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<!DOCTYPE html>
Tomato GUI
Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Jonathan Zarate
For use with Tomato Firmware only.
No part of this file may be used without permission.
<html lang="en-GB">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
<title>[<% ident(); %>] About</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tomato.css?rel=<% version(); %>">
<% css(); %>
<script src="tomato.js?rel=<% version(); %>"></script>
// <% nvram(''); %> // http_id
function init() {
<body onload="init()">
<table id="container">
<tr><td colspan="2" id="header">
<div class="title"><a href="/">FreshTomato</a></div>
<div class="version">Version <% version(); %> on <% nv("t_model_name"); %></div>
<tr id="body"><td id="navi"><script>navi()</script></td>
<td id="content">
<div id="ident"><% ident(); %> | <script>wikiLink();</script></div>
<!-- / / / -->
<div class="about">
<b>FreshTomato Firmware <% version(1); %></b><br>
Linux kernel <% version(2); %> and Broadcom Wireless Driver <% version(3); %><br>
<b>Remember: Before asking a question on our forum or elsewhere, check if your question has already been answered on our wiki. You will find a link to the appropriate explanation on each router GUI page in the upper right corner.</b><br>
<b>FreshTomato project page: </b><a href="" class="new_window"></a><br>
<b>Forums about Tomato</b> - EN: <a href="" class="new_window"></a> PL: <a href="" class="new_window"></a><br>
<b>Source code: </b><a href="" class="new_window"></a><br>
<!-- / / / -->
<b>TomatoUSB Team features:</b><br>
<!-- USB-BEGIN -->
- USB support integration and GUI<br>
<!-- USB-END -->
<!-- IPV6-BEGIN -->
- IPv6 support<br>
<!-- IPV6-END -->
- Dual-band and Wireless-N mode<br>
<i>Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Fedor Kozhevnikov, Ray Van Tassle, Wes Campaigne</i><br>
<a href="" class="new_window"></a><br>
<b>"Shibby" features:</b><br>
<!-- BBT-BEGIN -->
- Transmission integration<br>
<!-- BBT-END -->
<!-- BT-BEGIN -->
- GUI for Transmission<br>
<!-- BT-END -->
<!-- NFS-BEGIN -->
- NFS utils integration and GUI<br>
<!-- NFS-END -->
- Custom log file path<br>
- SD-idle tool integration for kernel 2.6<br>
<!-- USB-BEGIN -->
- 3G Modem support (big thanks for @LDevil)<br>
- 4G/LTE Modem support<br>
<!-- USB-END -->
- MutliWAN feature (written by @Arctic, modified by @Shibby)<br>
<!-- SNMP-BEGIN -->
- SNMP integration and GUI<br>
<!-- SNMP-END -->
<!-- UPS-BEGIN -->
- APCUPSD integration and GUI (implemented by @arrmo)<br>
<!-- UPS-END -->
- DNScrypt-proxy integration and GUI<br>
<!-- TOR-BEGIN -->
- TOR Project integration and GUI<br>
<!-- TOR-END -->
- OpenVPN: Routing Policy<br>
<!-- OPENVPN-END -->
- TomatoAnon project integration and GUI<br>
- TomatoThemeBase project integration and GUI<br>
- Ethernet Ports State<br>
- Extended MOTD (written by @Monter, modified by @Shibby)<br>
- Webmon Backup Script<br>
<i>Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Michał Rupental</i><br>
<a href="" class="new_window"></a><br>
<b>Tomato-RAF features:</b><br>
- Extended Sysinfo<br>
<!-- NOCAT-BEGIN -->
- Captive Portal (Based in NocatSplash)<br>
<!-- NOCAT-END -->
<!-- NGINX-BEGIN -->
- Web Server (NGinX)<br>
<!-- NGINX-END -->
<!-- HFS-BEGIN -->
- HFS / HFS+ filesystem integration<br>
<!-- HFS-END -->
<i>Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Ofer Chen & Vicente Soriano</i><br>
<a href="" class="new_window"></a><br>
<b>"Teaman" features:</b><br>
- QOS-detailed & ctrate filters<br>
- Realtime bandwidth monitoring of LAN clients<br>
- Static ARP binding<br>
- VLAN administration GUI<br>
- Multiple LAN support integration and GUI<br>
- Multiple/virtual SSID support<br>
- UDPxy integration and GUI<br>
<!-- PPTPD-BEGIN -->
- PPTP Server integration and GUI<br>
<!-- PPTPD-END -->
<i>Copyright (C) 2011 Augusto Bott</i><br>
<a href="" class="new_window">Tomato-sdhc-vlan Homepage</a><br>
<b>"Lancethepants" features:</b><br>
- DNSSEC integration and GUI<br>
<!-- DNSSEC-END -->
- DNSCrypt-Proxy selectable/manual resolver<br>
<!-- TINC-BEGIN -->
- Tinc Daemon integration and GUI<br>
<!-- TINC-END -->
- Comcast DSCP Fix GUI<br>
<!-- ZFS-BEGIN -->
- ZFS filesystem integration<br>
<!-- ZFS-END -->
<i>Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Lance Fredrickson</i><br>
<a href=""></a><br>
<b>"Toastman" features:</b><br>
- Configurable QOS class names<br>
- Comprehensive QOS rule examples set by default<br>
- GPT support for HDD by Yaniv Hamo<br>
- Tools-System refresh timer<br>
<i>Copyright (C) 2011 Toastman</i><br>
<a href="" class="new_window">Using QoS - Tutorial and discussion</a><br>
<!-- VPN-BEGIN -->
<b>"JYAvenard" features:</b><br>
- OpenVPN enhancements & username/password only authentication<br>
<!-- OPENVPN-END -->
<!-- PPTPD-BEGIN -->
- PPTP VPN Client integration and GUI<br>
<!-- PPTPD-END -->
<i>Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Jean-Yves Avenard</i><br>
<a href=""></a><br>
<b>TomatoVPN feature:</b><br>
- OpenVPN integration and GUI<br>
<i>Copyright (C) 2010 Keith Moyer</i><br>
<a href=""></a><br>
<b>"TomatoEgg" feature:</b><br>
- Openvpn username/password verify feature and configure GUI.<br>
<!-- OPENVPN-END -->
<!-- VPN-END -->
<!-- NGINX-BEGIN -->
<b>Tomato-hyzoom feature:</b><br>
- MySQL Server integration and GUI<br>
<i>Copyright (C) 2014 Bao Weiquan, Hyzoom</i><br>
<a href=""></a><br>
<!-- NGINX-END -->
<b>"Victek/PrinceAMD/Phykris/Shibby" feature:</b><br>
- Revised IP/MAC Bandwidth Limiter<br>
<b>"mobrembski" feature:</b><br>
<!-- USB-BEGIN -->
- WWAN modem status<br>
- WWAN SMS Inbox support<br>
<!-- USB-END -->
<!-- IPERF-BEGIN -->
- IPerf integration<br>
<!-- IPERF-END -->
- termlib based system command line<br>
- OpenVPN client config generator<br>
<!-- OPENVPN-END -->
- Build progress indicator
<i>Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Michał Obrembski</i><br>
<a href=""></a><br>
<b>Special thanks:</b><br>
We want to express our gratitude to all people not mentioned here but contributed with patches, new models additions, bug solving and updates to Tomato firmware.<br>
<br><b>FreshTomato-ARM - is an alternative, customized version, forked off from Tomato-ARM by Shibby</b>
Copyright (C) 2016-2024 by Pedro
Built on <% build_time(); %> by Pedro
<b>Click below to send a "Thank you" gift through PayPal:</b>
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<div id="donate"><b>...Or by Bitcoin: </b> 1JDxBBQvcJ9XxgagJRNVrqC1nysq8F8B1Y</div>
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