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82 lines
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id: 1881649602,
node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5wJ7HC',
number: 14140,
title: 'Broken: RIK HD Cyprus',
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id: 1707513547,
node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3',
url: '',
name: 'broken stream',
color: 'FBCA04',
default: false,
description: 'Stream is not working properly'
id: 3241837512,
node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwzMjQxODM3NTEy',
url: '',
name: 'CY',
color: '90FA7B',
default: false,
description: 'Cyprus'
state: 'open',
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assignees: [],
milestone: null,
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created_at: '2023-09-05T10:09:04Z',
updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:50:06Z',
closed_at: null,
author_association: 'NONE',
active_lock_reason: null,
body: '### Broken Link\n\n\n\n### What happened to the stream?\n\nNot loading\n\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\n\n\n\n### Notes (optional)\n\nToken needed...\r\nSame issue with RIK 1 and 2. May happen in the future with ANT1 Cyprus, Sigma and Omega.\n\n### Contributing Guide\n\n- [X] I have read [Contributing Guide](',
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