import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/l10n.dart'; import 'package:flutter_local_notifications/flutter_local_notifications.dart'; import 'package:flutter_shortcuts_new/flutter_shortcuts_new.dart'; import 'package:matrix/matrix.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/config/app_config.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/client_download_content_extension.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/client_manager.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/matrix_sdk_extensions/matrix_locals.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/platform_infos.dart'; Future pushHelper( PushNotification notification, { Client? client, L10n? l10n, String? activeRoomId, required FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin, }) async { try { await _tryPushHelper( notification, client: client, l10n: l10n, activeRoomId: activeRoomId, flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin: flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin, ); } catch (e, s) { Logs().v('Push Helper has crashed!', e, s); l10n ??= await lookupL10n(const Locale('en')); notification.roomId?.hashCode ?? 0, l10n.newMessageInFluffyChat, l10n.openAppToReadMessages, NotificationDetails( iOS: const DarwinNotificationDetails(), android: AndroidNotificationDetails( AppConfig.pushNotificationsChannelId, l10n.incomingMessages, number: notification.counts?.unread, ticker: l10n.unreadChatsInApp( AppConfig.applicationName, (notification.counts?.unread ?? 0).toString(), ), importance: Importance.high, priority: Priority.max, shortcutId: notification.roomId, ), ), ); rethrow; } } Future _tryPushHelper( PushNotification notification, { Client? client, L10n? l10n, String? activeRoomId, required FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin, }) async { final isBackgroundMessage = client == null; Logs().v( 'Push helper has been started (background=$isBackgroundMessage).', notification.toJson(), ); if (notification.roomId != null && activeRoomId == notification.roomId && WidgetsBinding.instance.lifecycleState == AppLifecycleState.resumed) { Logs().v('Room is in foreground. Stop push helper here.'); return; } client ??= (await ClientManager.getClients( initialize: false, store: await SharedPreferences.getInstance(), )) .first; final event = await client.getEventByPushNotification( notification, storeInDatabase: isBackgroundMessage, ); if (event == null) { Logs().v('Notification is a clearing indicator.'); if (notification.counts?.unread == null || notification.counts?.unread == 0) { await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.cancelAll(); } else { // Make sure client is fully loaded and synced before dismiss notifications: await client.roomsLoading; await client.oneShotSync(); final activeNotifications = await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.getActiveNotifications(); for (final activeNotification in activeNotifications) { final room = client.rooms.singleWhereOrNull( (room) => ==, ); if (room == null || !room.isUnreadOrInvited) { flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.cancel(!); } } } return; } Logs().v('Push helper got notification event of type ${event.type}.'); if (event.type.startsWith('')) { // make sure bg sync is on (needed to update hold, unhold events) // prevent over write from app life cycle change client.backgroundSync = true; } if (event.type == EventTypes.CallHangup) { client.backgroundSync = false; } if (event.type.startsWith('') && event.type != EventTypes.CallInvite) { Logs().v('Push message is a but not invite. Do not display.'); return; } if ((event.type.startsWith('') && event.type != EventTypes.CallInvite) || event.type == '') { Logs().v('Push message was for a call, but not call invite.'); return; } l10n ??= await L10n.delegate.load(PlatformDispatcher.instance.locale); final matrixLocals = MatrixLocals(l10n); // Calculate the body final body = event.type == EventTypes.Encrypted ? l10n.newMessageInFluffyChat : await event.calcLocalizedBody( matrixLocals, plaintextBody: true, withSenderNamePrefix: false, hideReply: true, hideEdit: true, removeMarkdown: true, ); // The person object for the android message style notification final avatar =; final senderAvatar = ? avatar : event.senderFromMemoryOrFallback.avatarUrl; Uint8List? roomAvatarFile, senderAvatarFile; try { roomAvatarFile = avatar == null ? null : await client .downloadMxcCached( avatar, thumbnailMethod: ThumbnailMethod.scale, width: 256, height: 256, animated: false, isThumbnail: true, ) .timeout(const Duration(seconds: 3)); } catch (e, s) { Logs().e('Unable to get avatar picture', e, s); } try { senderAvatarFile = ? roomAvatarFile : senderAvatar == null ? null : await client .downloadMxcCached( senderAvatar, thumbnailMethod: ThumbnailMethod.scale, width: 256, height: 256, animated: false, isThumbnail: true, ) .timeout(const Duration(seconds: 3)); } catch (e, s) { Logs().e('Unable to get avatar picture', e, s); } final id = notification.roomId.hashCode; final senderName = event.senderFromMemoryOrFallback.calcDisplayname(); // Show notification final newMessage = Message( body, event.originServerTs, Person( bot: event.messageType == MessageTypes.Notice, key: event.senderId, name: senderName, icon: senderAvatarFile == null ? null : ByteArrayAndroidIcon(senderAvatarFile), ), ); final messagingStyleInformation = PlatformInfos.isAndroid ? await AndroidFlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin() .getActiveNotificationMessagingStyle(id) : null; messagingStyleInformation?.messages?.add(newMessage); final roomName =; final notificationGroupId = ? 'directChats' : 'groupChats'; final groupName = ? l10n.directChats : l10n.groups; final messageRooms = AndroidNotificationChannelGroup( notificationGroupId, groupName, ); final roomsChannel = AndroidNotificationChannel(, roomName, groupId: notificationGroupId, ); await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin .resolvePlatformSpecificImplementation< AndroidFlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin>() ?.createNotificationChannelGroup(messageRooms); await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin .resolvePlatformSpecificImplementation< AndroidFlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin>() ?.createNotificationChannel(roomsChannel); final androidPlatformChannelSpecifics = AndroidNotificationDetails( AppConfig.pushNotificationsChannelId, l10n.incomingMessages, number: notification.counts?.unread, category: AndroidNotificationCategory.message, shortcutId:, styleInformation: messagingStyleInformation ?? MessagingStyleInformation( Person( name: senderName, icon: roomAvatarFile == null ? null : ByteArrayAndroidIcon(roomAvatarFile), key: event.roomId, important:, ), conversationTitle: ? null : roomName, groupConversation: !, messages: [newMessage], ), ticker: event.calcLocalizedBodyFallback( matrixLocals, plaintextBody: true, withSenderNamePrefix: !, hideReply: true, hideEdit: true, removeMarkdown: true, ), importance: Importance.high, priority: Priority.max, groupKey: ?? 'rooms', ); const iOSPlatformChannelSpecifics = DarwinNotificationDetails(); final platformChannelSpecifics = NotificationDetails( android: androidPlatformChannelSpecifics, iOS: iOSPlatformChannelSpecifics, ); final title =; if (PlatformInfos.isAndroid && messagingStyleInformation == null) { await _setShortcut(event, l10n, title, roomAvatarFile); } await id, title, body, platformChannelSpecifics, payload: event.roomId, ); Logs().v('Push helper has been completed!'); } /// Creates a shortcut for Android platform but does not block displaying the /// notification. This is optional but provides a nicer view of the /// notification popup. Future _setShortcut( Event event, L10n l10n, String title, Uint8List? avatarFile, ) async { final flutterShortcuts = FlutterShortcuts(); await flutterShortcuts.initialize(debug: !kReleaseMode); await flutterShortcuts.pushShortcutItem( shortcut: ShortcutItem( id:, action: AppConfig.inviteLinkPrefix +, shortLabel: title, conversationShortcut: true, icon: avatarFile == null ? null : ShortcutMemoryIcon(jpegImage: avatarFile).toString(), shortcutIconAsset: avatarFile == null ? ShortcutIconAsset.androidAsset : ShortcutIconAsset.memoryAsset, isImportant:, ), ); }