const { program } = require('commander')
const parser = require('./parser')
const utils = require('./utils')
const axios = require('axios')
const ProgressBar = require('progress')
const https = require('https')
const chalk = require('chalk')
.option('-d, --debug', 'Debug mode')
.option('-c, --country <country>', 'Comma-separated list of country codes', '')
.option('-e, --exclude <exclude>', 'Comma-separated list of country codes to be excluded', '')
.option('--delay <delay>', 'Delay between parser requests', 1000)
.option('--timeout <timeout>', 'Set timeout for each request', 5000)
const config = program.opts()
const instance = axios.create({
timeout: config.timeout,
maxContentLength: 200000,
httpsAgent: new https.Agent({
rejectUnauthorized: false
validateStatus: function (status) {
return status !== 404
const ignore = ['Geo-blocked', 'Not 24/7']
async function main() {
if (config.debug) {
console.info(chalk.yellow(`INFO: Debug mode enabled\n`))
const playlists = parseIndex()
for (const playlist of playlists) {
await loadPlaylist(playlist.url).then(checkStatus).then(savePlaylist).then(done)
function parseIndex() {
console.info(`Parsing 'index.m3u'...`)
let playlists = parser.parseIndex()
playlists = utils.filterPlaylists(playlists, config.country, config.exclude)
console.info(`Found ${playlists.length} playlist(s)\n`)
return playlists
async function loadPlaylist(url) {
console.info(`Processing '${url}'...`)
return parser.parsePlaylist(url)
async function checkStatus(playlist) {
let bar
if (!config.debug) {
bar = new ProgressBar(' Testing: [:bar] :current/:total (:percent) ', {
total: playlist.channels.length
const results = []
const total = playlist.channels.length
for (const [index, channel] of playlist.channels.entries()) {
const current = index + 1
const counter = chalk.gray(`[${current}/${total}]`)
if (bar) bar.tick()
if (
(channel.status && ignore.map(i => i.toLowerCase()).includes(channel.status.toLowerCase())) ||
(!channel.url.startsWith('http://') && !channel.url.startsWith('https://'))
) {
if (config.debug) {
console.info(` ${counter} ${chalk.green('online')} ${chalk.white(channel.url)}`)
} else {
await instance
.then(() => {
if (config.debug) {
console.info(` ${counter} ${chalk.green('online')} ${chalk.white(channel.url)}`)
.catch(err => {
if (err.response && err.response.status === 404) {
if (config.debug) {
console.info(` ${counter} ${chalk.red('offline')} ${chalk.white(channel.url)}`)
} else {
if (config.debug) {
console.info(` ${counter} ${chalk.green('online')} ${chalk.white(channel.url)}`)
playlist.channels = results
return playlist
async function savePlaylist(playlist) {
const original = utils.readFile(playlist.url)
const output = playlist.toString({ raw: true })
if (original === output) {
console.info(`No changes have been made.`)
return false
} else {
utils.createFile(playlist.url, output)
console.info(`Playlist has been updated.`)
return true
async function done() {
console.info(` `)
function finish() {