import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:adaptive_dialog/adaptive_dialog.dart'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show IterableExtension; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/l10n.dart'; import 'package:future_loading_dialog/future_loading_dialog.dart'; import 'package:go_router/go_router.dart'; import 'package:matrix/matrix.dart'; import 'package:punycode/punycode.dart'; import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher_string.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/config/app_config.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/pages/user_bottom_sheet/user_bottom_sheet.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/adaptive_bottom_sheet.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/widgets/matrix.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/widgets/public_room_bottom_sheet.dart'; import 'platform_infos.dart'; class UrlLauncher { final String? url; final BuildContext context; const UrlLauncher(this.context, this.url); void launchUrl() async { if (url!.toLowerCase().startsWith(AppConfig.deepLinkPrefix) || url!.toLowerCase().startsWith(AppConfig.inviteLinkPrefix) || {'#', '@', '!', '+', '\$'}.contains(url![0]) || url!.toLowerCase().startsWith(AppConfig.schemePrefix)) { return openMatrixToUrl(); } final uri = Uri.tryParse(url!); if (uri == null) { // we can't open this thing ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar( SnackBar(content: Text(L10n.of(context)!.cantOpenUri(url!))), ); return; } final consent = await showModalActionSheet<_LaunchUrlResponse>( context: context, title: url, style: AdaptiveStyle.material, actions: [ SheetAction( key: _LaunchUrlResponse.copy, icon: Icons.copy_outlined, label: L10n.of(context)!.copy, ), SheetAction( key: _LaunchUrlResponse.launch, icon: Icons.launch_outlined, label: L10n.of(context)!.openLinkInBrowser, ), ], ); if (consent == _LaunchUrlResponse.copy) { await Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text: uri.toString())); ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar( SnackBar( content: Text(L10n.of(context)!.copiedToClipboard), ), ); return; } if (consent != _LaunchUrlResponse.launch) return; if (!{'https', 'http'}.contains(uri.scheme)) { // just launch non-https / non-http uris directly // we need to transmute geo URIs on desktop and on iOS if ((!PlatformInfos.isMobile || PlatformInfos.isIOS) && uri.scheme == 'geo') { final latlong = uri.path .split(';') .first .split(',') .map((s) => double.tryParse(s)) .toList(); if (latlong.length == 2 && latlong.first != null && latlong.last != null) { if (PlatformInfos.isIOS) { // iOS is great at not following standards, so we need to transmute the geo URI // to an apple maps thingy // final ll = '${latlong.first},${latlong.last}'; launchUrlString('$ll&sll=$ll'); } else { // transmute geo URIs on desktop to openstreetmap links, as those usually can't handle // geo URIs launchUrlString( '${latlong.first}&mlon=${latlong.last}#map=16/${latlong.first}/${latlong.last}', ); } return; } } launchUrlString(url!); return; } if ( { ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar( SnackBar(content: Text(L10n.of(context)!.cantOpenUri(url!))), ); return; } // okay, we have either an http or an https URI. // As some platforms have issues with opening unicode URLs, we are going to help // them out by punycode-encoding them for them ourself. final newHost ='.').map((hostPartEncoded) { final hostPart = Uri.decodeComponent(hostPartEncoded); final hostPartPunycode = punycodeEncode(hostPart); return hostPartPunycode != '$hostPart-' ? 'xn--$hostPartPunycode' : hostPart; }).join('.'); // Force LaunchMode.externalApplication, otherwise url_launcher will default // to opening links in a webview on mobile platforms. launchUrlString( uri.replace(host: newHost).toString(), mode: LaunchMode.externalApplication, ); } void openMatrixToUrl() async { final matrix = Matrix.of(context); final url = this.url!.replaceFirst( AppConfig.deepLinkPrefix, AppConfig.inviteLinkPrefix, ); // The identifier might be a url and needs escaping. Or, it might have multiple // identifiers (room id & event id), or it might also have a query part. // All this needs parsing. final identityParts = url.parseIdentifierIntoParts() ?? Uri.tryParse(url)?.host.parseIdentifierIntoParts() ?? Uri.tryParse(url) ?.pathSegments .lastWhereOrNull((_) => true) ?.parseIdentifierIntoParts(); if (identityParts == null) { return; // no match, nothing to do } if (identityParts.primaryIdentifier.sigil == '#' || identityParts.primaryIdentifier.sigil == '!') { // we got a room! Let's open that one final roomIdOrAlias = identityParts.primaryIdentifier; final event = identityParts.secondaryIdentifier; var room = matrix.client.getRoomByAlias(roomIdOrAlias) ?? matrix.client.getRoomById(roomIdOrAlias); var roomId = room?.id; // we make the servers a set and later on convert to a list, so that we can easily // deduplicate servers added via alias lookup and query parameter final servers = {}; if (room == null && roomIdOrAlias.sigil == '#') { // we were unable to find the room resolve it final response = await showFutureLoadingDialog( context: context, future: () => matrix.client.getRoomIdByAlias(roomIdOrAlias), ); if (response.error != null) { return; // nothing to do, the alias doesn't exist } roomId = response.result!.roomId; servers.addAll(response.result!.servers!); room = matrix.client.getRoomById(roomId!); } servers.addAll(identityParts.via); if (room != null) { if (room.isSpace) { // TODO: Implement navigate to space context.go(['', 'rooms'].join('/')); return; } // we have the room, so....just open it if (event != null) { context.go( Uri( pathSegments: ['rooms',], queryParameters: {'event': event}, ).toString(), ); } else { context.go(['', 'rooms',].join('/')); } return; } else { await showAdaptiveBottomSheet( context: context, builder: (c) => PublicRoomBottomSheet( roomAlias: identityParts.primaryIdentifier, outerContext: context, ), ); } if (roomIdOrAlias.sigil == '!') { if (await showOkCancelAlertDialog( useRootNavigator: false, context: context, title: 'Join room $roomIdOrAlias', ) == OkCancelResult.ok) { roomId = roomIdOrAlias; final response = await showFutureLoadingDialog( context: context, future: () => matrix.client.joinRoom( roomIdOrAlias, serverName: servers.isNotEmpty ? servers.toList() : null, ), ); if (response.error != null) return; // wait for two seconds so that it probably came down /sync await showFutureLoadingDialog( context: context, future: () => Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2)), ); if (event != null) { context.go( Uri( pathSegments: ['rooms', response.result!], queryParameters: {'event': event}, ).toString(), ); } else { context.go(['', 'rooms', response.result!].join('/')); } } } } else if (identityParts.primaryIdentifier.sigil == '@') { await showAdaptiveBottomSheet( context: context, builder: (c) => LoadProfileBottomSheet( userId: identityParts.primaryIdentifier, outerContext: context, ), ); } } } enum _LaunchUrlResponse { launch, copy, }