@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ A "BIOS" ROM image is required to to start the emulator and to play games. You c
## Latest News
Older entries are available at https://github.com/stenzek/duckstation/blob/master/NEWS.md
- 2020/01/10: Option to sync to host refresh rate added (enabled by default). This will give the smoothest animation possible with zero duped frames, at the cost of running the game <1%faster.Userswithvariablerefreshrate(GSync/FreeSync)displayswillwanttodisabletheoption.
- 2020/01/10: Audio resampling added when fast forwarding to fixed speeds. Instead of crackling audio, you'll now get pitch altered audio.
- 2020/01/03: Per game settings and game properties added to Android version.
- 2020/12/30: Box and Adaptive downsampling modes added. Adaptive downsampling will smooth 2D backgrounds but attempt to preserve 3D geometry via pixel similarity (only supported in D3D11/Vulkan). Box is a simple average filter which will downsample to native resolution.
- 2020/12/30: Hotkey binding added to Android version. You can now bind hotkeys such as fast forward, save state, etc to controller buttons. The ability to bind multi-button combinations will be added in the future.