@ -662,7 +662,10 @@ void SPU::Voice::SetADSRPhase(ADSRPhase phase)
case ADSRPhase::Off:
adsr_target = {};
adsr_ticks = 0;
adsr_ticks_remaining = 0;
adsr_step = 0;
case ADSRPhase::Attack:
adsr_target.level = 32767; // 0 -> max
@ -912,6 +915,11 @@ std::tuple<s32, s32> SPU::SampleVoice(u32 voice_index)
step = Truncate16(step * factor) >> 15;
step = std::min<u16>(step, 0x4000);
// Shouldn't ever overflow because if sample_index == 27, step == 0x4000 there won't be a carry out from the
// interpolation index. If there is a carry out, bit 12 will never be 1, so it'll never add more than 4 to
// sample_index, which should never be >27.
DebugAssert(voice.counter.sample_index < NUM_SAMPLES_PER_ADPCM_BLOCK);
voice.counter.bits += step;
if (voice.counter.sample_index >= NUM_SAMPLES_PER_ADPCM_BLOCK)
@ -919,6 +927,7 @@ std::tuple<s32, s32> SPU::SampleVoice(u32 voice_index)
// next block
voice.counter.sample_index -= NUM_SAMPLES_PER_ADPCM_BLOCK;
voice.has_samples = false;
voice.current_address += 2;
// handle flags
if (voice.current_block_flags.loop_end)
@ -927,7 +936,8 @@ std::tuple<s32, s32> SPU::SampleVoice(u32 voice_index)
Log_TracePrintf("Voice %u loop end+mute @ 0x%08X", voice_index, ZeroExtend32(voice.current_address));
m_endx_register |= (u32(1) << voice_index);
voice.regs.adsr_volume = 0;
@ -935,10 +945,6 @@ std::tuple<s32, s32> SPU::SampleVoice(u32 voice_index)
voice.current_address = voice.regs.adpcm_repeat_address;
voice.current_address += 2;
// apply per-channel volume