<ahref="https://matrix.to/#/#fluffychat:matrix.org"target="new">Join the community</a> - <ahref="https://metalhead.club/@krille"target="new">Follow me on Mastodon</a> - <ahref="https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/fluffychat/"target="new">Translate FluffyChat</a> - <ahref="https://gitlab.com/ChristianPauly/fluffychat-website"target="new">Translate the website</a> - <ahref="https://fluffychat.im"target="new">Website</a> - <ahref="https://gitlab.com/famedly/famedlysdk"target="new">Famedly Matrix SDK</a> - <ahref="https://famedly.com/kontakt">Server hosting and professional support</a>
* Have a Mac with Xcode installed, and set up for Xcode-managed app signing
* If you want automatic app installation to connected devices, make sure you have Apple Configurator installed, with the Automation Tools (`cfgutil`) enabled
* Set a few environment variables
* FLUFFYCHAT_NEW_TEAM: the Apple Developer team that your certificates should live under
* FLUFFYCHAT_NEW_GROUP: the group you want App IDs and such to live under (ie: com.example.fluffychat)
* FLUFFYCHAT_INSTALL_IPA: set to `1` if you want the IPA to be deployed to connected devices after building, otherwise unset
*<ahref="https://github.com/fabiyamada">Fabiyamada</a> is a graphics designer from Brasil and has made the fluffychat logo and the banner. Big thanks for her great designs.
*<ahref="https://github.com/advocatux">Advocatux</a> has made the Spanish translation with great love and care. He always stands by my side and supports my work with great commitment.
* Thanks to MTRNord and Sorunome for developing.
* Thanks to Mark for all his support and the chat background.
* Also thanks to all translators and testers! With your help, fluffychat is now available in more than 12 languages.
* The Matrix Foundation for making and maintaining the [emoji translations](https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/blob/main/data-definitions/sas-emoji.json) used for emoji verification, licensed Apache 2.0