FluffyChat uses the Matrix protocol. This means that FluffyChat is just a client that can be connected to any compatible matrix server. The respective data protection agreement of the server selected by the user then applies.
For convenience, one or more servers are set as default that the FluffyChat developers consider trustworthy. The developers of FluffyChat do not guarantee their trustworthiness. Before the first communication, users are informed which server they are connecting to.
FluffyChat caches some data received from the server in a local sqflite database on the device of the user. On web indexedDB is used. FluffyChat always tries to encrypt the database by using SQLCipher and stores the encryption key in the [Secure Storage](https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_secure_storage) of the device.
More information is available at: [https://pub.dev/packages/sqflite](https://pub.dev/packages/sqflite) and [https://pub.dev/packages/sqlcipher_flutter_libs](https://pub.dev/packages/sqlcipher_flutter_libs)
FluffyChat makes it possible to share the current location via the chat. When the user shares their location, FluffyChat uses the device location service and sends the geo-data via Matrix.