![banner](banner.png?raw=true) ## Installation: Usage: `sudo ./install.sh [OPTIONS...]` ``` -t, --theme theme variant(s) [tela|vimix|stylish|whitesur] (default is tela) -i, --icon icon variant(s) [color|white|whitesur] (default is color) -s, --screen screen display variant(s) [1080p|2k|4k|ultrawide|ultrawide2k] (default is 1080p) -c, --custom-resolution set custom resolution (e.g., 1600x900) (disabled in default) -r, --remove remove theme [tela|vimix|stylish|whitesur] (must add theme name option, default is tela) -b, --boot install theme into '/boot/grub' or '/boot/grub2' -g, --generate do not install but generate theme into chosen directory (must add your directory) -h, --help show this help ``` *If no options are used, a user interface *`dialog`* will show up instead* ### Examples: - Install Tela theme on 2k display device: ```sh sudo ./install.sh -t tela -s 2k ``` - Install Tela theme with custom resolution: ```sh sudo ./install.sh -t tela -c 1600x900 ``` - Install Tela theme into /boot/grub/themes: ```sh sudo ./install.sh -b -t tela ``` - Uninstall Tela theme: ```sh sudo ./install.sh -r -t tela ``` ## Installation with NixOS: To use this theme with NixOS you will have to enable [flakes](https://wiki.nixos.org/wiki/flakes). Before you do this, please inform yourself if you really want to, because flakes are still an unstable feature. First you will have to add grub2 to your `flake.nix` file as a new input. ```nix # flake.nix { description = "NixOS configuration"; inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable"; # Add grub2 themes to your inputs ... grub2-themes = { url = "github:vinceliuice/grub2-themes"; }; }; outputs = inputs@{ nixpkgs, grub2-themes, ... }: { nixosConfigurations = { my_host = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { system = "x86_64-linux"; specialArgs = { inherit inputs; }; # ... and then to your modules modules = [ ./configuration.nix grub2-themes.nixosModules.default ]; }; }; }; } ``` After that, you can configure the theme as shown below. In this example it is inside the `configuration.nix` file but it can be any file you choose. ```nix # configuration.nix { inputs, config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { boot.loader.grub = { ... }; boot.loader.grub2-theme = { enable = true; theme = "stylish"; footer = true; customResolution = "1600x900"; # Optional: Set a custom resolution }; } ``` ## Issues / tweaks: ### Correcting display resolution: - On the grub screen, press `c` to enter the command line - Enter `vbeinfo` or `videoinfo` to check available resolutions - Open `/etc/default/grub`, and edit `GRUB_GFXMODE=[height]x[width]x32` to match your resolution - Finally, run `grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg` to update your grub config ### Setting a custom background: - Make sure you have `imagemagick` installed, or at least something that provides `convert` - Find the resolution of your display, and make sure your background matches the resolution - 1920x1080 >> 1080p - 2560x1080 >> ultrawide - 2560x1440 >> 2k - 3440x1440 >> ultrawide2k - 3840x2160 >> 4k - Place your custom background inside the root of the project, and name it `background.jpg` - Run the installer like normal, but with -s `[YOUR_RESOLUTION]` and -t `[THEME]` and -i `[ICON]` - Make sure to replace `[YOUR_RESOLUTION]` with your resolution and `[THEME]` with the theme - Alternatively, use the `-c` option to set a custom resolution ## Contributing: - If you made changes to icons, or added a new one: - Delete the existing icon, if there is one - Run `cd assets; ./render-all.sh` - Create a pull request from your branch or fork - If any issues occur, report then to the [issue](https://github.com/vinceliuice/grub2-themes/issues) page ## Preview: ![preview](preview.png?raw=true) ## Documents [Grub2 theme reference](https://wiki.rosalab.ru/en/index.php/Grub2_theme_/_reference) [Grub2 theme tutorial](https://wiki.rosalab.ru/en/index.php/Grub2_theme_tutorial)