diff --git a/src/duckstation-qt/translations/duckstation-qt_zh-cn.ts b/src/duckstation-qt/translations/duckstation-qt_zh-cn.ts
index a24239448..d521b2117 100644
--- a/src/duckstation-qt/translations/duckstation-qt_zh-cn.ts
+++ b/src/duckstation-qt/translations/duckstation-qt_zh-cn.ts
@@ -2237,6 +2237,11 @@ Login token generated on %2.
+ Enables an additional 6MB of RAM to obtain a total of 2+6 = 8MB, usually present on dev consoles. Games have to use a larger heap size for this additional RAM to be usable. Titles which rely on memory mirrors may break, so it should only be used with compatible mods.
+ 启用额外的6MB内存,以获得总共2+6=8MB内存,通常用在开发操纵台。若要开启这些额外的内存,则游戏必须使用更大的堆大小。依赖于内存镜像的标题可能会中断,所以它应当只被用在可兼容mods。
@@ -2368,9 +2373,8 @@ Login token generated on %2.
- Enables an additional 6MB of RAM, usually present on dev consoles. Games have to use a larger heap size for this additional RAM to be usable, and may break games which rely on memory mirrors, so it should only be used with compatible mods.
- 启用一个额外的6MB内存,通常用于开发操纵台上。欲使额外内存可用,游戏必须使用更大的堆大小,但可能破坏那些依赖内存镜像的游戏,所以它应当仅使用于可兼容mods。
+ 启用一个额外的6MB内存,通常用于开发操纵台上。欲使额外内存可用,游戏必须使用更大的堆大小,但可能破坏那些依赖内存镜像的游戏,所以它应当仅使用于可兼容mods。
@@ -6198,9 +6202,9 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ DuckStationDuckStation
@@ -6210,7 +6214,7 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ Change Disc更换光盘
@@ -6234,142 +6238,142 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ S&ettings设置(&E)
+ Theme主题
+ Language语言
+ &Help帮助(&H)
+ &Debug调试(&D)
+ Switch GPU Renderer切换GPU渲染器
+ Switch CPU Emulation Mode切换CPU模拟模式
+ &View查看(&V)
+ &Tools工具(&T)
+ toolBar工具栏
+ Show CD-ROM State显示CD-ROM状态
+ Memory &Card Editor记忆卡编辑器(&C)
+ Ctrl+-Ctrl+-
+ Open Memory Card Directory...打开记忆卡目录…
+ Open Data Directory...打开用户数据目录...
+ Start &Disc...启动光盘(&D)...
+ Start &BIOS启动BIOS(&B)
+ &Scan For New Games扫描新游戏(&S)
+ &Rescan All Games重新扫描所有游戏(&R)
+ Power &Off关机(&O)
+ &Reset重启(&R)
+ &Pause暂停(&P)
+ &Load State读档(&L)
+ &Save State存档(&S)
+ E&xit退出(&X)
+ C&onsole Settings...操纵台设置(&O)...
+ &Controller Settings...控制器设置(&C)...
+ &Hotkey Settings...热键设置(&H)...
@@ -6378,47 +6382,47 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ &Display Settings...显示设置(&D)...
+ &Enhancement Settings...增强设置(&E)…
+ &Post-Processing Settings...后处理设置(&P)…
+ Fullscreen全屏
+ Resolution Scale分辨率比率
+ &GitHub Repository...GitHub库(&G)...
+ &Issue Tracker...问题反馈(&I)...
+ &Discord Server...Discord服务器(&D)...
+ Check for &Updates...检查更新(&U)...
@@ -6427,32 +6431,32 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ Change Disc...更换光盘...
+ Cheats...金手指...
+ Audio Settings...音频设置...
+ Game List Settings...游戏列表设置...
+ General Settings...常规设置...
+ B&IOS Settings...BIOS设置(&I)...
@@ -6462,127 +6466,132 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ Switch Crop Mode切换裁剪模式
+ &Window Size窗口尺寸(&W)
+ Start &File...
+ 启动文件(&F)...
+ E&mulation Settings...模拟设置(&M)...
+ About &Qt...关于Qt(&Q)...
+ &About DuckStation...关于DuckStation(&A)...
+ Achievement Settings...成就设置...
+ Advanced Settings...高级设置...
+ Add Game Directory...添加游戏目录...
+ &Settings...设置(&S)...
+ From File...从文件...
+ From Game List...从列表...
+ Remove Disc移除光盘
+ Resume State再开
+ Global State全局状态
+ Show VRAM显示显存
+ Dump CPU to VRAM Copies转储CPU到显存拷贝
+ Dump VRAM to CPU Copies转储显存到CPU拷贝
+ Disable All Enhancements禁用全部增强
+ Disable Interlacing禁用隔行扫描
+ Force NTSC Timings强制NTSC计时
+ Dump Audio转储音频
+ Dump RAM...转储内存...
+ Dump VRAM...转储显存...
+ Dump SPU RAM...转储SPU内存...
+ Show GPU State显示GPU状态
@@ -6591,117 +6600,117 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ Show SPU State显示SPU状态
+ Show Timers State显示计时器状态
+ Show MDEC State显示MDEC状态
+ Show DMA State显示DMA状态
+ &Screenshot截图(&S)
+ &Memory Card Settings...记忆卡设置(&M)...
+ Resume再开
+ Resumes the last save state created.恢复末次创建的存档以继续游戏。
+ &Toolbar工具栏(&T)
+ Lock Toolbar锁定工具栏
+ &Status Bar状态栏(&S)
+ Game &List游戏列表样式(&L)
+ Game &Properties游戏属性(&P)
+ C&heat Manager金手指管理器(&H)
+ CPU D&ebuggerCPU调试器(&E)
+ Game &Grid游戏方格样式(&G)
+ Show Titles (Grid View)显示标题 (方格样式)
+ Ctrl++Ctrl++
+ Zoom &Out (Grid View)缩小(&O) (方格样式)
+ Power Off &Without Saving关机不保存(&W)
+ Zoom &In (Grid View)放大(&I) (方格样式)
+ Refresh &Covers (Grid View)刷新封面(&C) (方格样式)
+ System &Display系统显示(&D)
@@ -6710,7 +6719,7 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ Failed to create host display device context.无法创建主机显示设备环境。
@@ -6739,153 +6748,173 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
所有文件类型 (*.bin *.img *.iso *.cue *.chd *.ecm *.mds *.exe *.psexe *.psf *.minipsf *.m3u);;单轨源镜像 (*.bin *.img *.iso);;Cue表单 (*.cue);;MAME CHD镜像 (*.chd);;错误码建模镜像 (*.ecm);;媒体描述块挎斗镜像 (*.mds);;PlayStation可执行文件 (*.exe *.psexe);;便携式声音格式文件 (*.psf *.minipsf);;播放列表 (*.m3u)
+ All File Types (*.bin *.img *.iso *.cue *.chd *.ecm *.mds *.pbp *.exe *.psexe *.psf *.minipsf *.m3u);;Single-Track Raw Images (*.bin *.img *.iso);;Cue Sheets (*.cue);;MAME CHD Images (*.chd);;Error Code Modeler Images (*.ecm);;Media Descriptor Sidecar Images (*.mds);;PlayStation EBOOTs (*.pbp);;PlayStation Executables (*.exe *.psexe);;Portable Sound Format Files (*.psf *.minipsf);;Playlists (*.m3u)所有文件类型 (*.bin *.img *.iso *.cue *.chd *.ecm *.mds *.pbp *.exe *.psexe *.psf *.minipsf *.m3u);;单轨源镜像 (*.bin *.img *.iso);;Cue表单 (*.cue);;MAME CHD镜像 (*.chd);;错误码建模镜像 (*.ecm);;媒体描述块挎斗镜像 (*.mds);;PlayStation EBOOT文件 (*.pbp);;PlayStation可执行文件 (*.exe *.psexe);;便携式声音格式文件 (*.psf *.minipsf);;播放列表 (*.m3u)
+ Failed to create host display.无法创建主机显示。
+ Select Disc Image选择光盘镜像
+ Start Disc
+ 启动光盘
+ Could not find any CD-ROM devices. Please ensure you have a CD-ROM drive connected and sufficient permissions to access it.
+ 找不到任何CD-ROM设备。请确保您连接了一个光盘驱动器,并有足够的权限访问它。
+ %1 (%2)
+ %1 (%2)
+ Select disc drive:
+ 选择光盘驱动器
+ Cheat Manager金手指管理器
+ Properties...属性...
+ Open Containing Directory...打开所在目录...
+ Set Cover Image...设置封面图片…
+ Default Boot默认启动
+ Fast Boot快速启动
+ Full Boot完全启动
+ Boot and Debug启动和调试
+ Exclude From List从列表中排除
+ Add Search Directory...添加搜索目录...
+ Select Cover Image选择封面图片
+ All Cover Image Types (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png)所有封面图片类型 (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png)
+ Cover Already Exists封面已存在
+ A cover image for this game already exists, do you wish to replace it?该游戏的封面图片已经存在,您要替换它吗?
+ Copy Error复制错误
+ Failed to remove existing cover '%1'无法移除现有封面'%1'
+ Failed to copy '%1' to '%2'无法复制'%1'到'%2'
+ Language changed. Please restart the application to apply.语言已更改,请重新启动应用程序以应用。
+ %1x Scale%1x缩放
+ Destination File目标文件
+ Binary Files (*.bin)二进制文件 (*.bin)
+ Binary Files (*.bin);;PNG Images (*.png)二进制文件 (*.bin);;PNG图片 (*.png)
+ Default默认
+ Fusion炼金
+ Dark Fusion (Gray)黑炼金 (灰色)
+ Dark Fusion (Blue)黑炼金 (蓝色)
@@ -6894,41 +6923,41 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ QDarkStyle暗夜
+ Memory Card Not Found无法找到记忆卡
+ Memory card '%1' does not exist. Do you want to create an empty memory card?记忆卡'%1'不存在。您想创建一个空的记忆卡吗?
+ Failed to create memory card '%1'无法创建记忆卡'%1'
+ Memory card '%1' could not be found. Try starting the game and saving to create it.无法找到记忆卡'%1'。尝试开始游戏并保存创建它。
+ Do not show again不再显示
+ Using cheats can have unpredictable effects on games, causing crashes, graphical glitches, and corrupted saves. By using the cheat manager, you agree that it is an unsupported configuration, and we will not provide you with any assistance when games break.
Cheats persist through save states even after being disabled, please remember to reset/reboot the game after turning off any codes.
@@ -6941,17 +6970,17 @@ Are you sure you want to continue?
+ Updater Error更新程序错误
+ <p>Sorry, you are trying to update a DuckStation version which is not an official GitHub release. To prevent incompatibilities, the auto-updater is only enabled on official builds.</p><p>To obtain an official build, please follow the instructions under "Downloading and Running" at the link below:</p><p><a href="https://github.com/stenzek/duckstation/">https://github.com/stenzek/duckstation/</a></p><p>抱歉,您正在尝试更新非GitHub官方版本的DuckStation版本。为防止不兼容,自动更新程序仅在正式版本上启用。</p><p>要获取正式版本,请按照下面链接中的"下载并运行"下的说明进行操作:</p><p><a href="https://github.com/stenzek/duckstation/">https://github.com/stenzek/duckstation/</a>lt;/p>
+ Automatic updating is not supported on the current platform.当前平台不支持自动更新。
@@ -8201,12 +8230,12 @@ Please configure a supported controller from the list above.
+ Acquired exclusive fullscreen.获得独占全屏。
+ Failed to acquire exclusive fullscreen.无法获取独占式全屏。