Commit Graph

3915 Commits (cdaf89b87d281aa31c897fdfbfbd175e1e8677ca)

Author SHA1 Message Date
freearhey 263d3cdb68 Formatted playlists
boomski f2d6e34f7b
Update py.m3u
boomski e30afe586f
Update ch.m3u
boomski a4328d5166
Update no.m3u
boomski 6cc115b65d
Update fr.m3u
boomski 26e717dbb1
Update fr.m3u
boomski ac8785ce2b
Update fr.m3u
boomski f7eb0c2d85
Update cr.m3u
boomski eba2449208
Update cr.m3u
boomski dcf9d7e2bc
Update cr.m3u
Rafael Barbosa Lopes 9241602fe3 Update br.m3u
Channel Additions:
- Luau TV
- Rede TV Mais
- Terê TV
- TV Cidade Canal 9
- TV Cidade de Petrópolis
- TV Max
- TV Natal
- TV Senado

Renamed Channels:
- Canção Nova Portugal;
- TV Gideões, misspelled.

Updated Channels:
- Rede Século 21.
boomski 914e972623
Update pl.m3u
data14a 07fd7fa020
Update ir.m3u
Added two channels (High Vision, and PBC Tapesh 2).
Replaced dead link for PBC Tapesh (backup).
boomski 2d73a1a5ad
Update am.m3u
boomski a073b7a1af
Update al.m3u
boomski 8009110a8e
Update rw.m3u
boomski 119ec7a05c
Update ci.m3u
boomski 40461e7876
Update jp.m3u
boomski 2c6baea230
Update si.m3u
Aleksandr Statciuk 2c18ceafa9
Merge pull request from exodiver/patch-10
Update iq.m3u
Aleksandr Statciuk a0e67122d0
Merge pull request from exodiver/patch-11
Update eg.m3u
boomski 4eb13127f2
Update se.m3u
Claypot_King 65d96aac12
Update eg.m3u
Add new link for MBC Masr and MBC Masr 2
Claypot_King dc72882edf
Update iq.m3u
Add new link for MBC Iraq
freearhey d0c2a92fd9 Formatted playlists
kimbrasil 5e22319e0f
Update br.m3u
freearhey 379b3eba65 Merge branch 'master' of
freearhey 3541da7a13 Update ae.m3u
Removed wrong group title
Aleksandr Statciuk 2a10a5d73e
Merge pull request from ksl1989/master
Hong Kong list cleanup
Aleksandr Statciuk c23e9da819
Update hk.m3u
Removed links
Aleksandr Statciuk 87a9f8e8f0
Merge pull request from Link4K/master
Arabic Updates
Link4K 987695a332
Fix Rotana HD links
Link4K 428facf17a
Use adaptive Syrian TV playlist
Link4K bb0497f482
Add Al Aan TV mirror
Link4K 6843e70c05
Replace kwmedia.hibridmedia with adaptive playlist
Link4K 89ff6e737c
Add Alghad Almushreq
Link4K 6f9bd600a5
Add Rotana HD channels
Link4K 71dd369a48
Add LBC International HD
ksl1989 03181a8b79
HK list cleanup
* 鳳凰資訊HD
  * Changed name to 鳳凰衛視資訊台, the full name of the channel.
  * Added Mandarin Chinese language
  * Added category
  * (This stream isn't working for me now but it was before. It may be a temporary issue or a bad stream.)
* 鳳凰資訊HD1
  * Removed. Not a live stream just a segment.
* 鳳凰香港高清
  * Removed. Not a live stream just a segment.
kimbrasil fb93ebf041
Update br.m3u
freearhey d0b774b4c0 Formatted playlists
ksl1989 f711ea48cc
HK list cleanup
* 香港開電視
  * Added Yue Chinese language.
* 鳳凰中文HD
  * Removed link. Not a live stream, only one segment.
* 鳳凰衛視
  * Changed the name to 鳳凰衛視中文台 (Phoenix Chinese Channel), it seems to be specifically this channel.
  * Added Mandarin Chinese language.
  * Moved logo URL from tvg-name to the correct attribute.
* 鳳凰衛視電影台
  * Removed logo URL from tvg-name.
  * Changed the logo into the one for this specific channel, not the network.
  * Added category.
* 鳳凰衛視香港台
  * Removed broken link.
ksl1989 738ccba099
Hong Kong list cleanup
* Thrill
  * Removed "Referer=". It isn't needed and, besides, this format should only work on Kodi.
* 新唐人亞太
  * Removed link. 亞太台 is the Taiwanese channel of 新唐人電視臺 New Tang Dynasty Television. It's already on the Taiwan list.
* 明珠台
  * Removed all links, couldn't get any to play, it only loads forever. Also, this is an English language channel.
* 星空衛視
  * Added Mandarin Chinese language.
  * Added Category.
* 有線18台
  * Removed. Not working, loads for ever.
* 有線新聞台
  * Corrected category.
  * Added Yue Chinese language.
* 有線綜合娛樂台
  * Replaced individual stream with multi-quality playlist.
  * Added Yue Chinese language.
* 港台電視31
  * Added Yue Chinese language.
* 港台電視32
  * Added Yue Chinese language.
  * Corrected category
* 港台電視33
  * Removed link, it's not working. This channel will be shut down this year and the stream is already down.
* 無線翡翠台
  * Added logo.
  * Added Yue Chinese language.
* 翡翠台
  * Removed all links, neither was working.
  * Remaining link should be 普通話翡翠台 Mandarin Jade but video seems corrupted, there is no sound so I can't be sure.
* 陽光衛視
  * Removed link. Not working.
* 香港衛視
  * Removed one non-working link.
  * Added Mandarin Chinese language.
SileC d7ab998bca
Add fr channels. Looks like not expiring.
freearhey 9f2147e61c Formatted playlists
ksl1989 6140fba15d
Hong Kong list cleanup
* BSTV耀才財經台(貢獻者:007)
  * Corrected name.
  * Added category. "Shop" seems the most appropriate, this is owned by a company  called耀才證券金融集 Bright Smart Securities & Commodities and seems to serve mostly as 24/7 advertisement for them, even if it may sometimes broadcast financial information.
  * Added Yue Chinese language.
  * Added logo.
* C+
  * Changed name to C+頻道 (as it shows everywhere else)
  * Added Yue Chinese language.
  * Added logo.
* Channel V
  * Changed name to Channel [V], as it appears everywhere else
  * Added category
* Star Sports
  * Added category.
  * Removed language. It's English whenever I checked it but i can't be sure this is an English only channel. It's not Chinese.
* Thrill
  * Corrected language to English, this isn't a Chinese language channel. But this may actually be a regional version, I saw a movie being played with what looked to me link Indonesian or Malay subtitles. Everything else is in English.
  * Added category.
* TVB韓劇台
  * Changed the name to 韓劇台. It's a TVB channel but it seems officially it's only called 韓劇台 (Korean Drama)
  * (Video shows as corrupted when watching this stream. If it's permanently like this the link should be removed.)
* 亞旅衛視
  * Added category.
  * Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 亞洲電視A1台
  * Changed name to A1台. This is an ATV channel but the name seems to be just A1台.
  * Added category.
  * Added Yue Chinese language.
* 天映頻道
  * Removed non working link.
  * Added category
  * Changed name to the channel's English name, Celestial Movies, because it's subtitled, intended for non-Chinese speakers.
boomski 65ac12bc42
Update ir.m3u
freearhey 83d16e4851 Update af.m3u
Replaced Pashto with Pushto.

The first version of the language name spelling is not supported at the moment. More details:
Aleksandr Statciuk bb72b05011
Merge pull request from jlapitan/patch-1
add channel logo
Aleksandr Statciuk 0902c41ef8
Merge pull request from kimbrasil/patch-9
Update br.m3u