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<!DOCTYPE html>
Tomato GUI
Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Jonathan Zarate
For use with Tomato Firmware only.
No part of this file may be used without permission.
<html lang="en-GB">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
<title>[<% ident(); %>] Admin: IP Traffic Monitoring</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tomato.css?rel=<% version(); %>">
<% css(); %>
<script src="tomato.js?rel=<% version(); %>"></script>
// <% nvram("cstats_enable,cstats_path,cstats_stime,cstats_offset,cstats_exclude,cstats_include,cstats_sshut,lan_hwaddr,cifs1,cifs2,jffs2_on,cstats_bak,cstats_all,cstats_labels,t_model_name"); %>
var xob = null;
const now = new Date();
function _cstatsNvramAdd() {
form.submitHidden('service.cgi', { _service: 'cstats_nvram-start', _sleep: 1 });
function cstatsNvramAdd() {
var sb, cb, msg;
/* short check for cstats nvram var. If OK - nothing to do! */
if ((nvram.cstats_stime.length > 0) &&
(nvram.cstats_offset.length > 0))
/* check already enabled? - nothing to do! */
if (nvram.cstats_enable > 0)
E('_f_cstats_enable').disabled = 1;
if ((sb = E('save-button')) != null) sb.disabled = 1;
if ((cb = E('cancel-button')) != null) cb.disabled = 1;
if (!confirm("Add IP Traffic to nvram?"))
if (xob)
if ((xob = new XmlHttp()) == null) {
if ((msg = E('footer-msg')) != null) {
msg.innerHTML = 'adding nvram values...'; = 'inline';
xob.onCompleted = function(text, xml) {
if (msg) {
msg.innerHTML = 'nvram ready';
function() {
E('_f_cstats_enable').disabled = 0;
if (sb) sb.disabled = 0;
if (cb) cb.disabled = 0;
if (msg) = 'none';
setTimeout(reloadPage, 1000);
}, 5000);
xob = null;
xob.onError = function() {
}'service.cgi', '_service=cstats_nvram-start'+'&'+'_sleep=1'+'&'+'_ajax=1');
function fix(name) {
var i;
if (((i = name.lastIndexOf('/')) > 0) || ((i = name.lastIndexOf('\\')) > 0))
name = name.substring(i + 1, name.length);
return name;
function backupNameChanged() {
if (location.href.match(/^(http.+?\/.+\/)/))
E('backup-link').href = RegExp.$1+'stats/'+fix(E('backup-name').value)+'.gz?_http_id='+nvram.http_id+'&_what=ipt';
function backupButton() {
var name;
name = fix(E('backup-name').value);
if (name.length <= 1) {
alert('Invalid filename');
location.href = 'stats/'+name+'.gz?_http_id='+nvram.http_id+'&_what=ipt';
function restoreButton() {
var fom;
var name;
var i;
name = fix(E('restore-name').value);
name = name.toLowerCase();
if ((name.length <= 3) || (name.substring(name.length - 3, name.length).toLowerCase() != '.gz')) {
alert('Incorrect filename. Expecting a ".gz" file.');
if (!confirm('Restore data from '+name+'?'))
E('restore-button').disabled = 1;
fields.disableAll(E('config-section'), 1);
fields.disableAll(E('backup-section'), 1);
fields.disableAll(E('footer'), 1);
function getPath() {
var s = E('_f_loc').value;
return (s == '*user') ? E('_f_user').value : s;
function verifyFields(focused, quiet) {
var b, v;
var path;
var eLoc, eUser, eTime, eOfs;
var bak;
var eInc, eExc, eAll, eBak, eLab;
eLoc = E('_f_loc');
eUser = E('_f_user');
eTime = E('_cstats_stime');
eOfs = E('_cstats_offset');
eInc = E('_cstats_include');
eExc = E('_cstats_exclude');
eAll = E('_f_all');
eBak = E('_f_bak');
eLab = E('_cstats_labels');
b = !E('_f_cstats_enable').checked;
eLoc.disabled = b;
eUser.disabled = b;
eTime.disabled = b;
eOfs.disabled = b;
eInc.disabled = b;
eExc.disabled = b;
eAll.disabled = b;
eBak.disabled = b;
eLab.disabled = b;
E('_f_new').disabled = b;
E('_f_sshut').disabled = b;
E('backup-button').disabled = b;
E('backup-name').disabled = b;
E('restore-button').disabled = b;
E('restore-name').disabled = b;
if (b)
return 1;
eInc.disabled = eAll.checked;
path = getPath();
E('newmsg').style.display = ((nvram.cstats_path != path) && (path != '*nvram') && (path != '')) ? 'block' : 'none';
bak = 0;
v = eLoc.value;
b = (v == '*user');
elem.display(eUser, b);
if (b) {
if (!v_length(eUser, quiet, 2))
return 0;
if (path.substr(0, 1) != '/') {
ferror.set(eUser, 'Please start at the / root directory.', quiet);
return 0;
else if (v == '/jffs/') {
if (nvram.jffs2_on != '1') {
ferror.set(eLoc, 'JFFS2 is not enabled.', quiet);
return 0;
/* JFFS2-END */
else if (v.match(/^\/cifs(1|2)\/$/)) {
if (nvram['cifs'+RegExp.$1].substr(0, 1) != '1') {
ferror.set(eLoc, 'CIFS #'+RegExp.$1+' is not enabled.', quiet);
return 0;
/* CIFS-END */
bak = 1;
E('_f_bak').disabled = bak;
return v_range(eOfs, quiet, 1, 31);
function save() {
var fom, path, en, e, aj;
if (!verifyFields(null, 0))
aj = 1;
en = E('_f_cstats_enable').checked;
fom = E('t_fom');
fom._service.value = 'cstats-restart,firewall-restart';
if (en) {
path = getPath();
if (((E('_cstats_stime').value * 1) <= 48) && ((path == '*nvram')
|| (path == '/jffs/')
/* JFFS2-END */
)) {
if (!confirm('Frequent saving to NVRAM or JFFS2 is not recommended. Continue anyway?'))
if ((nvram.cstats_path != path) && (fom.cstats_path.value != path) && (path != '') && (path != '*nvram') && (path.substr(path.length - 1, 1) != '/')) {
if (!confirm('Note: '+path+' will be treated as a file. If this is a directory, please use a trailing /. Continue anyway?'))
fom.cstats_path.value = path;
if (E('_f_new').checked) {
fom._service.value = 'cstatsnew-restart';
aj = 0;
fom.cstats_path.disabled = !en;
fom.cstats_enable.value = en ? 1 : 0;
fom.cstats_sshut.value = E('_f_sshut').checked ? 1 : 0;
fom.cstats_bak.value = E('_f_bak').checked ? 1 : 0;
fom.cstats_all.value = E('_f_all').checked ? 1 : 0;
e = E('_cstats_exclude');
e.value = e.value.replace(/\s+/g, ',').replace(/,+/g, ',');
e = E('_cstats_include');
e.value = e.value.replace(/\s+/g, ',').replace(/,+/g, ',');
fields.disableAll(E('backup-section'), 1);
fields.disableAll(E('restore-section'), 1);
form.submit(fom, aj);
if (en) {
fields.disableAll(E('backup-section'), 0);
fields.disableAll(E('restore-section'), 0);
function init() {
<body onload="init()">
<table id="container">
<tr><td colspan="2" id="header">
<div class="title"><a href="/">FreshTomato</a></div>
<div class="version">Version <% version(); %> on <% nv("t_model_name"); %></div>
<tr id="body"><td id="navi"><script>navi()</script></td>
<td id="content">
<div id="ident"><% ident(); %> | <script>wikiLink();</script></div>
<!-- / / / -->
<div class="section-title">IP Traffic Monitoring</div>
<form id="t_fom" method="post" action="tomato.cgi">
<div class="section" id="config-section">
<input type="hidden" name="_nextpage" value="admin-iptraffic.asp">
<input type="hidden" name="_service" value="cstats-restart,firewall-restart">
<input type="hidden" name="cstats_enable">
<input type="hidden" name="cstats_path">
<input type="hidden" name="cstats_sshut">
<input type="hidden" name="cstats_bak">
<input type="hidden" name="cstats_all">
switch (nvram.cstats_path) {
case '':
case '*nvram':
case '/jffs/':
case '/cifs1/':
case '/cifs2/':
loc = nvram.cstats_path;
loc = '*user';
createFieldTable('', [
{ title: 'Enable', name: 'f_cstats_enable', type: 'checkbox', value: nvram.cstats_enable == '1' },
{ title: 'Save History Location', multi: [
{ name: 'f_loc', type: 'select', options: [['','RAM (Temporary)'],['*nvram','NVRAM'],['/jffs/','JFFS2'],['/cifs1/','CIFS 1'],['/cifs2/','CIFS 2'],['*user','Custom Path']], value: loc },
{ name: 'f_loc', type: 'select', options: [['','RAM (Temporary)'],
/* JFFS2-END */
['/cifs1/','CIFS 1'],['/cifs2/','CIFS 2'],
/* CIFS-END */
['*user','Custom Path']], value: loc }, { name: 'f_user', type: 'text', maxlen: 48, size: 50, value: nvram.cstats_path }
] },
{ title: 'Save Frequency', indent: 2, name: 'cstats_stime', type: 'select', value: nvram.cstats_stime, options: [
[1,'Every Hour'],[2,'Every 2 Hours'],[3,'Every 3 Hours'],[4,'Every 4 Hours'],[5,'Every 5 Hours'],[6,'Every 6 Hours'],
[9,'Every 9 Hours'],[12,'Every 12 Hours'],[24,'Every 24 Hours'],[48,'Every 2 Days'],[72,'Every 3 Days'],[96,'Every 4 Days'],
[120,'Every 5 Days'],[144,'Every 6 Days'],[168,'Every Week']] },
{ title: 'Save On Halt', indent: 2, name: 'f_sshut', type: 'checkbox', value: nvram.cstats_sshut == '1' },
{ title: 'Create New File<br><small>(Reset Data)<\/small>', indent: 2, name: 'f_new', type: 'checkbox', value: 0, suffix: ' &nbsp; <b id="newmsg" style="display:none"><small>(note: enable if this is a new file)<\/small><\/b>' },
{ title: 'Create Backups', indent: 2, name: 'f_bak', type: 'checkbox', value: nvram.cstats_bak == '1' },
{ title: 'First Day Of The Month', name: 'cstats_offset', type: 'text', value: nvram.cstats_offset, maxlen: 2, size: 4 },
{ title: 'Do not monitor these IPs', name: 'cstats_exclude', type: 'text', value: nvram.cstats_exclude, maxlen: 512, size: 50, suffix: ' <small>(comma separated list)<\/small>' },
{ title: 'Monitor these IPs', name: 'cstats_include', type: 'text', value: nvram.cstats_include, maxlen: 2048, size: 50, suffix: ' <small>(comma separated list)<\/small>' },
{ title: 'Enable Auto-Discovery', name: 'f_all', type: 'checkbox', value: nvram.cstats_all == '1', suffix: ' <small>(automatically include new IPs in monitoring as soon as any traffic is detected)<\/small>' },
{ title: 'Labels on graphics', name: 'cstats_labels', type: 'select', value: nvram.cstats_stime, options: [[0,'Show known hostnames and IPs'],[1,'Prefer to show only known hostnames, otherwise show IPs'],[2,'Show only IPs']], value: nvram.cstats_labels }
<!-- / / / -->
<div class="section-title">Backup</div>
<div class="section" id="backup-section">
W('<input type="text" size="60" maxlength="128" id="backup-name" name="backup_name" onchange="backupNameChanged()" value="FreshTomato_cstats_'+('<% version(); %>'.replace(/\./g, '_'))+'~m'+nvram.lan_hwaddr.replace(/:/g, '').substring(6, 12)+'~'+nvram.t_model_name.replace(/\/| /g, '_')+'~'+now.getFullYear()+('0'+(now.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2)+('0'+now.getDate()).slice(-2)+'">');
<div style="display:inline">.gz &nbsp;
<input type="button" name="f_backup_button" id="backup-button" onclick="backupButton()" value="Backup">
<div><a href="#" id="backup-link">Link</a></div>
<!-- / / / -->
<div class="section-title">Restore</div>
<div class="section" id="restore-section">
<form id="restore-form" method="post" action="restorestats.cgi?_http_id=<% nv(http_id); %>&_what=ipt" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" id="restore-name" name="restore-name">
<input type="button" name="f_restore_button" id="restore-button" value="Restore" onclick="restoreButton()">
<!-- / / / -->
<div class="section-title">Notes</div>
<div class="section">
<li><b>Generally</b> - This feature will only work for <b>IPv4</b> (IPv6 is not possible).</li>
<li><b>NVRAM</b> - If IP Traffic Monitoring has been enabled, NVRAM values will be added. These NVRAM values will be removed after a reboot if the service is disabled.</li>
<!-- / / / -->
<div id="footer">
<span id="footer-msg"></span>
<input type="button" value="Save" id="save-button" onclick="save()">
<input type="button" value="Cancel" id="cancel-button" onclick="reloadPage();">
<script>verifyFields(null, true);</script>