@ -29,23 +29,33 @@ class PublicRoomBottomSheet extends StatelessWidget {
void _joinRoom(BuildContext context) async {
final client = Matrix.of(context).client;
final chunk = this.chunk;
final navigator = Navigator.of(context);
final router = VRouter.of(context);
final result = await showFutureLoadingDialog<String>(
context: context,
future: () => chunk?.joinRule == 'knock'
? client.knockRoom(chunk!.roomId)
: client.joinRoom(roomAlias ?? chunk!.roomId),
future: () async {
if (chunk != null && client.getRoomById(chunk.roomId) != null) {
return chunk.roomId;
final roomId = chunk != null && chunk.joinRule == 'knock'
? await client.knockRoom(chunk.roomId)
: await client.joinRoom(roomAlias ?? chunk!.roomId);
if (client.getRoomById(roomId) == null) {
await client.onSync.stream.firstWhere(
(sync) => sync.rooms?.join?.containsKey(roomId) ?? false,
return roomId;
if (result.error == null) {
if (client.getRoomById(result.result!) == null) {
await client.onSync.stream.firstWhere(
(sync) => sync.rooms?.join?.containsKey(result.result) ?? false,
// don't open the room if the joined room is a space
if (!client.getRoomById(result.result!)!.isSpace) {
VRouter.of(context).toSegments(['rooms', result.result!]);
router.toSegments(['rooms', result.result!]);
Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: false).pop();