_search_for ( terms , account , limit = 10 , following = false , offset = 0 )
textsearch , query = generate_query_for_search ( terms )
if following
sql = <<-SQL.squish
WITH first_degree AS (
SELECT target_account_id
FROM follows
WHERE account_id = ?
accounts . * ,
( count ( f . id ) + 1 ) * ts_rank_cd ( #{textsearch}, #{query}, 32) AS rank
FROM accounts
LEFT OUTER JOIN follows AS f ON ( accounts . id = f . account_id AND f . target_account_id = ?) OR ( accounts . id = f . target_account_id AND f . account_id = ?)
WHERE accounts . id IN ( SELECT * FROM first_degree )
AND #{query} @@ #{textsearch}
AND accounts . suspended_at IS NULL
AND accounts . moved_to_account_id IS NULL
GROUP BY accounts . id
Add type, limit, offset, min_id, max_id, account_id to search API (#10091)
* Add type, limit, offset, min_id, max_id, account_id to search API
Fix #8939
* Make the offset work on accounts and hashtags search as well
* Assure brakeman we are not doing mass assignment here
* Do not allow paginating unless a type is chosen
* Fix search query and index id field on statuses instead of created_at
6 years ago
Add type, limit, offset, min_id, max_id, account_id to search API (#10091)
* Add type, limit, offset, min_id, max_id, account_id to search API
Fix #8939
* Make the offset work on accounts and hashtags search as well
* Assure brakeman we are not doing mass assignment here
* Do not allow paginating unless a type is chosen
* Fix search query and index id field on statuses instead of created_at
6 years ago
records = find_by_sql ( [ sql , account . id , account . id , account . id , limit , offset ] )
sql = <<-SQL.squish
accounts . * ,
( count ( f . id ) + 1 ) * ts_rank_cd ( #{textsearch}, #{query}, 32) AS rank
FROM accounts
LEFT OUTER JOIN follows AS f ON ( accounts . id = f . account_id AND f . target_account_id = ?) OR ( accounts . id = f . target_account_id AND f . account_id = ?)
WHERE #{query} @@ #{textsearch}
AND accounts . suspended_at IS NULL
AND accounts . moved_to_account_id IS NULL
GROUP BY accounts . id
Add type, limit, offset, min_id, max_id, account_id to search API (#10091)
* Add type, limit, offset, min_id, max_id, account_id to search API
Fix #8939
* Make the offset work on accounts and hashtags search as well
* Assure brakeman we are not doing mass assignment here
* Do not allow paginating unless a type is chosen
* Fix search query and index id field on statuses instead of created_at
6 years ago
Add type, limit, offset, min_id, max_id, account_id to search API (#10091)
* Add type, limit, offset, min_id, max_id, account_id to search API
Fix #8939
* Make the offset work on accounts and hashtags search as well
* Assure brakeman we are not doing mass assignment here
* Do not allow paginating unless a type is chosen
* Fix search query and index id field on statuses instead of created_at
6 years ago
records = find_by_sql ( [ sql , account . id , account . id , limit , offset ] )
ActiveRecord :: Associations :: Preloader . new . preload ( records , :account_stat )
def generate_query_for_search ( terms )
terms = Arel . sql ( connection . quote ( terms . gsub ( / ['? \\ :] / , ' ' ) ) )
textsearch = " (setweight(to_tsvector('simple', accounts.display_name), 'A') || setweight(to_tsvector('simple', accounts.username), 'B') || setweight(to_tsvector('simple', coalesce(accounts.domain, '')), 'C')) "
query = " to_tsquery('simple', ''' ' || #{ terms } || ' ''' || ':*') "
[ textsearch , query ]
def emojis
@emojis || = CustomEmoji . from_text ( emojifiable_text , domain )
before_create :generate_keys
before_validation :prepare_contents , if : :local?
before_validation :prepare_username , on : :create
before_destroy :clean_feed_manager
def prepare_contents
display_name & . strip!
note & . strip!
def prepare_username
username & . squish!
def generate_keys
return unless local? && ! Rails . env . test?
keypair = OpenSSL :: PKey :: RSA . new ( 2048 )
self . private_key = keypair . to_pem
self . public_key = keypair . public_key . to_pem
def normalize_domain
return if local?
def emojifiable_text
[ note , display_name , fields . map ( & :value ) ] . join ( ' ' )
def clean_feed_manager
reblog_key = FeedManager . instance . key ( :home , id , 'reblogs' )
reblogged_id_set = Redis . current . zrange ( reblog_key , 0 , - 1 )
Redis . current . pipelined do
Redis . current . del ( FeedManager . instance . key ( :home , id ) )
Redis . current . del ( reblog_key )
reblogged_id_set . each do | reblogged_id |
reblog_set_key = FeedManager . instance . key ( :home , id , " reblogs: #{ reblogged_id } " )
Redis . current . del ( reblog_set_key )