Invite link text

Christian Pauly 5 years ago
parent b3c7deed88
commit bb07a2d389

@ -328,6 +328,12 @@ class I18n {
String get invited => Intl.message("Invited");
String inviteText(String username, String link) => Intl.message(
"$username invited you to FluffyChat. \n1. Install FluffyChat: \n2. Sign up or sign in \n3. Open the invite link: $link",
name: "inviteText",
args: [username, link],
String invitedUser(String username, String targetName) => Intl.message(
"$username invited $targetName",
name: "invitedUser",

@ -474,6 +474,14 @@
"type": "text",
"placeholders": {}
"inviteText": "{username} hat Dich zu FluffyChat eingeladen. \n1. Installiere FluffyChat: \n2. Melde Dich in der App an \n3. Öffne den Einladungslink: {link}",
"@inviteText": {
"type": "text",
"placeholders": {
"username": {},
"link": {}
"invitedUser": "{username} hat {targetName} eingeladen",
"@invitedUser": {
"type": "text",

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"@@last_modified": "2020-02-09T15:11:56.012667",
"@@last_modified": "2020-02-10T18:38:37.519607",
"About": "About",
"@About": {
"type": "text",
@ -474,6 +474,14 @@
"type": "text",
"placeholders": {}
"inviteText": "{username} invited you to FluffyChat. \n1. Install FluffyChat: \n2. Sign up or sign in \n3. Open the invite link: {link}",
"@inviteText": {
"type": "text",
"placeholders": {
"username": {},
"link": {}
"invitedUser": "{username} invited {targetName}",
"@invitedUser": {
"type": "text",

@ -71,63 +71,65 @@ class MessageLookup extends MessageLookupByLibrary {
static m25(groupName) => "Kontakt zu ${groupName} einladen";
static m26(username, targetName) => "${username} hat ${targetName} eingeladen";
static m26(username, link) => "${username} hat Dich zu FluffyChat eingeladen. \n1. Installiere FluffyChat: \n2. Melde Dich in der App an \n3. Öffne den Einladungslink: ${link}";
static m27(username) => "${username} ist dem Chat beigetreten";
static m27(username, targetName) => "${username} hat ${targetName} eingeladen";
static m28(username, targetName) => "${username} hat ${targetName} hinausgeworfen";
static m28(username) => "${username} ist dem Chat beigetreten";
static m29(username, targetName) => "${username} hat ${targetName} hinausgeworfen und verbannt";
static m29(username, targetName) => "${username} hat ${targetName} hinausgeworfen";
static m30(count) => "${count} weitere Teilnehmer laden";
static m30(username, targetName) => "${username} hat ${targetName} hinausgeworfen und verbannt";
static m31(number) => "${number} ausgewählt";
static m31(count) => "${count} weitere Teilnehmer laden";
static m32(fileName) => "Play ${fileName}";
static m32(number) => "${number} ausgewählt";
static m33(username) => "${username} hat ein Event enternt";
static m33(fileName) => "Play ${fileName}";
static m34(username) => "${username} hat die Einladung abgelehnt";
static m34(username) => "${username} hat ein Event enternt";
static m35(username) => "Entfernt von ${username}";
static m35(username) => "${username} hat die Einladung abgelehnt";
static m36(username) => "Gelesen von ${username}";
static m36(username) => "Entfernt von ${username}";
static m37(username, count) => "Gelesen von ${username} und ${count} anderen";
static m37(username) => "Gelesen von ${username}";
static m38(username, username2) => "Gelesen von ${username} und ${username2}";
static m38(username, count) => "Gelesen von ${username} und ${count} anderen";
static m39(username) => "${username} hat eine Datei gesendet";
static m39(username, username2) => "Gelesen von ${username} und ${username2}";
static m40(username) => "${username} hat ein Bild gesendet";
static m40(username) => "${username} hat eine Datei gesendet";
static m41(username) => "${username} hat einen Sticker gesendet";
static m41(username) => "${username} hat ein Bild gesendet";
static m42(username) => "${username} hat ein Video gesendet";
static m42(username) => "${username} hat einen Sticker gesendet";
static m43(username) => "${username} hat eine Audio-Datei gesendet";
static m43(username) => "${username} hat ein Video gesendet";
static m44(username) => "${username} hat den Standort geteilt";
static m44(username) => "${username} hat eine Audio-Datei gesendet";
static m45(hours12, hours24, minutes, suffix) => "${hours24}:${minutes}";
static m45(username) => "${username} hat den Standort geteilt";
static m46(username, targetName) => "${username} hat die Verbannung von ${targetName} aufgehoben";
static m46(hours12, hours24, minutes, suffix) => "${hours24}:${minutes}";
static m47(type) => "Unbekanntes Event \'${type}\'";
static m47(username, targetName) => "${username} hat die Verbannung von ${targetName} aufgehoben";
static m48(unreadEvents) => "${unreadEvents} ungelesene Nachrichten";
static m48(type) => "Unbekanntes Event \'${type}\'";
static m49(unreadEvents, unreadChats) => "${unreadEvents} ungelesene Nachrichten in ${unreadChats} Chats";
static m49(unreadEvents) => "${unreadEvents} ungelesene Nachrichten";
static m50(username, count) => "${username} und ${count} andere schreiben ...";
static m50(unreadEvents, unreadChats) => "${unreadEvents} ungelesene Nachrichten in ${unreadChats} Chats";
static m51(username, username2) => "${username} und ${username2} schreiben ...";
static m51(username, count) => "${username} und ${count} andere schreiben ...";
static m52(username) => "${username} schreibt ...";
static m52(username, username2) => "${username} und ${username2} schreiben ...";
static m53(username) => "${username} hat den Chat verlassen";
static m53(username) => "${username} schreibt ...";
static m54(username, type) => "${username} hat ${type} Event gesendet";
static m54(username) => "${username} hat den Chat verlassen";
static m55(username, type) => "${username} hat ${type} Event gesendet";
final messages = _notInlinedMessages(_notInlinedMessages);
static _notInlinedMessages(_) => <String, Function> {
@ -285,36 +287,37 @@ class MessageLookup extends MessageLookupByLibrary {
"groupWith" : m23,
"hasWithdrawnTheInvitationFor" : m24,
"inviteContactToGroup" : m25,
"invitedUser" : m26,
"inviteText" : m26,
"invitedUser" : m27,
"is typing..." : MessageLookupByLibrary.simpleMessage("schreibt..."),
"joinedTheChat" : m27,
"kicked" : m28,
"kickedAndBanned" : m29,
"loadCountMoreParticipants" : m30,
"numberSelected" : m31,
"play" : m32,
"redactedAnEvent" : m33,
"rejectedTheInvitation" : m34,
"removedBy" : m35,
"seenByUser" : m36,
"seenByUserAndCountOthers" : m37,
"seenByUserAndUser" : m38,
"sentAFile" : m39,
"sentAPicture" : m40,
"sentASticker" : m41,
"sentAVideo" : m42,
"sentAnAudio" : m43,
"sharedTheLocation" : m44,
"timeOfDay" : m45,
"joinedTheChat" : m28,
"kicked" : m29,
"kickedAndBanned" : m30,
"loadCountMoreParticipants" : m31,
"numberSelected" : m32,
"play" : m33,
"redactedAnEvent" : m34,
"rejectedTheInvitation" : m35,
"removedBy" : m36,
"seenByUser" : m37,
"seenByUserAndCountOthers" : m38,
"seenByUserAndUser" : m39,
"sentAFile" : m40,
"sentAPicture" : m41,
"sentASticker" : m42,
"sentAVideo" : m43,
"sentAnAudio" : m44,
"sharedTheLocation" : m45,
"timeOfDay" : m46,
"title" : MessageLookupByLibrary.simpleMessage("FluffyChat"),
"unbannedUser" : m46,
"unknownEvent" : m47,
"unreadMessages" : m48,
"unreadMessagesInChats" : m49,
"userAndOthersAreTyping" : m50,
"userAndUserAreTyping" : m51,
"userIsTyping" : m52,
"userLeftTheChat" : m53,
"userSentUnknownEvent" : m54
"unbannedUser" : m47,
"unknownEvent" : m48,
"unreadMessages" : m49,
"unreadMessagesInChats" : m50,
"userAndOthersAreTyping" : m51,
"userAndUserAreTyping" : m52,
"userIsTyping" : m53,
"userLeftTheChat" : m54,
"userSentUnknownEvent" : m55

@ -71,63 +71,65 @@ class MessageLookup extends MessageLookupByLibrary {
static m25(groupName) => "Invite contact to ${groupName}";
static m26(username, targetName) => "${username} invited ${targetName}";
static m26(username, link) => "${username} invited you to FluffyChat. \n1. Install FluffyChat: \n2. Sign up or sign in \n3. Open the invite link: ${link}";
static m27(username) => "${username} joined the chat";
static m27(username, targetName) => "${username} invited ${targetName}";
static m28(username, targetName) => "${username} kicked ${targetName}";
static m28(username) => "${username} joined the chat";
static m29(username, targetName) => "${username} kicked and banned ${targetName}";
static m29(username, targetName) => "${username} kicked ${targetName}";
static m30(count) => "Load ${count} more participants";
static m30(username, targetName) => "${username} kicked and banned ${targetName}";
static m31(number) => "${number} selected";
static m31(count) => "Load ${count} more participants";
static m32(fileName) => "Play ${fileName}";
static m32(number) => "${number} selected";
static m33(username) => "${username} redacted an event";
static m33(fileName) => "Play ${fileName}";
static m34(username) => "${username} rejected the invitation";
static m34(username) => "${username} redacted an event";
static m35(username) => "Removed by ${username}";
static m35(username) => "${username} rejected the invitation";
static m36(username) => "Seen by ${username}";
static m36(username) => "Removed by ${username}";
static m37(username, count) => "Seen by ${username} and ${count} others";
static m37(username) => "Seen by ${username}";
static m38(username, username2) => "Seen by ${username} and ${username2}";
static m38(username, count) => "Seen by ${username} and ${count} others";
static m39(username) => "${username} sent a file";
static m39(username, username2) => "Seen by ${username} and ${username2}";
static m40(username) => "${username} sent a picture";
static m40(username) => "${username} sent a file";
static m41(username) => "${username} sent a sticker";
static m41(username) => "${username} sent a picture";
static m42(username) => "${username} sent a video";
static m42(username) => "${username} sent a sticker";
static m43(username) => "${username} sent an audio";
static m43(username) => "${username} sent a video";
static m44(username) => "${username} shared the location";
static m44(username) => "${username} sent an audio";
static m45(hours12, hours24, minutes, suffix) => "${hours12}:${minutes} ${suffix}";
static m45(username) => "${username} shared the location";
static m46(username, targetName) => "${username} unbanned ${targetName}";
static m46(hours12, hours24, minutes, suffix) => "${hours12}:${minutes} ${suffix}";
static m47(type) => "Unknown event \'${type}\'";
static m47(username, targetName) => "${username} unbanned ${targetName}";
static m48(unreadEvents) => "${unreadEvents} unread messages";
static m48(type) => "Unknown event \'${type}\'";
static m49(unreadEvents, unreadChats) => "${unreadEvents} unread messages in ${unreadChats} chats";
static m49(unreadEvents) => "${unreadEvents} unread messages";
static m50(username, count) => "${username} and ${count} others are typing...";
static m50(unreadEvents, unreadChats) => "${unreadEvents} unread messages in ${unreadChats} chats";
static m51(username, username2) => "${username} and ${username2} are typing...";
static m51(username, count) => "${username} and ${count} others are typing...";
static m52(username) => "${username} is typing...";
static m52(username, username2) => "${username} and ${username2} are typing...";
static m53(username) => "${username} left the chat";
static m53(username) => "${username} is typing...";
static m54(username, type) => "${username} sent a ${type} event";
static m54(username) => "${username} left the chat";
static m55(username, type) => "${username} sent a ${type} event";
final messages = _notInlinedMessages(_notInlinedMessages);
static _notInlinedMessages(_) => <String, Function> {
@ -285,36 +287,37 @@ class MessageLookup extends MessageLookupByLibrary {
"groupWith" : m23,
"hasWithdrawnTheInvitationFor" : m24,
"inviteContactToGroup" : m25,
"invitedUser" : m26,
"inviteText" : m26,
"invitedUser" : m27,
"is typing..." : MessageLookupByLibrary.simpleMessage("is typing..."),
"joinedTheChat" : m27,
"kicked" : m28,
"kickedAndBanned" : m29,
"loadCountMoreParticipants" : m30,
"numberSelected" : m31,
"play" : m32,
"redactedAnEvent" : m33,
"rejectedTheInvitation" : m34,
"removedBy" : m35,
"seenByUser" : m36,
"seenByUserAndCountOthers" : m37,
"seenByUserAndUser" : m38,
"sentAFile" : m39,
"sentAPicture" : m40,
"sentASticker" : m41,
"sentAVideo" : m42,
"sentAnAudio" : m43,
"sharedTheLocation" : m44,
"timeOfDay" : m45,
"joinedTheChat" : m28,
"kicked" : m29,
"kickedAndBanned" : m30,
"loadCountMoreParticipants" : m31,
"numberSelected" : m32,
"play" : m33,
"redactedAnEvent" : m34,
"rejectedTheInvitation" : m35,
"removedBy" : m36,
"seenByUser" : m37,
"seenByUserAndCountOthers" : m38,
"seenByUserAndUser" : m39,
"sentAFile" : m40,
"sentAPicture" : m41,
"sentASticker" : m42,
"sentAVideo" : m43,
"sentAnAudio" : m44,
"sharedTheLocation" : m45,
"timeOfDay" : m46,
"title" : MessageLookupByLibrary.simpleMessage("FluffyChat"),
"unbannedUser" : m46,
"unknownEvent" : m47,
"unreadMessages" : m48,
"unreadMessagesInChats" : m49,
"userAndOthersAreTyping" : m50,
"userAndUserAreTyping" : m51,
"userIsTyping" : m52,
"userLeftTheChat" : m53,
"userSentUnknownEvent" : m54
"unbannedUser" : m47,
"unknownEvent" : m48,
"unreadMessages" : m49,
"unreadMessagesInChats" : m50,
"userAndOthersAreTyping" : m51,
"userAndUserAreTyping" : m52,
"userIsTyping" : m53,
"userLeftTheChat" : m54,
"userSentUnknownEvent" : m55

@ -211,8 +211,9 @@ class _NewPrivateChatState extends State<_NewPrivateChat> {
size: 16,
onTap: () => Share.share(
onTap: () => Share.share(I18n.of(context).inviteText(
title: Text(
style: TextStyle(
