# This is a config for a license compliance checker script. It runs in CI. # # To run locally: # dart run license_checker check-licenses -c licenses.yaml --problematic # # SPDX license list: https://spdx.org/licenses/ # Before you add a license here: Is it free software? Is it compatible with AGPL-3.0? permittedLicenses: - AGPL-3.0 - Apache-2.0 - BSD-2-Clause - BSD-3-Clause - EUPL-1.2 - LGPL-3.0 - MIT - MPL-2.0 - Zlib packageLicenseOverride: dependency_validator: Apache-2.0 flutter_gen: MIT hive: Apache-2.0 hive_flutter: Apache-2.0 latlong2: Apache-2.0 platform_detect: Apache-2.0 rxdart: Apache-2.0 flutter_new_badger: MIT # flutter's internal packages flutter_driver: BSD-3-Clause flutter_localizations: BSD-3-Clause flutter_test: BSD-3-Clause flutter_web_plugins: BSD-3-Clause fuchsia_remote_debug_protocol: BSD-3-Clause integration_test: BSD-3-Clause sky_engine: BSD-3-Clause rejectedLicenses: - BUSL-1.1