@ -8,7 +8,12 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <stdlib.h> // alloca
#include <malloc.h> // alloca
#if defined(_M_ARM64)
#include <arm64_neon.h>
@ -18,6 +23,8 @@ Log_SetChannel(AudioStream);
#include <emmintrin.h>
static constexpr bool LOG_TIMESTRETCH_STATS = false;
AudioStream::AudioStream(u32 sample_rate, u32 channels, u32 buffer_ms, AudioStretchMode stretch)
@ -136,9 +143,39 @@ void AudioStream::ReadFrames(s16* bData, u32 nFrames)
m_rpos.store(rpos, std::memory_order_release);
// TODO: Bring back the crappy resampler?
if (silence_frames > 0)
std::memset(bData + frames_to_read, 0, sizeof(s32) * silence_frames);
if (frames_to_read > 0)
// super basic resampler - spread the input samples evenly across the output samples. will sound like ass and have
// aliasing, but better than popping by inserting silence.
const u32 increment =
static_cast<u32>(65536.0f * (static_cast<float>(frames_to_read / m_channels) / static_cast<float>(nFrames)));
s16* resample_ptr = static_cast<s16*>(alloca(sizeof(s16) * frames_to_read));
std::memcpy(resample_ptr, bData, sizeof(s16) * frames_to_read);
s16* out_ptr = bData;
const u32 copy_stride = sizeof(SampleType) * m_channels;
u32 resample_subpos = 0;
for (u32 i = 0; i < nFrames; i++)
std::memcpy(out_ptr, resample_ptr, copy_stride);
out_ptr += m_channels;
resample_subpos += increment;
resample_ptr += (resample_subpos >> 16) * m_channels;
resample_subpos %= 65536u;
Log_VerbosePrintf("Audio buffer underflow, resampled %u frames to %u", frames_to_read, nFrames);
// no data, fall back to silence
std::memset(bData + frames_to_read, 0, sizeof(s32) * silence_frames);
void AudioStream::InternalWriteFrames(s32* bData, u32 nSamples)
@ -228,6 +265,22 @@ void AudioStream::SetNominalRate(float tempo)
void AudioStream::UpdateTargetTempo(float tempo)
if (m_stretch_mode != AudioStretchMode::TimeStretch)
// undo sqrt()
if (tempo)
tempo *= tempo;
m_average_position = AVERAGING_WINDOW;
m_average_available = AVERAGING_WINDOW;
std::fill_n(m_average_fullness.data(), AVERAGING_WINDOW, tempo);
m_stretch_reset = 0;
void AudioStream::SetStretchMode(AudioStretchMode mode)
if (m_stretch_mode == mode)