@ -38,12 +38,9 @@ class Matrix extends StatefulWidget {
final String clientName ;
final Client client ;
final Store store ;
Matrix ( { this . child , this . clientName , this . client , this . store , Key key } )
: super ( key: key ) ;
Matrix ( { this . child , this . clientName , this . store , Key key } ) : super ( key: key ) ;
@ override
MatrixState createState ( ) = > MatrixState ( ) ;
@ -90,8 +87,7 @@ class MatrixState extends State<Matrix> {
void _initWithStore ( ) async {
var initLoginState = client . onLoginStateChanged . stream . first ;
try {
client . database = await getDatabase ( client ) ;
await client . connect ( ) ;
client . init ( ) ;
final firstLoginState = await initLoginState ;
if ( firstLoginState = = LoginState . logged ) {
if ( PlatformInfos . isMobile ) {
@ -264,85 +260,84 @@ class MatrixState extends State<Matrix> {
void initMatrix ( ) {
store = widget . store ? ? Store ( ) ;
if ( widget . client = = null ) {
debugPrint ( ' [Matrix] Init matrix client ' ) ;
final Set verificationMethods = < KeyVerificationMethod > {
KeyVerificationMethod . numbers
} ;
if ( PlatformInfos . isMobile ) {
/ / emojis don ' t show in web somehow
verificationMethods . add ( KeyVerificationMethod . emoji ) ;
final Set verificationMethods = < KeyVerificationMethod > {
KeyVerificationMethod . numbers
} ;
if ( PlatformInfos . isMobile ) {
/ / emojis don ' t show in web somehow
verificationMethods . add ( KeyVerificationMethod . emoji ) ;
client = Client (
widget . clientName ,
enableE2eeRecovery: true ,
verificationMethods: verificationMethods ,
importantStateEvents: < String > {
' im.ponies.room_emotes ' , / / we want emotes to work properly
} ,
databaseBuilder: getDatabase ,
) ;
onJitsiCallSub ? ? = client . onEvent . stream
. where ( ( e ) = >
e . type = = EventUpdateType . timeline & &
e . eventType = = ' m.room.message ' & &
e . content [ ' content ' ] [ ' msgtype ' ] = = Matrix . callNamespace & &
e . content [ ' sender ' ] ! = client . userID )
. listen ( onJitsiCall ) ;
onRoomKeyRequestSub ? ? =
client . onRoomKeyRequest . stream . listen ( ( RoomKeyRequest request ) async {
final room = request . room ;
if ( request . sender ! = room . client . userID ) {
return ; / / ignore share requests by others
client = Client ( widget . clientName ,
enableE2eeRecovery: true ,
verificationMethods: verificationMethods ,
importantStateEvents: < String > {
' im.ponies.room_emotes ' , / / we want emotes to work properly
} ) ;
onJitsiCallSub ? ? = client . onEvent . stream
. where ( ( e ) = >
e . type = = EventUpdateType . timeline & &
e . eventType = = ' m.room.message ' & &
e . content [ ' content ' ] [ ' msgtype ' ] = = Matrix . callNamespace & &
e . content [ ' sender ' ] ! = client . userID )
. listen ( onJitsiCall ) ;
onRoomKeyRequestSub ? ? =
client . onRoomKeyRequest . stream . listen ( ( RoomKeyRequest request ) async {
final room = request . room ;
if ( request . sender ! = room . client . userID ) {
return ; / / ignore share requests by others
final sender = room . getUserByMXIDSync ( request . sender ) ;
if ( await showOkCancelAlertDialog (
context: context ,
title: L10n . of ( context ) . requestToReadOlderMessages ,
' ${ sender . id } \n \n ${ L10n . of ( context ) . device } : \n ${ request . requestingDevice . deviceId } \n \n ${ L10n . of ( context ) . identity } : \n ${ request . requestingDevice . curve25519Key . beautified } ' ,
okLabel: L10n . of ( context ) . verify ,
cancelLabel: L10n . of ( context ) . deny ,
) = =
OkCancelResult . ok ) {
await request . forwardKey ( ) ;
} ) ;
onKeyVerificationRequestSub ? ? = client . onKeyVerificationRequest . stream
. listen ( ( KeyVerification request ) async {
var hidPopup = false ;
request . onUpdate = ( ) {
if ( ! hidPopup & &
{ KeyVerificationState . done , KeyVerificationState . error }
. contains ( request . state ) ) {
Navigator . of ( context , rootNavigator: true ) . pop ( ' dialog ' ) ;
hidPopup = true ;
} ;
if ( await showOkCancelAlertDialog (
context: context ,
title: L10n . of ( context ) . newVerificationRequest ,
message: L10n . of ( context ) . askVerificationRequest ( request . userId ) ,
) = =
OkCancelResult . ok ) {
request . onUpdate = null ;
hidPopup = true ;
await request . acceptVerification ( ) ;
await Navigator . of ( context ) . push (
AppRoute . defaultRoute (
context ,
KeyVerificationView ( request: request ) ,
) ,
) ;
} else {
request . onUpdate = null ;
hidPopup = true ;
await request . rejectVerification ( ) ;
final sender = room . getUserByMXIDSync ( request . sender ) ;
if ( await showOkCancelAlertDialog (
context: context ,
title: L10n . of ( context ) . requestToReadOlderMessages ,
' ${ sender . id } \n \n ${ L10n . of ( context ) . device } : \n ${ request . requestingDevice . deviceId } \n \n ${ L10n . of ( context ) . identity } : \n ${ request . requestingDevice . curve25519Key . beautified } ' ,
okLabel: L10n . of ( context ) . verify ,
cancelLabel: L10n . of ( context ) . deny ,
) = =
OkCancelResult . ok ) {
await request . forwardKey ( ) ;
} ) ;
onKeyVerificationRequestSub ? ? = client . onKeyVerificationRequest . stream
. listen ( ( KeyVerification request ) async {
var hidPopup = false ;
request . onUpdate = ( ) {
if ( ! hidPopup & &
{ KeyVerificationState . done , KeyVerificationState . error }
. contains ( request . state ) ) {
Navigator . of ( context , rootNavigator: true ) . pop ( ' dialog ' ) ;
} ) ;
_initWithStore ( ) ;
} else {
client = widget . client ;
client . connect ( ) ;
hidPopup = true ;
} ;
if ( await showOkCancelAlertDialog (
context: context ,
title: L10n . of ( context ) . newVerificationRequest ,
message: L10n . of ( context ) . askVerificationRequest ( request . userId ) ,
) = =
OkCancelResult . ok ) {
request . onUpdate = null ;
hidPopup = true ;
await request . acceptVerification ( ) ;
await Navigator . of ( context ) . push (
AppRoute . defaultRoute (
context ,
KeyVerificationView ( request: request ) ,
) ,
) ;
} else {
request . onUpdate = null ;
hidPopup = true ;
await request . rejectVerification ( ) ;
} ) ;
_initWithStore ( ) ;
if ( kIsWeb ) {
onFocusSub = html . window . onFocus . listen ( ( _ ) = > webHasFocus = true ) ;
onBlurSub = html . window . onBlur . listen ( ( _ ) = > webHasFocus = false ) ;