mirror of https://github.com/iptv-org/iptv
Merge branch 'master' into Carlinhos027-patch-2
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
name: 🗑 Remove stream link
description: Request to remove a stream link from the playlist
title: 'Remove: '
labels: ['streams:remove']
- type: input
label: Stream URL
description: Link to the stream from a playlist
placeholder: 'https://lnc-kdfw-fox-aws.tubi.video/index.m3u8'
required: true
- type: dropdown
label: Reason
- Not loading
- Constantly interrupts/lagging
- Stuck at a single frame
- Visual artifacts
- Shows looped video
- No sound
- Displays a message asking to renew subscription
- Duplicate
- Other
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Notes (optional)
placeholder: 'Anything else we should know?'
- type: checkboxes
label: Contributing Guide
description: 'Please read this guide before posting your request'
- label: I have read [Contributing Guide](https://github.com/iptv-org/iptv/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
required: true
@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
name: ✂️ Removal request
name: ©️ Copyright removal request
description: Request to remove content
title: 'Remove: '
labels: ['removal request']
- type: markdown
value: |
This form is only for requests from the copyright owner or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner. If you're experiencing problems viewing a channel please fill a [Broken Stream](https://github.com/iptv-org/iptv/issues/new?assignees=&labels=broken+stream&template=-----broken-stream.yml&title=Fix%3A+) form instead.
- type: input
label: Your full legal name
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
blank_issues_enabled: false
blank_issues_enabled: true
- name: 🔍 Looking for a channel
url: https://github.com/orgs/iptv-org/discussions/new/choose
url: https://github.com/orgs/iptv-org/discussions/categories/channel-search
about: Need help finding a link to a channel stream
- name: 💡 Feature request
url: https://github.com/orgs/iptv-org/discussions/new/choose
url: https://github.com/orgs/iptv-org/discussions/categories/ideas
about: For any ideas or feature requests
- name: ❓ Ask a question
url: https://github.com/orgs/iptv-org/discussions/new/choose
url: https://github.com/orgs/iptv-org/discussions/categories/q-a
about: Ask questions about this project
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
const { logger, db, file } = require('../../core')
const _ = require('lodash')
const PUBLIC_DIR = process.env.PUBLIC_DIR || '.api'
async function main() {
logger.info(`loading streams...`)
await db.streams.load()
let streams = await db.streams.find({})
streams = _.sortBy(streams, 'channel')
streams = streams.map(stream => {
let data = {
channel: stream.channel,
url: stream.url,
http_referrer: stream.http_referrer,
user_agent: stream.user_agent
return data
logger.info(`found ${streams.length} streams`)
logger.info('saving to .api/streams.json...')
await file.create(`${PUBLIC_DIR}/streams.json`, JSON.stringify(streams))
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import { API_DIR, DB_DIR } from '../../constants'
import { Logger, Database, Collection, Storage } from '../../core'
import { Stream } from '../../models'
async function main() {
const logger = new Logger()
logger.info(`loading streams...`)
const db = new Database(DB_DIR)
const dbStreams = await db.load('streams.db')
const docs = await dbStreams.find({})
const streams = new Collection(docs as any[])
.map(data => new Stream(data))
.orderBy((stream: Stream) => stream.channel)
.map((stream: Stream) => stream.toJSON())
logger.info(`found ${streams.count()} streams`)
logger.info('saving to .api/streams.json...')
const storage = new Storage(API_DIR)
await storage.save('streams.json', streams.toJSON())
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
mkdir -p scripts/tmp/data
curl -L -o scripts/tmp/data/blocklist.json https://iptv-org.github.io/api/blocklist.json
curl -L -o scripts/tmp/data/categories.json https://iptv-org.github.io/api/categories.json
curl -L -o scripts/tmp/data/channels.json https://iptv-org.github.io/api/channels.json
curl -L -o scripts/tmp/data/streams.json https://iptv-org.github.io/api/streams.json
curl -L -o scripts/tmp/data/countries.json https://iptv-org.github.io/api/countries.json
curl -L -o scripts/tmp/data/languages.json https://iptv-org.github.io/api/languages.json
curl -L -o scripts/tmp/data/regions.json https://iptv-org.github.io/api/regions.json
curl -L -o scripts/tmp/data/subdivisions.json https://iptv-org.github.io/api/subdivisions.json
mkdir -p temp/data
curl -L -o temp/data/blocklist.json https://iptv-org.github.io/api/blocklist.json
curl -L -o temp/data/categories.json https://iptv-org.github.io/api/categories.json
curl -L -o temp/data/channels.json https://iptv-org.github.io/api/channels.json
curl -L -o temp/data/streams.json https://iptv-org.github.io/api/streams.json
curl -L -o temp/data/countries.json https://iptv-org.github.io/api/countries.json
curl -L -o temp/data/languages.json https://iptv-org.github.io/api/languages.json
curl -L -o temp/data/regions.json https://iptv-org.github.io/api/regions.json
curl -L -o temp/data/subdivisions.json https://iptv-org.github.io/api/subdivisions.json
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
const { db, file, parser, store, logger } = require('../../core')
const { program } = require('commander')
const _ = require('lodash')
const options = program
.option('--input-dir <input-dir>', 'Set path to input directory', 'streams')
async function main() {
logger.info(`looking for streams...`)
const streams = []
const files = await file.list(`${options.inputDir}/**/*.m3u`)
for (const filepath of files) {
const playlist = await parser.parsePlaylist(filepath)
for (const item of playlist.items) {
item.filepath = filepath
const stream = store.create()
stream.set('channel', item.tvg.id)
stream.set('title', item.name)
stream.set('filepath', item.filepath)
stream.set('url', item.url)
stream.set('http_referrer', item.http.referrer)
stream.set('user_agent', item.http['user-agent'])
logger.info(`found ${streams.length} streams`)
logger.info('saving to the database...')
await db.streams.load()
await db.streams.reset()
const data = streams.map(stream => stream.data())
await db.streams.insert(data)
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import { Storage, Logger, PlaylistParser, Collection, Database } from '../../core'
import { Stream, Playlist } from '../../models'
import { STREAMS_DIR, DB_DIR } from '../../constants'
async function main() {
const logger = new Logger()
logger.info(`looking for streams...`)
const storage = new Storage(STREAMS_DIR)
const parser = new PlaylistParser({
const files = await storage.list(`**/*.m3u`)
let streams = new Collection()
for (let filepath of files) {
const playlist: Playlist = await parser.parse(filepath)
streams = streams.concat(playlist.streams)
logger.info(`found ${streams.count()} streams`)
logger.info('clean up the storage...')
const dbStorage = new Storage(DB_DIR)
await dbStorage.clear('streams.db')
logger.info('saving streams to the database...')
const db = new Database(DB_DIR)
const dbStreams = await db.load('streams.db')
const data = streams.map((stream: Stream) => stream.data()).all()
await dbStreams.insert(data)
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
const { create: createPlaylist } = require('../../core/playlist')
const { normalize: normalizeUrl } = require('../../core/url')
const { db, logger, file } = require('../../core')
const { orderBy } = require('natural-orderby')
const _ = require('lodash')
async function main() {
logger.info('loading streams...')
await db.streams.load()
let streams = await db.streams.find({})
streams = streams.map(stream => {
stream.url = normalizeUrl(stream.url)
return stream
logger.info('sorting links...')
streams = orderBy(
['channel', s => (s.channel ? '' : s.title), 'url'],
['asc', 'asc', 'asc']
const files = _.groupBy(streams, 'filepath')
for (const filepath in files) {
const playlist = createPlaylist(files[filepath], { public: false })
await file.create(filepath, playlist.toString())
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
const { db, generator, api, logger, file } = require('../../core')
const { orderBy } = require('natural-orderby')
const _ = require('lodash')
async function main() {
const streams = await loadStreams()
logger.info('generating categories/...')
await generator.generate('categories', streams)
logger.info('generating countries/...')
await generator.generate('countries', streams)
logger.info('generating languages/...')
await generator.generate('languages', streams)
logger.info('generating regions/...')
await generator.generate('regions', streams)
logger.info('generating index.category.m3u...')
await generator.generate('index_category_m3u', streams)
logger.info('generating index.country.m3u...')
await generator.generate('index_country_m3u', streams)
logger.info('generating index.language.m3u...')
await generator.generate('index_language_m3u', streams)
logger.info('generating index.m3u...')
await generator.generate('index_m3u', streams)
logger.info('generating index.nsfw.m3u...')
await generator.generate('index_nsfw_m3u', streams)
logger.info('generating index.region.m3u...')
await generator.generate('index_region_m3u', streams)
async function loadStreams() {
await db.streams.load()
let streams = await db.streams.find({})
streams = orderBy(streams, ['channel', 'url'], ['asc', 'asc'])
streams = _.uniqBy(streams, stream => stream.channel || _.uniqueId())
await api.channels.load()
let channels = await api.channels.all()
channels = _.keyBy(channels, 'id')
await api.categories.load()
let categories = await api.categories.all()
categories = _.keyBy(categories, 'id')
await api.languages.load()
let languages = await api.languages.all()
languages = _.keyBy(languages, 'code')
streams = streams.map(stream => {
const channel = channels[stream.channel] || null
const filename = file.getFilename(stream.filepath)
const [_, code] = filename.match(/^([a-z]{2})(_|$)/) || [null, null]
const defaultBroadcastArea = code ? [`c/${code.toUpperCase()}`] : []
if (channel) {
stream.categories = channel.categories.map(id => categories[id]).filter(i => i)
stream.languages = channel.languages.map(id => languages[id]).filter(i => i)
stream.broadcast_area = channel.broadcast_area
stream.is_nsfw = channel.is_nsfw
stream.logo = channel.logo
} else {
stream.categories = []
stream.languages = []
stream.broadcast_area = defaultBroadcastArea
stream.is_nsfw = false
stream.logo = null
return stream
streams = orderBy(streams, ['title'], ['asc'])
return streams
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
import { File, Storage } from '../../core'
import { Stream, Category, Channel, Language, Country, Region, Subdivision } from '../../models'
import { Database } from '../../core/database'
import { Collection } from '../../core/collection'
import { Logger } from '../../core/logger'
import _ from 'lodash'
import {
} from '../../generators'
import { DATA_DIR, DB_DIR, LOGS_DIR } from '../../constants'
async function main() {
const logger = new Logger()
const storage = new Storage(DATA_DIR)
const channelsContent = await storage.json('channels.json')
const channels = new Collection(channelsContent).map(data => new Channel(data))
const categoriesContent = await storage.json('categories.json')
const categories = new Collection(categoriesContent).map(data => new Category(data))
const countriesContent = await storage.json('countries.json')
const countries = new Collection(countriesContent).map(data => new Country(data))
const languagesContent = await storage.json('languages.json')
const languages = new Collection(languagesContent).map(data => new Language(data))
const regionsContent = await storage.json('regions.json')
const regions = new Collection(regionsContent).map(data => new Region(data))
const subdivisionsContent = await storage.json('subdivisions.json')
const subdivisions = new Collection(subdivisionsContent).map(data => new Subdivision(data))
const streams = await loadStreams({ channels, categories, languages })
const generatorsLogger = new Logger({
stream: await new Storage(LOGS_DIR).createStream(`generators.log`)
logger.info('generating categories/...')
await new CategoriesGenerator({ categories, streams, logger: generatorsLogger }).generate()
logger.info('generating countries/...')
await new CountriesGenerator({
logger: generatorsLogger
logger.info('generating languages/...')
await new LanguagesGenerator({ streams, logger: generatorsLogger }).generate()
logger.info('generating regions/...')
await new RegionsGenerator({
logger: generatorsLogger
logger.info('generating index.m3u...')
await new IndexGenerator({ streams, logger: generatorsLogger }).generate()
logger.info('generating index.nsfw.m3u...')
await new IndexNsfwGenerator({ streams, logger: generatorsLogger }).generate()
logger.info('generating index.category.m3u...')
await new IndexCategoryGenerator({ streams, logger: generatorsLogger }).generate()
logger.info('generating index.country.m3u...')
await new IndexCountryGenerator({
logger: generatorsLogger
logger.info('generating index.language.m3u...')
await new IndexLanguageGenerator({ streams, logger: generatorsLogger }).generate()
logger.info('generating index.region.m3u...')
await new IndexRegionGenerator({ streams, regions, logger: generatorsLogger }).generate()
async function loadStreams({
}: {
channels: Collection
categories: Collection
languages: Collection
}) {
const groupedChannels = channels.keyBy(channel => channel.id)
const groupedCategories = categories.keyBy(category => category.id)
const groupedLanguages = languages.keyBy(language => language.code)
const db = new Database(DB_DIR)
const dbStreams = await db.load('streams.db')
const docs = await dbStreams.find({})
const streams = new Collection(docs as any[])
.map((data: any) => new Stream(data))
.orderBy([(stream: Stream) => stream.channel, (stream: Stream) => stream.url], ['asc', 'asc'])
.uniqBy((stream: Stream) => stream.channel || _.uniqueId())
.map((stream: Stream) => {
const channel: Channel | undefined = groupedChannels.get(stream.channel)
if (channel) {
const channelCategories = channel.categories
.map((id: string) => groupedCategories.get(id))
const channelLanguages = channel.languages
.map((id: string) => groupedLanguages.get(id))
stream.categories = channelCategories
stream.languages = channelLanguages
stream.broadcastArea = channel.broadcastArea
stream.isNSFW = channel.isNSFW
if (channel.logo) stream.logo = channel.logo
} else {
const file = new File(stream.filepath)
const [_, countryCode] = file.getFilename().match(/^([a-z]{2})(_|$)/) || [null, null]
const defaultBroadcastArea = countryCode ? [`c/${countryCode.toUpperCase()}`] : []
stream.broadcastArea = new Collection(defaultBroadcastArea)
return stream
return streams
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
import { DB_DIR, DATA_DIR, STREAMS_DIR } from '../../constants'
import { Database, Storage, Logger, Collection, Dictionary, IssueLoader } from '../../core'
import { Stream, Playlist, Channel } from '../../models'
let processedIssues = new Collection()
let streams: Collection
let groupedChannels: Dictionary
async function main() {
const logger = new Logger({ disabled: true })
const loader = new IssueLoader()
logger.info('loading streams...')
const db = new Database(DB_DIR)
const docs = await db.load('streams.db')
const dbStreams = await docs.find({})
streams = new Collection(dbStreams as any[]).map(data => new Stream(data))
const storage = new Storage(DATA_DIR)
const channelsContent = await storage.json('channels.json')
groupedChannels = new Collection(channelsContent)
.map(data => new Channel(data))
.keyBy((channel: Channel) => channel.id)
logger.info('removing broken streams...')
await removeStreams(loader)
logger.info('edit stream description...')
await editStreams(loader)
logger.info('add new streams...')
await addStreams(loader)
logger.info('normalizing links...')
streams = streams.map(stream => {
return stream
logger.info('sorting links...')
streams = streams.orderBy(
(stream: Stream) => stream.name,
(stream: Stream) => parseInt(stream.quality.replace('p', '')),
(stream: Stream) => stream.label,
(stream: Stream) => stream.url
['asc', 'desc', 'asc', 'asc']
const streamsStorage = new Storage(STREAMS_DIR)
const groupedStreams = streams.groupBy((stream: Stream) => stream.filepath)
for (let filepath of groupedStreams.keys()) {
const streams = groupedStreams.get(filepath) || []
if (!streams.length) return
const playlist = new Playlist(streams, { public: false })
await streamsStorage.save(filepath, playlist.toString())
const output = processedIssues.map(issue_number => `closes #${issue_number}`).join(', ')
async function removeStreams(loader: IssueLoader) {
const issues = await loader.load({ labels: ['streams:remove', 'approved'] })
issues.forEach((data: Dictionary) => {
if (data.missing('stream_url')) return
const removed = streams.remove((_stream: Stream) => _stream.url === data.get('stream_url'))
if (removed.notEmpty()) {
async function editStreams(loader: IssueLoader) {
const issues = await loader.load({ labels: ['streams:edit', 'approved'] })
issues.forEach((data: Dictionary) => {
if (data.missing('stream_url')) return
let stream = streams.first(
(_stream: Stream) => _stream.url === data.get('stream_url')
) as Stream
if (!stream) return
if (data.has('channel_id')) {
const channel = groupedChannels.get(data.get('channel_id'))
if (!channel) return
stream.channel = data.get('channel_id')
stream.filepath = `${channel.country.toLowerCase()}.m3u`
stream.line = -1
stream.name = channel.name
if (data.has('channel_name')) stream.name = data.get('channel_name')
if (data.has('label')) stream.label = data.get('label')
if (data.has('quality')) stream.quality = data.get('quality')
if (data.has('user_agent')) stream.userAgent = data.get('user_agent')
if (data.has('http_referrer')) stream.httpReferrer = data.get('http_referrer')
if (data.has('channel_name')) stream.name = data.get('channel_name')
streams.remove((_stream: Stream) => _stream.channel === stream.channel)
async function addStreams(loader: IssueLoader) {
const issues = await loader.load({ labels: ['streams:add', 'approved'] })
issues.forEach((data: Dictionary) => {
if (data.missing('channel_id') || data.missing('stream_url')) return
if (streams.includes((_stream: Stream) => _stream.url === data.get('stream_url'))) return
const channel = groupedChannels.get(data.get('channel_id'))
if (!channel) return
const stream = new Stream({
channel: data.get('channel_id'),
url: data.get('stream_url'),
label: data.get('label'),
quality: data.get('quality'),
userAgent: data.get('user_agent'),
httpReferrer: data.get('http_referrer'),
filepath: `${channel.country.toLowerCase()}.m3u`,
line: -1,
name: data.get('channel_name') || channel.name
@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
const { file, logger, api, parser, id } = require('../../core')
const { program } = require('commander')
const chalk = require('chalk')
const _ = require('lodash')
program.argument('[filepath]', 'Path to file to validate').parse(process.argv)
async function main() {
const files = program.args.length ? program.args : await file.list('streams/*.m3u')
logger.info(`loading blocklist...`)
await api.channels.load()
await api.blocklist.load()
let blocklist = await api.blocklist.all()
blocklist = blocklist
.map(blocked => {
const channel = api.channels.find({ id: blocked.channel })
if (!channel) return null
return { ...blocked, name: channel.name }
.filter(i => i)
logger.info(`found ${blocklist.length} records`)
let errors = []
let warnings = []
for (const filepath of files) {
if (!filepath.endsWith('.m3u')) continue
const basename = file.basename(filepath)
const [__, country] = basename.match(/([a-z]{2})(|_.*)\.m3u/i) || [null, null]
const buffer = {}
const fileLog = []
try {
const playlist = await parser.parsePlaylist(filepath)
for (const item of playlist.items) {
if (item.tvg.id && !api.channels.find({ id: item.tvg.id })) {
type: 'warning',
line: item.line,
message: `"${item.tvg.id}" is not in the database`
if (item.url && buffer[item.url]) {
type: 'warning',
line: item.line,
message: `"${item.url}" is already on the playlist`
} else {
buffer[item.url] = true
const channel_id = id.generate(item.name, country)
const found = blocklist.find(
blocked =>
item.tvg.id.toLowerCase() === blocked.channel.toLowerCase() ||
channel_id.toLowerCase() === blocked.channel.toLowerCase()
if (found) {
type: 'error',
line: item.line,
message: `"${found.name}" is on the blocklist due to claims of copyright holders (${found.ref})`
} catch (err) {
type: 'error',
line: 0,
message: err.message.toLowerCase()
if (fileLog.length) {
fileLog.forEach(err => {
const position = err.line.toString().padEnd(6, ' ')
const type = err.type.padEnd(9, ' ')
const status = err.type === 'error' ? chalk.red(type) : chalk.yellow(type)
logger.info(` ${chalk.gray(position)}${status}${err.message}`)
errors = errors.concat(fileLog.filter(e => e.type === 'error'))
warnings = warnings.concat(fileLog.filter(e => e.type === 'warning'))
`\n${errors.length + warnings.length} problems (${errors.length} errors, ${
} warnings)`
if (errors.length) {
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
import { Logger, Storage, PlaylistParser, Collection, File, Dictionary } from '../../core'
import { Channel, Stream, Blocked } from '../../models'
import { program } from 'commander'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import { transliterate } from 'transliteration'
import _ from 'lodash'
import { DATA_DIR, STREAMS_DIR } from '../../constants'
program.argument('[filepath]', 'Path to file to validate').parse(process.argv)
type LogItem = {
type: string
line: number
message: string
async function main() {
const logger = new Logger()
logger.info(`loading blocklist...`)
const storage = new Storage(DATA_DIR)
const channelsContent = await storage.json('channels.json')
const channels = new Collection(channelsContent).map(data => new Channel(data))
const blocklistContent = await storage.json('blocklist.json')
const blocklist = new Collection(blocklistContent).map(data => new Blocked(data))
logger.info(`found ${blocklist.count()} records`)
let errors = new Collection()
let warnings = new Collection()
const streamsStorage = new Storage(STREAMS_DIR)
const parser = new PlaylistParser({ storage: streamsStorage })
const files = program.args.length ? program.args : await streamsStorage.list('**/*.m3u')
for (const filepath of files) {
const file = new File(filepath)
if (file.extension() !== 'm3u') continue
const [, countryCode] = file.basename().match(/([a-z]{2})(|_.*)\.m3u/i) || [null, '']
const log = new Collection()
const buffer = new Dictionary()
try {
const relativeFilepath = filepath.replace(STREAMS_DIR, '')
const playlist = await parser.parse(relativeFilepath)
playlist.streams.forEach((stream: Stream) => {
const channelNotInDatabase =
stream.channel && !channels.first((channel: Channel) => channel.id === stream.channel)
if (channelNotInDatabase) {
type: 'warning',
line: stream.line,
message: `"${stream.channel}" is not in the database`
const alreadyOnPlaylist = stream.url && buffer.has(stream.url)
if (alreadyOnPlaylist) {
type: 'warning',
line: stream.line,
message: `"${stream.url}" is already on the playlist`
} else {
buffer.set(stream.url, true)
const channelId = generateChannelId(stream.name, countryCode)
const blocked = blocklist.first(
blocked =>
stream.channel.toLowerCase() === blocked.channel.toLowerCase() ||
channelId.toLowerCase() === blocked.channel.toLowerCase()
if (blocked) {
type: 'error',
line: stream.line,
message: `"${stream.name}" is on the blocklist due to claims of copyright holders (${blocked.ref})`
} catch (error) {
type: 'error',
line: 0,
message: error.message.toLowerCase()
if (log.notEmpty()) {
log.forEach((logItem: LogItem) => {
const position = logItem.line.toString().padEnd(6, ' ')
const type = logItem.type.padEnd(9, ' ')
const status = logItem.type === 'error' ? chalk.red(type) : chalk.yellow(type)
logger.info(` ${chalk.gray(position)}${status}${logItem.message}`)
errors = errors.concat(log.filter((logItem: LogItem) => logItem.type === 'error'))
warnings = warnings.concat(log.filter((logItem: LogItem) => logItem.type === 'warning'))
errors.count() + warnings.count()
} problems (${errors.count()} errors, ${warnings.count()} warnings)`
if (errors.count()) {
function generateChannelId(name: string, code: string) {
if (!name || !code) return ''
name = name.replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, '')
name = name.replace(/ *\[[^)]*\] */g, '')
name = name.replace(/\+/gi, 'Plus')
name = name.replace(/[^a-z\d]+/gi, '')
name = name.trim()
name = transliterate(name)
code = code.toLowerCase()
return `${name}.${code}`
@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
const { file, markdown, parser, logger, api } = require('../../core')
const { create: createTable } = require('../../core/table')
const { program } = require('commander')
const LOGS_DIR = process.env.LOGS_DIR || 'scripts/tmp/logs/generators'
const options = program
.option('-c, --config <config>', 'Set path to config file', '.readme/config.json')
async function main() {
await createCategoryTable()
await createCountryTable()
await createLanguageTable()
await createRegionTable()
await updateReadme()
async function createCategoryTable() {
logger.info('creating category table...')
const rows = []
await api.categories.load()
const items = await parser.parseLogs(`${LOGS_DIR}/categories.log`)
for (const item of items) {
const id = file.getFilename(item.filepath)
const category = await api.categories.find({ id })
name: category ? category.name : 'Undefined',
channels: item.count,
playlist: `<code>https://iptv-org.github.io/iptv/${item.filepath}</code>`
const table = createTable(rows, [
{ name: 'Category' },
{ name: 'Channels', align: 'right' },
{ name: 'Playlist', nowrap: true }
await file.create('./.readme/_categories.md', table)
async function createCountryTable() {
logger.info('creating country table...')
const rows = []
await api.countries.load()
await api.subdivisions.load()
const items = await parser.parseLogs(`${LOGS_DIR}/countries.log`)
for (const item of items) {
const code = file.getFilename(item.filepath)
const country = await api.countries.find({ code: code.toUpperCase() })
if (country) {
name: `${country.flag} ${country.name}`,
channels: item.count,
playlist: `<code>https://iptv-org.github.io/iptv/${item.filepath}</code>`
} else if (code === 'int') {
name: `🌍 International`,
channels: item.count,
playlist: `<code>https://iptv-org.github.io/iptv/${item.filepath}</code>`
} else {
const subdivision = await api.subdivisions.find({ code: code.toUpperCase() })
if (subdivision) {
name: ` ${subdivision.name}`,
channels: item.count,
playlist: `<code>https://iptv-org.github.io/iptv/${item.filepath}</code>`
const table = createTable(rows, [
{ name: 'Country' },
{ name: 'Channels', align: 'right' },
{ name: 'Playlist', nowrap: true }
await file.create('./.readme/_countries.md', table)
async function createLanguageTable() {
logger.info('creating language table...')
const rows = []
await api.languages.load()
const items = await parser.parseLogs(`${LOGS_DIR}/languages.log`)
for (const item of items) {
const code = file.getFilename(item.filepath)
const language = await api.languages.find({ code })
name: language ? language.name : 'Undefined',
channels: item.count,
playlist: `<code>https://iptv-org.github.io/iptv/${item.filepath}</code>`
const table = createTable(rows, [
{ name: 'Language', align: 'left' },
{ name: 'Channels', align: 'right' },
{ name: 'Playlist', align: 'left', nowrap: true }
await file.create('./.readme/_languages.md', table)
async function createRegionTable() {
logger.info('creating region table...')
const rows = []
await api.regions.load()
const items = await parser.parseLogs(`${LOGS_DIR}/regions.log`)
for (const item of items) {
const code = file.getFilename(item.filepath)
const region = await api.regions.find({ code: code.toUpperCase() })
if (region) {
name: region.name,
channels: item.count,
playlist: `<code>https://iptv-org.github.io/iptv/${item.filepath}</code>`
const table = createTable(rows, [
{ name: 'Region', align: 'left' },
{ name: 'Channels', align: 'right' },
{ name: 'Playlist', align: 'left', nowrap: true }
await file.create('./.readme/_regions.md', table)
async function updateReadme() {
logger.info('updating readme.md...')
const config = require(file.resolve(options.config))
await file.createDir(file.dirname(config.build))
await markdown.compile(options.config)
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import { CategoryTable, CountryTable, LanguageTable, RegionTable } from '../../tables'
import { Logger, Markdown } from '../../core'
import { README_DIR } from '../../constants'
import path from 'path'
async function main() {
const logger = new Logger()
logger.info('creating category table...')
await new CategoryTable().make()
logger.info('creating country table...')
await new CountryTable().make()
logger.info('creating language table...')
await new LanguageTable().make()
logger.info('creating region table...')
await new RegionTable().make()
logger.info('updating readme.md...')
const configPath = path.join(README_DIR, 'config.json')
const readme = new Markdown(configPath)
@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
const { api } = require('../../core')
const { Octokit } = require('@octokit/core')
const { paginateRest } = require('@octokit/plugin-paginate-rest')
const CustomOctokit = Octokit.plugin(paginateRest)
const _ = require('lodash')
const octokit = new CustomOctokit()
const DATA_DIR = process.env.DATA_DIR || './tmp/data'
const OWNER = 'iptv-org'
const REPO = 'iptv'
async function main() {
try {
await api.channels.load()
let channels = await api.channels.all()
channels = _.keyBy(channels, 'id')
await api.blocklist.load()
let blocklist = await api.blocklist.all()
blocklist = _.keyBy(blocklist, 'channel')
await api.streams.load()
let streams = await api.streams.all()
streams = _.keyBy(streams, 'channel')
const channelRequests = await loadChannelRequests()
const buffer = {}
const report = channelRequests.map(r => {
let result = {
issueNumber: r.issue.number,
channelId: r.channel.id || undefined,
status: undefined
if (!r.channel || !r.channel.id) result.status = 'error'
else if (blocklist[r.channel.id]) result.status = 'blocked'
else if (!channels[r.channel.id]) result.status = 'invalid_id'
else if (streams[r.channel.id]) result.status = 'fullfilled'
else if (buffer[r.channel.id] && !r.channel.url) result.status = 'duplicate'
else result.status = 'pending'
buffer[r.channel.id] = true
return result
} catch (err) {
async function loadChannelRequests() {
const issues = await fetchIssues('channel request')
return issues.map(parseIssue)
async function fetchIssues(labels) {
const issues = await octokit.paginate('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues', {
owner: OWNER,
repo: REPO,
per_page: 100,
direction: 'asc',
headers: {
'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28'
return issues
function parseIssue(issue) {
const buffer = {}
const channel = {}
const fields = {
'Channel ID (required)': 'id',
'Channel ID': 'id',
'Stream URL (optional)': 'url',
'Stream URL': 'url',
'Notes (optional)': 'notes',
Notes: 'notes'
const matches = issue.body.match(/### ([^\r\n]+)\s+([^\r\n]+)/g)
if (!matches) return { issue, channel: null }
matches.forEach(item => {
const [, fieldLabel, value] = item.match(/### ([^\r\n]+)\s+([^\r\n]+)/)
const field = fields[fieldLabel]
if (!field) return
buffer[field] = value === '_No response_' ? undefined : value.trim()
for (let field in buffer) {
channel[field] = buffer[field]
return { issue, channel }
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import { DATA_DIR } from '../../constants'
import { Collection, Dictionary, IssueLoader, Storage } from '../../core'
import { Blocked, Channel, Stream } from '../../models'
async function main() {
const loader = new IssueLoader()
const storage = new Storage(DATA_DIR)
const channelsContent = await storage.json('channels.json')
const groupedChannels = new Collection(channelsContent)
.map(data => new Channel(data))
.groupBy((channel: Channel) => channel.id)
const streamsContent = await storage.json('streams.json')
const groupedStreams = new Collection(streamsContent)
.map(data => new Stream(data))
.groupBy((stream: Stream) => stream.url)
const blocklistContent = await storage.json('blocklist.json')
const groupedBlocklist = new Collection(blocklistContent)
.map(data => new Blocked(data))
.groupBy((blocked: Blocked) => blocked.channel)
const issues = await loader.load({ labels: ['streams:add'] })
const buffer = new Dictionary()
const report = issues.map(data => {
const channelId = data.get('channel_id') || undefined
const streamUrl = data.get('stream_url') || undefined
const result = new Dictionary({
issueNumber: data.get('issue_number'),
status: undefined
if (!channelId || !streamUrl) result.set('status', 'error')
else if (groupedBlocklist.has(channelId)) result.set('status', 'blocked')
else if (groupedChannels.missing(channelId)) result.set('status', 'invalid_id')
else if (groupedStreams.has(streamUrl)) result.set('status', 'fullfilled')
else if (buffer.has(streamUrl)) result.set('status', 'duplicate')
else result.set('status', 'pending')
buffer.set(streamUrl, true)
return result.data()
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
export const ROOT_DIR = process.env.ROOT_DIR || './'
export const STREAMS_DIR = process.env.STREAMS_DIR || './streams'
export const PUBLIC_DIR = process.env.PUBLIC_DIR || './.gh-pages'
export const README_DIR = process.env.README_DIR || './.readme'
export const API_DIR = process.env.API_DIR || './.api'
export const DATA_DIR = process.env.DATA_DIR || './temp/data'
export const LOGS_DIR = process.env.LOGS_DIR || './temp/logs'
export const DB_DIR = process.env.DB_DIR || './temp/database'
export const TESTING = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' ? true : false
export const OWNER = 'iptv-org'
export const REPO = 'iptv'
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
const _ = require('lodash')
const file = require('./file')
const DATA_DIR = process.env.DATA_DIR || './scripts/tmp/data'
class API {
constructor(filepath) {
this.filepath = file.resolve(filepath)
async load() {
const data = await file.read(this.filepath)
this.collection = JSON.parse(data)
find(query) {
return _.find(this.collection, query)
filter(query) {
return _.filter(this.collection, query)
all() {
return this.collection
const api = {}
api.channels = new API(`${DATA_DIR}/channels.json`)
api.streams = new API(`${DATA_DIR}/streams.json`)
api.countries = new API(`${DATA_DIR}/countries.json`)
api.guides = new API(`${DATA_DIR}/guides.json`)
api.categories = new API(`${DATA_DIR}/categories.json`)
api.languages = new API(`${DATA_DIR}/languages.json`)
api.regions = new API(`${DATA_DIR}/regions.json`)
api.blocklist = new API(`${DATA_DIR}/blocklist.json`)
api.subdivisions = new API(`${DATA_DIR}/subdivisions.json`)
module.exports = api
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
const IPTVChecker = require('iptv-checker')
const checker = {}
checker.check = async function (item, config) {
const ic = new IPTVChecker(config)
const result = await ic.checkStream({ url: item.url, http: item.http })
return {
_id: item._id,
url: item.url,
http: item.http,
error: !result.status.ok ? { code: result.status.code, message: result.status.message } : null,
streams: result.status.ok ? result.status.metadata.streams : [],
requests: result.status.ok ? result.status.metadata.requests : []
module.exports = checker
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
import _ from 'lodash'
import { orderBy, Order } from 'natural-orderby'
import { Dictionary } from './'
type Iteratee = (value: any, value2?: any) => void
export class Collection {
_items: any[]
constructor(items?: any[]) {
this._items = Array.isArray(items) ? items : []
first(predicate?: Iteratee) {
if (predicate) {
return this._items.find(predicate)
return this._items[0]
last(predicate?: Iteratee) {
if (predicate) {
return _.findLast(this._items, predicate)
return this._items[this._items.length - 1]
find(iteratee: Iteratee): Collection {
const found = this._items.filter(iteratee)
return new Collection(found)
add(data: any) {
return this
intersects(collection: Collection): boolean {
return _.intersection(this._items, collection.all()).length > 0
count() {
return this._items.length
join(separator: string) {
return this._items.join(separator)
indexOf(value: string) {
return this._items.indexOf(value)
push(data: any) {
uniq() {
const items = _.uniq(this._items)
return new Collection(items)
reduce(iteratee: Iteratee, accumulator: any) {
const items = _.reduce(this._items, iteratee, accumulator)
return new Collection(items)
filter(iteratee: Iteratee) {
const items = _.filter(this._items, iteratee)
return new Collection(items)
forEach(iteratee: Iteratee) {
for (let item of this._items) {
return this
remove(iteratee: Iteratee): Collection {
const removed = _.remove(this._items, iteratee)
return new Collection(removed)
concat(collection: Collection) {
const items = this._items.concat(collection._items)
return new Collection(items)
isEmpty(): boolean {
return this._items.length === 0
notEmpty(): boolean {
return this._items.length > 0
sort() {
const items = this._items.sort()
return new Collection(items)
orderBy(iteratees: Iteratee | Iteratee[], orders?: Order | Order[]) {
const items = orderBy(this._items, iteratees, orders)
return new Collection(items)
keyBy(iteratee: Iteratee) {
const items = _.keyBy(this._items, iteratee)
return new Dictionary(items)
empty() {
return this._items.length === 0
includes(value: any) {
if (typeof value === 'function') {
const found = this._items.find(value)
return !!found
return this._items.includes(value)
missing(value: any) {
if (typeof value === 'function') {
const found = this._items.find(value)
return !found
return !this._items.includes(value)
uniqBy(iteratee: Iteratee) {
const items = _.uniqBy(this._items, iteratee)
return new Collection(items)
groupBy(iteratee: Iteratee) {
const object = _.groupBy(this._items, iteratee)
return new Dictionary(object)
map(iteratee: Iteratee) {
const items = this._items.map(iteratee)
return new Collection(items)
all() {
return this._items
toJSON() {
return JSON.stringify(this._items)
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
import Datastore from '@seald-io/nedb'
import * as path from 'path'
export class Database {
rootDir: string
constructor(rootDir: string) {
this.rootDir = rootDir
async load(filepath: string) {
const absFilepath = path.join(this.rootDir, filepath)
return new Datastore({
filename: path.resolve(absFilepath),
autoload: true,
onload: (error: Error): any => {
if (error) console.error(error.message)
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
const dayjs = require('dayjs')
const utc = require('dayjs/plugin/utc')
const date = {}
date.utc = d => {
return dayjs.utc(d)
module.exports = date
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
const nedb = require('nedb-promises')
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const file = require('./file')
const DB_DIR = process.env.DB_DIR || './scripts/tmp/database'
class Database {
constructor(filepath) {
this.filepath = filepath
load() {
this.db = nedb.create({
filename: file.resolve(this.filepath),
autoload: true,
onload: err => {
if (err) console.error(err)
compareStrings: (a, b) => {
a = a.replace(/\s/g, '_')
b = b.replace(/\s/g, '_')
return a.localeCompare(b, undefined, {
sensitivity: 'accent',
numeric: true
removeIndex(field) {
return this.db.removeIndex(field)
addIndex(options) {
return this.db.ensureIndex(options)
compact() {
return this.db.persistence.compactDatafile()
stopAutocompact() {
return this.db.persistence.stopAutocompaction()
reset() {
return file.clear(this.filepath)
count(query) {
return this.db.count(query)
insert(doc) {
return this.db.insert(doc)
update(query, update) {
return this.db.update(query, update)
find(query) {
return this.db.find(query)
all() {
return this.find({})
remove(query, options) {
return this.db.remove(query, options)
const db = {}
db.streams = new Database(`${DB_DIR}/streams.db`)
module.exports = db
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
export class Dictionary {
dict: any
constructor(dict?: any) {
this.dict = dict || {}
set(key: string, value: any) {
this.dict[key] = value
has(key: string): boolean {
return !!this.dict[key]
missing(key: string): boolean {
return !this.dict[key]
get(key: string): any {
return this.dict[key] ? this.dict[key] : undefined
keys(): string[] {
return Object.keys(this.dict)
data() {
return this.dict
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
const { create: createPlaylist } = require('./playlist')
const store = require('./store')
const path = require('path')
const glob = require('glob')
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const _ = require('lodash')
const file = {}
file.list = function (pattern) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
glob(pattern, function (err, files) {
file.getFilename = function (filepath) {
return path.parse(filepath).name
file.createDir = async function (dir) {
if (await file.exists(dir)) return
return fs.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true }).catch(console.error)
file.exists = function (filepath) {
return fs.exists(path.resolve(filepath))
file.read = function (filepath) {
return fs.readFile(path.resolve(filepath), { encoding: 'utf8' }).catch(console.error)
file.append = function (filepath, data) {
return fs.appendFile(path.resolve(filepath), data).catch(console.error)
file.create = function (filepath, data = '') {
filepath = path.resolve(filepath)
const dir = path.dirname(filepath)
return file
.then(() => fs.writeFile(filepath, data, { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'w' }))
file.write = function (filepath, data = '') {
return fs.writeFile(path.resolve(filepath), data).catch(console.error)
file.clear = function (filepath) {
return file.write(filepath, '')
file.resolve = function (filepath) {
return path.resolve(filepath)
file.dirname = function (filepath) {
return path.dirname(filepath)
file.basename = function (filepath) {
return path.basename(filepath)
module.exports = file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
import * as path from 'path'
export class File {
filepath: string
content: string
constructor(filepath: string, content?: string) {
this.filepath = filepath
this.content = content || ''
getFilename() {
return path.parse(this.filepath).name
dirname() {
return path.dirname(this.filepath)
basename() {
return path.basename(this.filepath)
append(data: string) {
this.content = this.content + data
extension() {
return this.filepath.split('.').pop()
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
const { create: createPlaylist } = require('./playlist')
const generators = require('../generators')
const logger = require('./logger')
const file = require('./file')
const PUBLIC_DIR = process.env.PUBLIC_DIR || '.gh-pages'
const LOGS_DIR = process.env.LOGS_DIR || 'scripts/tmp/logs/generators'
const generator = {}
generator.generate = async function (name, streams = []) {
if (typeof generators[name] === 'function') {
try {
let output = await generators[name].bind()(streams)
output = Array.isArray(output) ? output : [output]
for (const type of output) {
const playlist = createPlaylist(type.items, { public: true })
await file.create(`${PUBLIC_DIR}/${type.filepath}`, playlist.toString())
await file.create(`${LOGS_DIR}/${name}.log`, output.map(toJSON).join('\n'))
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`generators/${name}.js: ${error.message}`)
module.exports = generator
function toJSON(type) {
type.count = type.items.length
delete type.items
return JSON.stringify(type)
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
type Column = {
name: string
nowrap?: boolean
align?: string
type DataItem = string[]
export class HTMLTable {
data: DataItem[]
columns: Column[]
constructor(data: DataItem[], columns: Column[]) {
this.data = data
this.columns = columns
toString() {
let output = '<table>\n'
output += ' <thead>\n <tr>'
for (let column of this.columns) {
output += `<th align="left">${column.name}</th>`
output += '</tr>\n </thead>\n'
output += ' <tbody>\n'
for (let item of this.data) {
output += ' <tr>'
let i = 0
for (let prop in item) {
const column = this.columns[i]
let nowrap = column.nowrap ? ` nowrap` : ''
let align = column.align ? ` align="${column.align}"` : ''
output += `<td${align}${nowrap}>${item[prop]}</td>`
output += '</tr>\n'
output += ' </tbody>\n'
output += '</table>'
return output
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
const { transliterate } = require('transliteration')
const id = {}
id.generate = function (name, code) {
if (!name || !code) return null
name = name.replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, '')
name = name.replace(/ *\[[^)]*\] */g, '')
name = name.replace(/\+/gi, 'Plus')
name = name.replace(/[^a-z\d]+/gi, '')
name = name.trim()
name = transliterate(name)
code = code.toLowerCase()
return `${name}.${code}`
module.exports = id
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
exports.db = require('./db')
exports.logger = require('./logger')
exports.file = require('./file')
exports.timer = require('./timer')
exports.parser = require('./parser')
exports.checker = require('./checker')
exports.generator = require('./generator')
exports.playlist = require('./playlist')
exports.store = require('./store')
exports.markdown = require('./markdown')
exports.api = require('./api')
exports.id = require('./id')
exports.m3u = require('./m3u')
exports.date = require('./date')
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
export * from './database'
export * from './logger'
export * from './playlistParser'
export * from './numberParser'
export * from './logParser'
export * from './markdown'
export * from './file'
export * from './collection'
export * from './dictionary'
export * from './storage'
export * from './url'
export * from './issueLoader'
export * from './issueParser'
export * from './htmlTable'
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
import { restEndpointMethods } from '@octokit/plugin-rest-endpoint-methods'
import { paginateRest } from '@octokit/plugin-paginate-rest'
import { Octokit } from '@octokit/core'
import { Collection, IssueParser } from './'
import { TESTING, OWNER, REPO } from '../constants'
const CustomOctokit = Octokit.plugin(paginateRest, restEndpointMethods)
const octokit = new CustomOctokit()
export class IssueLoader {
async load({ labels }: { labels: string[] | string }) {
labels = Array.isArray(labels) ? labels.join(',') : labels
let issues: any[] = []
if (TESTING) {
switch (labels) {
case 'streams:add':
issues = (await import('../../tests/__data__/input/issues/streams_add')).default
case 'streams:add,approved':
issues = (await import('../../tests/__data__/input/issues/streams_add_approved')).default
case 'streams:edit,approved':
issues = (await import('../../tests/__data__/input/issues/streams_edit_approved')).default
case 'streams:remove,approved':
issues = (await import('../../tests/__data__/input/issues/streams_remove_approved'))
} else {
issues = await octokit.paginate(octokit.rest.issues.listForRepo, {
owner: OWNER,
repo: REPO,
per_page: 100,
headers: {
'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28'
const parser = new IssueParser()
return new Collection(issues).map(parser.parse)
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
import { Dictionary } from './'
export class IssueParser {
parse(issue: any): Dictionary {
const data = new Dictionary()
data.set('issue_number', issue.number)
const idDict = new Dictionary({
'Channel ID': 'channel_id',
'Channel ID (required)': 'channel_id',
'Broken Link': 'stream_url',
'Stream URL': 'stream_url',
'Stream URL (optional)': 'stream_url',
'Stream URL (required)': 'stream_url',
Label: 'label',
Quality: 'quality',
'Channel Name': 'channel_name',
'HTTP User-Agent': 'user_agent',
'HTTP Referrer': 'http_referrer',
Reason: 'reason',
'What happened to the stream?': 'reason',
'Possible Replacement (optional)': 'possible_replacement',
Notes: 'notes',
'Notes (optional)': 'notes'
const fields = issue.body.split('###')
if (!fields.length) return data
fields.forEach((field: string) => {
let [_label, , _value] = field.split(/\r?\n/)
_label = _label ? _label.trim() : ''
_value = _value ? _value.trim() : ''
if (!_label || !_value) return data
const id: string = idDict.get(_label)
const value: string = _value === '_No response_' || _value === 'None' ? '' : _value
if (!id) return
data.set(id, value)
return data
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
export type LogItem = {
filepath: string
count: number
export class LogParser {
parse(content: string): any[] {
if (!content) return []
const lines = content.split('\n')
return lines.map(line => (line ? JSON.parse(line) : null)).filter(l => l)
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
const { Signale } = require('signale')
const options = {}
const logger = new Signale(options)
displayLabel: false,
displayScope: false,
displayBadge: false
module.exports = logger
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import signale from 'signale'
const { Signale } = signale
export class Logger extends Signale {
constructor(options?: any) {
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
const m3u = {}
m3u.create = function (links = [], header = {}) {
let output = `#EXTM3U`
for (const attr in header) {
const value = header[attr]
output += ` ${attr}="${value}"`
output += `\n`
for (const link of links) {
output += `#EXTINF:-1`
for (const name in link.attrs) {
const value = link.attrs[name]
if (value !== undefined) {
output += ` ${name}="${value}"`
output += `,${link.title}\n`
for (const name in link.vlcOpts) {
const value = link.vlcOpts[name]
if (value !== undefined) {
output += `#EXTVLCOPT:${name}=${value}\n`
output += `${link.url}\n`
return output
module.exports = m3u
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
const markdownInclude = require('markdown-include')
const file = require('./file')
const markdown = {}
markdown.compile = function (filepath) {
module.exports = markdown
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import markdownInclude from 'markdown-include'
export class Markdown {
filepath: string
constructor(filepath: string) {
this.filepath = filepath
compile() {
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
export default class NumberParser {
async parse(number: string) {
const parsed = parseInt(number)
if (isNaN(parsed)) {
throw new Error('numberParser:parse() Input value is not a number')
return parsed
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
const ipp = require('iptv-playlist-parser')
const logger = require('./logger')
const file = require('./file')
const parser = {}
parser.parsePlaylist = async function (filepath) {
const content = await file.read(filepath)
return ipp.parse(content)
parser.parseLogs = async function (filepath) {
const content = await file.read(filepath)
if (!content) return []
const lines = content.split('\n')
return lines.map(line => (line ? JSON.parse(line) : null)).filter(l => l)
parser.parseNumber = function (string) {
const parsed = parseInt(string)
if (isNaN(parsed)) {
throw new Error('scripts/core/parser.js:parseNumber() Input value is not a number')
return parsed
module.exports = parser
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
const store = require('./store')
const m3u = require('./m3u')
const _ = require('lodash')
const playlist = {}
class Playlist {
constructor(items = [], options = {}) {
this.header = {}
this.links = []
for (const item of items) {
const stream = store.create(item)
let attrs
if (options.public) {
attrs = {
'tvg-id': stream.get('tvg_id'),
'tvg-logo': stream.get('tvg_logo'),
'group-title': stream.get('group_title'),
'user-agent': stream.get('user_agent') || undefined
} else {
attrs = {
'tvg-id': stream.get('tvg_id'),
'user-agent': stream.get('user_agent') || undefined
const vlcOpts = {
'http-referrer': stream.get('http_referrer') || undefined,
'http-user-agent': stream.get('user_agent') || undefined
url: stream.get('url'),
title: stream.get('title'),
toString() {
return m3u.create(this.links, this.header)
playlist.create = function (items, options) {
return new Playlist(items, options)
module.exports = playlist
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
import parser from 'iptv-playlist-parser'
import { Playlist, Stream } from '../models'
import { Collection, Storage } from './'
export class PlaylistParser {
storage: Storage
constructor({ storage }: { storage: Storage }) {
this.storage = storage
async parse(filepath: string): Promise<Playlist> {
const streams = new Collection()
const content = await this.storage.read(filepath)
const parsed: parser.Playlist = parser.parse(content)
parsed.items.forEach((item: parser.PlaylistItem) => {
const { name, label, quality } = parseTitle(item.name)
const stream = new Stream({
channel: item.tvg.id,
line: item.line,
url: item.url,
httpReferrer: item.http.referrer,
userAgent: item.http['user-agent']
return new Playlist(streams)
function parseTitle(title: string): { name: string; label: string; quality: string } {
const [, label] = title.match(/ \[(.*)\]$/) || [null, '']
const [, quality] = title.match(/ \(([0-9]+p)\)/) || [null, '']
const name = title.replace(` (${quality})`, '').replace(` [${label}]`, '')
return { name, label, quality }
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
import { File, Collection } from './'
import * as path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs-extra'
import { glob } from 'glob'
export class Storage {
rootDir: string
constructor(rootDir?: string) {
this.rootDir = rootDir || './'
list(pattern: string): Promise<string[]> {
return glob(pattern, {
cwd: this.rootDir
async createDir(dir: string): Promise<void> {
if (await fs.exists(dir)) return
await fs.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true }).catch(console.error)
async load(filepath: string): Promise<any> {
return this.read(filepath)
async read(filepath: string): Promise<any> {
const absFilepath = path.join(this.rootDir, filepath)
return await fs.readFile(absFilepath, { encoding: 'utf8' })
async json(filepath: string): Promise<any> {
const absFilepath = path.join(this.rootDir, filepath)
const content = await fs.readFile(absFilepath, { encoding: 'utf8' })
return JSON.parse(content)
async exists(filepath: string): Promise<boolean> {
const absFilepath = path.join(this.rootDir, filepath)
return await fs.exists(absFilepath)
async write(filepath: string, data: string = ''): Promise<void> {
const absFilepath = path.join(this.rootDir, filepath)
const dir = path.dirname(absFilepath)
await this.createDir(dir)
await fs.writeFile(absFilepath, data, { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'w' })
async append(filepath: string, data: string = ''): Promise<void> {
const absFilepath = path.join(this.rootDir, filepath)
await fs.appendFile(absFilepath, data, { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'w' })
async clear(filepath: string): Promise<void> {
await this.write(filepath)
async createStream(filepath: string): Promise<NodeJS.WriteStream> {
const absFilepath = path.join(this.rootDir, filepath)
const dir = path.dirname(absFilepath)
await this.createDir(dir)
return fs.createWriteStream(absFilepath) as unknown as NodeJS.WriteStream
async save(filepath: string, content: string): Promise<void> {
await this.write(filepath, content)
async saveFile(file: File): Promise<void> {
await this.write(file.filepath, file.content)
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
const _ = require('lodash')
const logger = require('./logger')
const setters = require('../store/setters')
const getters = require('../store/getters')
module.exports = {
create(state = {}) {
return {
changed: false,
set: function (prop, value) {
const prevState = JSON.stringify(this.state)
const setter = setters[prop]
if (typeof setter === 'function') {
try {
this.state[prop] = setter.bind()(value)
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`store/setters/${prop}.js: ${error.message}`)
} else if (typeof value === 'object') {
this.state[prop] = value[prop]
} else {
this.state[prop] = value
const newState = JSON.stringify(this.state)
if (prevState !== newState) {
this.changed = true
return this
get: function (prop) {
const getter = getters[prop]
if (typeof getter === 'function') {
try {
return getter.bind(this.state)()
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`store/getters/${prop}.js: ${error.message}`)
} else {
return prop.split('.').reduce((o, i) => (o ? o[i] : undefined), this.state)
has: function (prop) {
const value = this.get(prop)
return !_.isEmpty(value)
data: function () {
return this.state
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
const table = {}
table.create = function (data, cols) {
let output = '<table>\n'
output += ' <thead>\n <tr>'
for (let column of cols) {
output += `<th align="left">${column.name}</th>`
output += '</tr>\n </thead>\n'
output += ' <tbody>\n'
for (let item of data) {
output += ' <tr>'
let i = 0
for (let prop in item) {
const column = cols[i]
let nowrap = column.nowrap ? ` nowrap` : ''
let align = column.align ? ` align="${column.align}"` : ''
output += `<td${align}${nowrap}>${item[prop]}</td>`
output += '</tr>\n'
output += ' </tbody>\n'
output += '</table>'
return output
module.exports = table
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
const { performance } = require('perf_hooks')
const dayjs = require('dayjs')
const duration = require('dayjs/plugin/duration')
const relativeTime = require('dayjs/plugin/relativeTime')
const timer = {}
let t0 = 0
timer.start = function () {
t0 = performance.now()
timer.format = function (f) {
let t1 = performance.now()
return dayjs.duration(t1 - t0).format(f)
timer.humanize = function (suffix = true) {
let t1 = performance.now()
return dayjs.duration(t1 - t0).humanize(suffix)
module.exports = timer
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
const normalize = require('normalize-url')
const url = {}
url.normalize = function (string) {
const normalized = normalize(string, { stripWWW: false })
return decodeURIComponent(normalized).replace(/\s/g, '+')
module.exports = url
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import normalizeUrl from 'normalize-url'
export class URL {
url: string
constructor(url: string) {
this.url = url
normalize(): URL {
const normalized = normalizeUrl(this.url, { stripWWW: false })
this.url = decodeURIComponent(normalized).replace(/\s/g, '+')
return this
toString(): string {
return this.url
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
const api = require('../core/api')
const _ = require('lodash')
module.exports = async function (streams = []) {
await api.categories.load()
const categories = await api.categories.all()
const output = []
for (const category of categories) {
let items = _.filter(streams, { categories: [{ id: category.id }] })
output.push({ filepath: `categories/${category.id}.m3u`, items })
let items = _.filter(streams, stream => !stream.categories.length)
output.push({ filepath: 'categories/undefined.m3u', items })
return output
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
import { Generator } from './generator'
import { Collection, Storage, Logger } from '../core'
import { Stream, Category, Playlist } from '../models'
import { PUBLIC_DIR } from '../constants'
type CategoriesGeneratorProps = {
streams: Collection
categories: Collection
logger: Logger
export class CategoriesGenerator implements Generator {
streams: Collection
categories: Collection
storage: Storage
logger: Logger
constructor({ streams, categories, logger }: CategoriesGeneratorProps) {
this.streams = streams
this.categories = categories
this.storage = new Storage(PUBLIC_DIR)
this.logger = logger
async generate() {
const streams = this.streams.orderBy([(stream: Stream) => stream.getTitle()])
this.categories.forEach(async (category: Category) => {
let categoryStreams = streams
.filter((stream: Stream) => stream.hasCategory(category))
.map((stream: Stream) => {
const groupTitle = stream.categories
? stream.categories
.map((category: Category) => category.name)
: ''
stream.groupTitle = groupTitle
return stream
const playlist = new Playlist(categoryStreams, { public: true })
const filepath = `categories/${category.id}.m3u`
await this.storage.save(filepath, playlist.toString())
this.logger.info(JSON.stringify({ filepath, count: playlist.streams.count() }))
const undefinedStreams = streams.filter((stream: Stream) => stream.noCategories())
const playlist = new Playlist(undefinedStreams, { public: true })
const filepath = `categories/undefined.m3u`
await this.storage.save(filepath, playlist.toString())
this.logger.info(JSON.stringify({ filepath, count: playlist.streams.count() }))
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
const api = require('../core/api')
const _ = require('lodash')
module.exports = async function (streams = []) {
streams = _.filter(streams, stream => stream.is_nsfw === false)
await api.countries.load()
const countries = await api.countries.all()
await api.regions.load()
let regions = await api.regions.all()
regions = regions.filter(r => r.code !== 'INT')
await api.subdivisions.load()
const subdivisions = await api.subdivisions.all()
let output = []
for (const country of countries) {
let countryRegionCodes = _.filter(regions, { countries: [country.code] }).map(
r => `r/${r.code}`
const countrySubdivisions = _.filter(subdivisions, { country: country.code })
const countryAreaCodes = countryRegionCodes.concat(countrySubdivisions.map(s => `s/${s.code}`))
let items = _.filter(streams, stream => {
return _.intersection(stream.broadcast_area, countryAreaCodes).length
output.push({ filepath: `countries/${country.code.toLowerCase()}.m3u`, items })
for (let subdivision of countrySubdivisions) {
let subdivisionItems = _.filter(streams, stream => {
return stream.broadcast_area.includes(`s/${subdivision.code}`)
if (subdivisionItems.length) {
filepath: `subdivisions/${subdivision.code.toLowerCase()}.m3u`,
items: subdivisionItems
let intItems = _.filter(streams, stream => stream.broadcast_area.includes('r/INT'))
filepath: `countries/int.m3u`,
items: intItems
output = output.filter(f => f.items.length > 0)
return output
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
import { Generator } from './generator'
import { Collection, Storage, Logger } from '../core'
import { Country, Region, Subdivision, Stream, Playlist } from '../models'
import { PUBLIC_DIR } from '../constants'
type CountriesGeneratorProps = {
streams: Collection
regions: Collection
subdivisions: Collection
countries: Collection
logger: Logger
export class CountriesGenerator implements Generator {
streams: Collection
countries: Collection
regions: Collection
subdivisions: Collection
storage: Storage
logger: Logger
constructor({ streams, countries, regions, subdivisions, logger }: CountriesGeneratorProps) {
this.streams = streams
this.countries = countries
this.regions = regions
this.subdivisions = subdivisions
this.storage = new Storage(PUBLIC_DIR)
this.logger = logger
async generate(): Promise<void> {
let streams = this.streams
.orderBy([stream => stream.getTitle()])
.filter((stream: Stream) => stream.isSFW())
let regions = this.regions.filter((region: Region) => region.code !== 'INT')
this.countries.forEach(async (country: Country) => {
const countrySubdivisions = this.subdivisions.filter(
(subdivision: Subdivision) => subdivision.country === country.code
const countrySubdivisionsCodes = countrySubdivisions.map(
(subdivision: Subdivision) => `s/${subdivision.code}`
const countryAreaCodes = regions
.filter((region: Region) => region.countries.includes(country.code))
.map((region: Region) => `r/${region.code}`)
const countryStreams = streams.filter(stream =>
if (countryStreams.isEmpty()) return
const playlist = new Playlist(countryStreams, { public: true })
const filepath = `countries/${country.code.toLowerCase()}.m3u`
await this.storage.save(filepath, playlist.toString())
this.logger.info(JSON.stringify({ filepath, count: playlist.streams.count() }))
countrySubdivisions.forEach(async (subdivision: Subdivision) => {
const subdivisionStreams = streams.filter(stream =>
if (subdivisionStreams.isEmpty()) return
const playlist = new Playlist(subdivisionStreams, { public: true })
const filepath = `subdivisions/${subdivision.code.toLowerCase()}.m3u`
await this.storage.save(filepath, playlist.toString())
this.logger.info(JSON.stringify({ filepath, count: playlist.streams.count() }))
const internationalStreams = streams.filter(stream => stream.isInternational())
if (internationalStreams.notEmpty()) {
const playlist = new Playlist(internationalStreams, { public: true })
const filepath = `countries/int.m3u`
await this.storage.save(filepath, playlist.toString())
this.logger.info(JSON.stringify({ filepath, count: playlist.streams.count() }))
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export interface Generator {
generate(): Promise<void>
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
exports.categories = require('./categories')
exports.countries = require('./countries')
exports.languages = require('./languages')
exports.regions = require('./regions')
exports.index_m3u = require('./index_m3u')
exports.index_nsfw_m3u = require('./index_nsfw_m3u')
exports.index_category_m3u = require('./index_category_m3u')
exports.index_country_m3u = require('./index_country_m3u')
exports.index_language_m3u = require('./index_language_m3u')
exports.index_region_m3u = require('./index_region_m3u')
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
export * from './categoriesGenerator'
export * from './countriesGenerator'
export * from './languagesGenerator'
export * from './regionsGenerator'
export * from './indexGenerator'
export * from './indexNsfwGenerator'
export * from './indexCategoryGenerator'
export * from './indexCountryGenerator'
export * from './indexLanguageGenerator'
export * from './indexRegionGenerator'
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import { Generator } from './generator'
import { Collection, Storage, Logger } from '../core'
import { Stream, Playlist, Category } from '../models'
import { PUBLIC_DIR } from '../constants'
type IndexCategoryGeneratorProps = {
streams: Collection
logger: Logger
export class IndexCategoryGenerator implements Generator {
streams: Collection
storage: Storage
logger: Logger
constructor({ streams, logger }: IndexCategoryGeneratorProps) {
this.streams = streams
this.storage = new Storage(PUBLIC_DIR)
this.logger = logger
async generate(): Promise<void> {
const streams = this.streams
.orderBy(stream => stream.getTitle())
.filter(stream => stream.isSFW())
let groupedStreams = new Collection()
streams.forEach((stream: Stream) => {
if (stream.noCategories()) {
const streamClone = stream.clone()
streamClone.groupTitle = 'Undefined'
stream.categories.forEach((category: Category) => {
const streamClone = stream.clone()
streamClone.groupTitle = category.name
groupedStreams = groupedStreams.orderBy(stream => {
if (stream.groupTitle === 'Undefined') return 'ZZ'
return stream.groupTitle
const playlist = new Playlist(groupedStreams, { public: true })
const filepath = 'index.category.m3u'
await this.storage.save(filepath, playlist.toString())
this.logger.info(JSON.stringify({ filepath, count: playlist.streams.count() }))
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
import { Generator } from './generator'
import { Collection, Storage, Logger } from '../core'
import { Stream, Playlist, Country, Subdivision, Region } from '../models'
import { PUBLIC_DIR } from '../constants'
type IndexCountryGeneratorProps = {
streams: Collection
regions: Collection
countries: Collection
subdivisions: Collection
logger: Logger
export class IndexCountryGenerator implements Generator {
streams: Collection
countries: Collection
regions: Collection
subdivisions: Collection
storage: Storage
logger: Logger
constructor({ streams, regions, countries, subdivisions, logger }: IndexCountryGeneratorProps) {
this.streams = streams
this.countries = countries
this.regions = regions
this.subdivisions = subdivisions
this.storage = new Storage(PUBLIC_DIR)
this.logger = logger
async generate(): Promise<void> {
let groupedStreams = new Collection()
.orderBy(stream => stream.getTitle())
.filter(stream => stream.isSFW())
.forEach(stream => {
if (stream.noBroadcastArea()) {
const streamClone = stream.clone()
streamClone.groupTitle = 'Undefined'
if (stream.isInternational()) {
const streamClone = stream.clone()
streamClone.groupTitle = 'International'
this.getStreamBroadcastCountries(stream).forEach((country: Country) => {
const streamClone = stream.clone()
streamClone.groupTitle = country.name
groupedStreams = groupedStreams.orderBy((stream: Stream) => {
if (stream.groupTitle === 'International') return 'ZZ'
if (stream.groupTitle === 'Undefined') return 'ZZZ'
return stream.groupTitle
const playlist = new Playlist(groupedStreams, { public: true })
const filepath = 'index.country.m3u'
await this.storage.save(filepath, playlist.toString())
this.logger.info(JSON.stringify({ filepath, count: playlist.streams.count() }))
getStreamBroadcastCountries(stream: Stream) {
const groupedRegions = this.regions.keyBy((region: Region) => region.code)
const groupedCountries = this.countries.keyBy((country: Country) => country.code)
const groupedSubdivisions = this.subdivisions.keyBy(
(subdivision: Subdivision) => subdivision.code
let broadcastCountries = new Collection()
stream.broadcastArea.forEach(broadcastAreaCode => {
const [type, code] = broadcastAreaCode.split('/')
switch (type) {
case 'c':
case 'r':
if (code !== 'INT' && groupedRegions.has(code)) {
broadcastCountries = broadcastCountries.concat(groupedRegions.get(code).countries)
case 's':
if (groupedSubdivisions.has(code)) {
return broadcastCountries
.map(code => groupedCountries.get(code))
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import { Collection, Logger, Storage } from '../core'
import { Stream, Playlist } from '../models'
import { Generator } from './generator'
import { PUBLIC_DIR } from '../constants'
type IndexGeneratorProps = {
streams: Collection
logger: Logger
export class IndexGenerator implements Generator {
streams: Collection
storage: Storage
logger: Logger
constructor({ streams, logger }: IndexGeneratorProps) {
this.streams = streams
this.storage = new Storage(PUBLIC_DIR)
this.logger = logger
async generate(): Promise<void> {
const sfwStreams = this.streams
.orderBy(stream => stream.getTitle())
.filter((stream: Stream) => stream.isSFW())
const playlist = new Playlist(sfwStreams, { public: true })
const filepath = 'index.m3u'
await this.storage.save(filepath, playlist.toString())
this.logger.info(JSON.stringify({ filepath, count: playlist.streams.count() }))
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
import { Generator } from './generator'
import { Collection, Storage, Logger } from '../core'
import { Stream, Playlist, Language } from '../models'
import { PUBLIC_DIR } from '../constants'
type IndexLanguageGeneratorProps = {
streams: Collection
logger: Logger
export class IndexLanguageGenerator implements Generator {
streams: Collection
storage: Storage
logger: Logger
constructor({ streams, logger }: IndexLanguageGeneratorProps) {
this.streams = streams
this.storage = new Storage(PUBLIC_DIR)
this.logger = logger
async generate(): Promise<void> {
let groupedStreams = new Collection()
.orderBy(stream => stream.getTitle())
.filter(stream => stream.isSFW())
.forEach(stream => {
if (stream.noLanguages()) {
const streamClone = stream.clone()
streamClone.groupTitle = 'Undefined'
stream.languages.forEach((language: Language) => {
const streamClone = stream.clone()
streamClone.groupTitle = language.name
groupedStreams = groupedStreams.orderBy((stream: Stream) => {
if (stream.groupTitle === 'Undefined') return 'ZZ'
return stream.groupTitle
const playlist = new Playlist(groupedStreams, { public: true })
const filepath = 'index.language.m3u'
await this.storage.save(filepath, playlist.toString())
this.logger.info(JSON.stringify({ filepath, count: playlist.streams.count() }))
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import { Collection, Logger, Storage } from '../core'
import { Stream, Playlist } from '../models'
import { Generator } from './generator'
import { PUBLIC_DIR } from '../constants'
type IndexNsfwGeneratorProps = {
streams: Collection
logger: Logger
export class IndexNsfwGenerator implements Generator {
streams: Collection
storage: Storage
logger: Logger
constructor({ streams, logger }: IndexNsfwGeneratorProps) {
this.streams = streams
this.storage = new Storage(PUBLIC_DIR)
this.logger = logger
async generate(): Promise<void> {
const allStreams = this.streams.orderBy((stream: Stream) => stream.getTitle())
const playlist = new Playlist(allStreams, { public: true })
const filepath = 'index.nsfw.m3u'
await this.storage.save(filepath, playlist.toString())
this.logger.info(JSON.stringify({ filepath, count: playlist.streams.count() }))
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
import { Generator } from './generator'
import { Collection, Storage, Logger } from '../core'
import { Stream, Playlist, Region } from '../models'
import { PUBLIC_DIR } from '../constants'
type IndexRegionGeneratorProps = {
streams: Collection
regions: Collection
logger: Logger
export class IndexRegionGenerator implements Generator {
streams: Collection
regions: Collection
storage: Storage
logger: Logger
constructor({ streams, regions, logger }: IndexRegionGeneratorProps) {
this.streams = streams
this.regions = regions
this.storage = new Storage(PUBLIC_DIR)
this.logger = logger
async generate(): Promise<void> {
let groupedStreams = new Collection()
.orderBy((stream: Stream) => stream.getTitle())
.filter((stream: Stream) => stream.isSFW())
.forEach((stream: Stream) => {
if (stream.noBroadcastArea()) {
const streamClone = stream.clone()
streamClone.groupTitle = 'Undefined'
this.getStreamRegions(stream).forEach((region: Region) => {
const streamClone = stream.clone()
streamClone.groupTitle = region.name
groupedStreams = groupedStreams.orderBy((stream: Stream) => {
if (stream.groupTitle === 'Undefined') return 'ZZ'
return stream.groupTitle
const playlist = new Playlist(groupedStreams, { public: true })
const filepath = 'index.region.m3u'
await this.storage.save(filepath, playlist.toString())
this.logger.info(JSON.stringify({ filepath, count: playlist.streams.count() }))
getStreamRegions(stream: Stream) {
let streamRegions = new Collection()
stream.broadcastArea.forEach(broadcastAreaCode => {
const [type, code] = broadcastAreaCode.split('/')
switch (type) {
case 'r':
const groupedRegions = this.regions.keyBy((region: Region) => region.code)
case 's':
const [countryCode] = code.split('-')
const subdivisionRegions = this.regions.filter((region: Region) =>
streamRegions = streamRegions.concat(subdivisionRegions)
case 'c':
const countryRegions = this.regions.filter((region: Region) =>
streamRegions = streamRegions.concat(countryRegions)
return streamRegions
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
const _ = require('lodash')
module.exports = async function (streams = []) {
streams = _.filter(streams, stream => stream.is_nsfw === false)
let items = []
streams.forEach(stream => {
if (!stream.categories.length) {
const item = _.cloneDeep(stream)
item.group_title = 'Undefined'
.filter(c => c)
.forEach(category => {
const item = _.cloneDeep(stream)
item.group_title = category.name
items = _.sortBy(items, item => {
if (item.group_title === 'Undefined') return ''
return item.group_title
return { filepath: 'index.category.m3u', items }
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
const api = require('../core/api')
const _ = require('lodash')
module.exports = async function (streams = []) {
streams = _.filter(streams, stream => stream.is_nsfw === false)
await api.regions.load()
let regions = await api.regions.all()
regions = _.keyBy(regions, 'code')
await api.countries.load()
let countries = await api.countries.all()
countries = _.keyBy(countries, 'code')
await api.subdivisions.load()
let subdivisions = await api.subdivisions.all()
subdivisions = _.keyBy(subdivisions, 'code')
let items = []
streams.forEach(stream => {
if (!stream.broadcast_area.length) {
const item = _.cloneDeep(stream)
item.group_title = 'Undefined'
if (stream.broadcast_area.includes('r/INT')) {
const item = _.cloneDeep(stream)
item.group_title = 'International'
const broadcastCountries = getBroadcastCountries(stream, { countries, regions, subdivisions })
broadcastCountries.forEach(country => {
const item = _.cloneDeep(stream)
item.group_title = country.name
items = sortByGroupTitle(items)
return { filepath: 'index.country.m3u', items }
function getBroadcastCountries(stream, { countries, regions, subdivisions }) {
let codes = stream.broadcast_area.reduce((acc, item) => {
const [type, code] = item.split('/')
switch (type) {
case 'c':
case 'r':
if (code !== 'INT' && regions[code]) {
acc = acc.concat(regions[code].countries)
case 's':
if (subdivisions[code]) {
return acc
}, [])
codes = _.uniq(codes)
return codes.map(code => countries[code]).filter(c => c)
function sortByGroupTitle(items) {
return _.sortBy(items, item => {
if (item.group_title === 'International') return '[' // ASCII character 91
if (item.group_title === 'Undefined') return ']' // ASCII character 93
return item.group_title
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
const _ = require('lodash')
module.exports = async function (streams = []) {
streams = _.filter(streams, stream => stream.is_nsfw === false)
let items = []
streams.forEach(stream => {
if (!stream.languages.length) {
const item = _.cloneDeep(stream)
item.group_title = 'Undefined'
stream.languages.forEach(language => {
const item = _.cloneDeep(stream)
item.group_title = language.name
items = _.sortBy(items, i => {
if (i.group_title === 'Undefined') return ''
return i.group_title
return { filepath: 'index.language.m3u', items }
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
const api = require('../core/api')
const _ = require('lodash')
module.exports = async function (streams = []) {
streams = _.filter(streams, stream => stream.is_nsfw === false)
return { filepath: 'index.m3u', items: streams }
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
const api = require('../core/api')
const _ = require('lodash')
module.exports = async function (streams = []) {
return { filepath: 'index.nsfw.m3u', items: streams }
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
const api = require('../core/api')
const _ = require('lodash')
module.exports = async function (streams = []) {
streams = _.filter(streams, stream => stream.is_nsfw === false)
await api.regions.load()
let regions = await api.regions.all()
regions = _.keyBy(regions, 'code')
let items = []
streams.forEach(stream => {
if (!stream.broadcast_area.length) {
const item = _.cloneDeep(stream)
item.group_title = 'Undefined'
getChannelRegions(stream, { regions }).forEach(region => {
const item = _.cloneDeep(stream)
item.group_title = region.name
items = _.sortBy(items, i => {
if (i.group_title === 'Undefined') return ''
return i.group_title
return { filepath: 'index.region.m3u', items }
function getChannelRegions(stream, { regions }) {
return stream.broadcast_area
.reduce((acc, item) => {
const [type, code] = item.split('/')
switch (type) {
case 'r':
case 's':
const [c] = code.split('-')
const r1 = _.filter(regions, { countries: [c] })
acc = acc.concat(r1)
case 'c':
const r2 = _.filter(regions, { countries: [code] })
acc = acc.concat(r2)
return acc
}, [])
.filter(i => i)
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
const _ = require('lodash')
module.exports = async function (streams = []) {
streams = _.filter(streams, stream => stream.is_nsfw === false)
let languages = []
streams.forEach(stream => {
languages = languages.concat(stream.languages)
languages = _.uniqBy(languages, 'code')
languages = _.sortBy(languages, 'name')
const output = []
for (const language of languages) {
let items = _.filter(streams, { languages: [{ code: language.code }] })
if (items.length) {
output.push({ filepath: `languages/${language.code}.m3u`, items })
let items = _.filter(streams, stream => !stream.languages.length)
output.push({ filepath: 'languages/undefined.m3u', items })
return output
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
import { Generator } from './generator'
import { Collection, Storage, Logger } from '../core'
import { Playlist, Language, Stream } from '../models'
import { PUBLIC_DIR } from '../constants'
type LanguagesGeneratorProps = { streams: Collection; logger: Logger }
export class LanguagesGenerator implements Generator {
streams: Collection
storage: Storage
logger: Logger
constructor({ streams, logger }: LanguagesGeneratorProps) {
this.streams = streams
this.storage = new Storage(PUBLIC_DIR)
this.logger = logger
async generate(): Promise<void> {
let streams = this.streams.orderBy(stream => stream.getTitle()).filter(stream => stream.isSFW())
let languages = new Collection()
streams.forEach((stream: Stream) => {
languages = languages.concat(stream.languages)
.uniqBy((language: Language) => language.code)
.orderBy((language: Language) => language.name)
.forEach(async (language: Language) => {
const languageStreams = streams.filter(stream => stream.hasLanguage(language))
if (languageStreams.isEmpty()) return
const playlist = new Playlist(languageStreams, { public: true })
const filepath = `languages/${language.code}.m3u`
await this.storage.save(filepath, playlist.toString())
this.logger.info(JSON.stringify({ filepath, count: playlist.streams.count() }))
const undefinedStreams = streams.filter(stream => stream.noLanguages())
if (undefinedStreams.isEmpty()) return
const playlist = new Playlist(undefinedStreams, { public: true })
const filepath = 'languages/undefined.m3u'
await this.storage.save(filepath, playlist.toString())
this.logger.info(JSON.stringify({ filepath, count: playlist.streams.count() }))
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
const api = require('../core/api')
const _ = require('lodash')
module.exports = async function (streams = []) {
streams = _.filter(streams, stream => stream.is_nsfw === false)
await api.regions.load()
const regions = await api.regions.all()
await api.subdivisions.load()
const subdivisions = await api.subdivisions.all()
const output = []
for (const region of regions) {
if (region.code === 'INT') continue
const regionCountries = region.countries
let areaCodes = regionCountries.map(code => `c/${code}`)
const regionSubdivisions = _.filter(
s => regionCountries.indexOf(s.country) > -1
).map(s => `s/${s.code}`)
areaCodes = areaCodes.concat(regionSubdivisions)
let items = _.filter(streams, stream => _.intersection(stream.broadcast_area, areaCodes).length)
output.push({ filepath: `regions/${region.code.toLowerCase()}.m3u`, items })
return output
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
import { Generator } from './generator'
import { Collection, Storage, Logger } from '../core'
import { Playlist, Subdivision, Region } from '../models'
import { PUBLIC_DIR } from '../constants'
type RegionsGeneratorProps = {
streams: Collection
regions: Collection
subdivisions: Collection
logger: Logger
export class RegionsGenerator implements Generator {
streams: Collection
regions: Collection
subdivisions: Collection
storage: Storage
logger: Logger
constructor({ streams, regions, subdivisions, logger }: RegionsGeneratorProps) {
this.streams = streams
this.regions = regions
this.subdivisions = subdivisions
this.storage = new Storage(PUBLIC_DIR)
this.logger = logger
async generate(): Promise<void> {
let streams = this.streams.orderBy(stream => stream.getTitle()).filter(stream => stream.isSFW())
this.regions.forEach(async (region: Region) => {
if (region.code === 'INT') return
const regionSubdivisionsCodes = this.subdivisions
.filter((subdivision: Subdivision) => region.countries.indexOf(subdivision.country) > -1)
.map((subdivision: Subdivision) => `s/${subdivision.code}`)
const regionCodes = region.countries
.map((code: string) => `c/${code}`)
const regionStreams = streams.filter(stream => stream.broadcastArea.intersects(regionCodes))
const playlist = new Playlist(regionStreams, { public: true })
const filepath = `regions/${region.code.toLowerCase()}.m3u`
await this.storage.save(filepath, playlist.toString())
this.logger.info(JSON.stringify({ filepath, count: playlist.streams.count() }))
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
type BlockedProps = {
channel: string
ref: string
export class Blocked {
channel: string
ref: string
constructor({ ref, channel }: BlockedProps) {
this.channel = channel
this.ref = ref
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
type CategoryProps = {
id: string
name: string
export class Category {
id: string
name: string
constructor({ id, name }: CategoryProps) {
this.id = id
this.name = name
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
import { Collection } from '../core'
type ChannelProps = {
id: string
name: string
alt_names: string[]
network: string
owners: string[]
country: string
subdivision: string
city: string
broadcast_area: string[]
languages: string[]
categories: string[]
is_nsfw: boolean
launched: string
closed: string
replaced_by: string
website: string
logo: string
export class Channel {
id: string
name: string
altNames: Collection
network: string
owners: Collection
country: string
subdivision: string
city: string
broadcastArea: Collection
languages: Collection
categories: Collection
isNSFW: boolean
launched: string
closed: string
replacedBy: string
website: string
logo: string
}: ChannelProps) {
this.id = id
this.name = name
this.altNames = new Collection(alt_names)
this.network = network
this.owners = new Collection(owners)
this.country = country
this.subdivision = subdivision
this.city = city
this.broadcastArea = new Collection(broadcast_area)
this.languages = new Collection(languages)
this.categories = new Collection(categories)
this.isNSFW = is_nsfw
this.launched = launched
this.closed = closed
this.replacedBy = replaced_by
this.website = website
this.logo = logo
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
type CountryProps = {
code: string
name: string
languages: string[]
flag: string
export class Country {
code: string
name: string
languages: string[]
flag: string
constructor({ code, name, languages, flag }: CountryProps) {
this.code = code
this.name = name
this.languages = languages
this.flag = flag
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
export * from './playlist'
export * from './blocked'
export * from './stream'
export * from './category'
export * from './channel'
export * from './language'
export * from './country'
export * from './region'
export * from './subdivision'
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
type LanguageProps = {
code: string
name: string
export class Language {
code: string
name: string
constructor({ code, name }: LanguageProps) {
this.code = code
this.name = name
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import { Collection } from '../core'
import { Stream } from '../models'
type PlaylistOptions = {
public: boolean
export class Playlist {
streams: Collection
options: {
public: boolean
constructor(streams: Collection, options?: PlaylistOptions) {
this.streams = streams
this.options = options || { public: false }
toString() {
let output = `#EXTM3U\n`
this.streams.forEach((stream: Stream) => {
output += stream.toString(this.options) + `\n`
return output
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import { Collection } from '../core'
type RegionProps = {
code: string
name: string
countries: string[]
export class Region {
code: string
name: string
countries: Collection
constructor({ code, name, countries }: RegionProps) {
this.code = code
this.name = name
this.countries = new Collection(countries)
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
import { URL, Collection } from '../core'
import { Category, Language } from './index'
type StreamProps = {
name: string
url: string
filepath: string
line: number
channel?: string
httpReferrer?: string
label?: string
quality?: string
userAgent?: string
export class Stream {
channel: string
filepath: string
line: number
httpReferrer: string
label: string
name: string
quality: string
url: string
userAgent: string
logo: string
broadcastArea: Collection
categories: Collection
languages: Collection
isNSFW: boolean
groupTitle: string
}: StreamProps) {
this.channel = channel || ''
this.filepath = filepath
this.line = line
this.httpReferrer = httpReferrer || ''
this.label = label || ''
this.name = name
this.quality = quality || ''
this.url = url
this.userAgent = userAgent || ''
this.logo = ''
this.broadcastArea = new Collection()
this.categories = new Collection()
this.languages = new Collection()
this.isNSFW = false
this.groupTitle = 'Undefined'
normalizeURL() {
const url = new URL(this.url)
this.url = url.normalize().toString()
clone(): Stream {
return Object.assign(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(this)), this)
hasName(): boolean {
return !!this.name
noName(): boolean {
return !this.name
hasChannel() {
return !!this.channel
hasCategories(): boolean {
return this.categories.notEmpty()
noCategories(): boolean {
return this.categories.empty()
hasCategory(category: Category): boolean {
return this.categories.includes((_category: Category) => _category.id === category.id)
noLanguages(): boolean {
return this.languages.empty()
hasLanguage(language: Language): boolean {
return this.languages.includes((_language: Language) => _language.code === language.code)
noBroadcastArea(): boolean {
return this.broadcastArea.empty()
isInternational(): boolean {
return this.broadcastArea.includes('r/INT')
isSFW(): boolean {
return this.isNSFW === false
getTitle(): string {
let title = `${this.name}`
if (this.quality) {
title += ` (${this.quality})`
if (this.label) {
title += ` [${this.label}]`
return title
data() {
return {
channel: this.channel,
filepath: this.filepath,
httpReferrer: this.httpReferrer,
label: this.label,
name: this.name,
quality: this.quality,
url: this.url,
userAgent: this.userAgent,
line: this.line
toJSON() {
return {
channel: this.channel,
url: this.url,
http_referrer: this.httpReferrer || null,
user_agent: this.userAgent || null
toString(options: { public: boolean }) {
let output = `#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="${this.channel}"`
if (options.public) {
output += ` tvg-logo="${this.logo}" group-title="${this.groupTitle}"`
if (this.userAgent) {
output += ` user-agent="${this.userAgent}"`
output += `,${this.getTitle()}`
if (this.httpReferrer) {
output += `\n#EXTVLCOPT:http-referrer=${this.httpReferrer}`
if (this.userAgent) {
output += `\n#EXTVLCOPT:http-user-agent=${this.userAgent}`
output += `\n${this.url}`
return output
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
type SubdivisionProps = {
code: string
name: string
country: string
export class Subdivision {
code: string
name: string
country: string
constructor({ code, name, country }: SubdivisionProps) {
this.code = code
this.name = name
this.country = country
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
module.exports = function () {
if (this.group_title) return this.group_title
if (this.categories.length) {
return this.categories
.filter(c => c)
.map(category => category.name)
return 'Undefined'
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
exports.group_title = require('./group_title')
exports.tvg_id = require('./tvg_id')
exports.tvg_logo = require('./tvg_logo')
exports.tvg_country = require('./tvg_country')
exports.tvg_language = require('./tvg_language')
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
module.exports = function () {
if (this.tvg_country) return this.tvg_country
if (this.broadcast_area.length) {
return this.broadcast_area
.map(item => {
const [_, code] = item.split('/')
return code
.filter(i => i)
return ''
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
module.exports = function () {
return this.channel || ''
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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