- updated et, wl, ctf, emf, igs, bcm57xx drivers
- most binaries compiled from sources line libbcm, bcmcrypto, libbcmcrypto, nas, eapd, emf, igs
- fixed flash used space
- fixed wireless encryption problem (nas got Segmentation Fault)
- added ionice and taskset for Samba
- shared, include and router/shader code updated
- one fix in optware install script
- removed some mipsel stuff like iptables, iproute, et, nvram ...
- propably much more changes and fixes but i dont remember now ;)
that was huge update. Most of problems was fixed and now tomato-ARM is usable ;)
wifi works but i have problem with 5GHz channels. List is empty and command "wlconf -i eth2 channels" return null.
When i run "wlconf -i eth2 country EU" then i have channels but after restart wireless services channels disappear.
root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# wl -i eth2 channels
root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# wl -i eth2 country US
root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# wl -i eth2 channels
root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# wl -i eth2 country EU
root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# wl -i eth2 channels
36 40 44 48
root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# wl -i eth2 country US
root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# wl -i eth2 channels
root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# wl -i eth2 country PL
root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# wl -i eth2 channels
36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140
root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# wl -i eth2 country US
root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# wl -i eth2 channels
this is strange!!!
restore nvram settings works correct but is not possible for now to upgrade router via GUI. I have errors. It must be something to fix in rc/mtd.c file.
USB3.0 modules are loaded but speeds are low. Only 20-25MB/s. I have to check OFW but i remember on OFW speeds was much higher.
ext4 module works but tomato (busybox) does not have mount.ext4 tool.
We need to also add IMQ support to kernel and iptables and xt_recent module also doesn`t exist.
CTF works! and this is one of greater news :D
Best Regards.
-update et,emf,igs,ctf drivers
-update wl drover to (r437318) (current Asus GPL)
-remove wlconf binary (we`re now compile it from sources)
-add depends of wlconf (common)
-upgrade wl tool
-Makefile - add new flags and features to ac68e target
-use ntpclient / fix ntpc service
-add few TCONFIG / fix compilation
-take ebtables from Asus sources
-httpd - fix sysinfo, fix erase nvram and upgrade via gui (still have problem in rc/mtd.c)
-iptables - add layer7
-nvram_arm - change default path from /usb/sbin to /bin (fix problem with captive portal and mymotd)
-rc - lot of fixed, correct vlan`s for AC68 (WAN works), add xhci and ext4 module)
-shared - few depends of wlconf compilation, new variables (usb3, ext4)
-ufsd - compile from sources
-utils for ARM, robocfg works now well ethernet state also works correct
-wlconf - compile from sources - fix wireless configuration via GUI
-www few changes