@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# Exit Immediately if a command fails
set -o errexit
# ──────────────────────────────────────────────────── I ──────────
# :::::: C O L O R S : : : : : : : :
# ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
CDEF=" \033[0m" # default color
CCIN=" \033[0;36m" # info color
CGSC=" \033[0;32m" # success color
CRER=" \033[0;31m" # error color
CWAR=" \033[0;33m" # waring color
b_CDEF=" \033[1;37m" # bold default color
b_CCIN=" \033[1;36m" # bold info color
b_CGSC=" \033[1;32m" # bold success color
b_CRER=" \033[1;31m" # bold error color
b_CWAR=" \033[1;33m" # bold warning color
# ────────────────────────────────────────────────────── II ──────────
# :::::: G L O B A L S : : : : : : : :
# ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
readonly ROOT_UID=0
readonly Project_Name="GRUB2::THEMES"
readonly MAX_DELAY=20 # max delay for user to enter root password
@ -41,12 +15,24 @@ THEME_VARIANTS=('tela' 'vimix' 'stylish' 'whitesur')
ICON_VARIANTS=('color' 'white' 'whitesur')
SCREEN_VARIANTS=('1080p' '2k' '4k' 'ultrawide' 'ultrawide2k')
# :::::: C O L O R S :::::: #
# ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── III ──────────
# :::::: F U N C T I O N S : : : : : : : :
# ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
CDEF=" \033[0m" # default color
CCIN=" \033[0;36m" # info color
CGSC=" \033[0;32m" # success color
CRER=" \033[0;31m" # error color
CWAR=" \033[0;33m" # waring color
b_CDEF=" \033[1;37m" # bold default color
b_CCIN=" \033[1;36m" # bold info color
b_CGSC=" \033[1;32m" # bold success color
b_CRER=" \033[1;31m" # bold error color
b_CWAR=" \033[1;33m" # bold warning color
# :::::: F U N C T I O N S :::::: #
# echo like ... with flag type and display message colors
prompt () {
@ -201,22 +187,17 @@ install() {
# Update grub config
prompt -s "\n Updating grub config...\n"
prompt -w "\n * At the next restart of your computer you will see your new Grub theme: '$theme' "
#Check if password is cached (if cache timestamp has not expired yet)
elif sudo -n true 2> /dev/null && echo; then #No need for "$?" ==> https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2181
sudo "$0" -t ${theme} -i ${icon} -s ${screen}
#Ask for password
if [[ -n ${tui_root_login} ]] ; then
if [[ -n "${theme}" && -n "${screen}" ]]; then
sudo -S $0 -t ${theme} -i ${icon} -s ${screen} <<< ${tui_root_login}
@ -340,21 +321,15 @@ updating_grub() {
function install_program () {
if has_command zypper; then
zypper in "$@"
elif has_command apt-get; then
apt-get install "$@"
elif has_command dnf; then
dnf install -y "$@"
elif has_command yum; then
yum install "$@"
elif has_command pacman; then
pacman -S --noconfirm "$@"
@ -382,7 +357,7 @@ remove() {
local grub_config_location=""
if [[ -f "/etc/default/grub" ]]; then
elif [[ -f "/etc/default/grub.d/kali-themes.cfg" ]]; then
@ -398,7 +373,7 @@ remove() {
local current_theme="" # Declaration and assignment should be done seperately ==> https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2155
current_theme="$(grep 'GRUB_THEME=' $grub_config_location | grep -v \#)"
if [[ -n "$current_theme" ]]; then
# Backup with --in-place option to grub.bak within the same directory; then remove the current theme.
sed --in-place='.bak' "s|$current_theme|#GRUB_THEME=|" "$grub_config_location"
@ -466,12 +441,9 @@ dialog_installer() {
install "${theme}" "${icon}" "${screen}"
# ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── IV ──────────
# :::::: A R G U M E N T H A N D L I N G : : : : : : : :
# ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
# :::::: A R G U M E N T H A N D L I N G :::::: #
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
@ -590,12 +562,9 @@ while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
# ──────────────────────────────────────────────── V ──────────
# :::::: M A I N : : : : : : : :
# ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
# :::::: M A I N :::::: #
# Show terminal user interface for better use
if [[ "${dialog:-}" == 'false' ]]; then