"host. Smaller values reduce the output latency, but may cause hitches if the emulation "
"speed is inconsistent. Note that the Cubeb backend uses smaller chunks regardless of "
"this value, so using a low value here may not significantly change latency."));
dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.syncToOutput,tr("Sync To Output"),tr("Checked"),
tr("Throttles the emulation speed based on the audio backend pulling audio frames. This "
"helps to remove noises or crackling if emulation is too fast. Sync will "
"automatically be disabled if not running at 100% speed."));
m_ui.syncToOutput,"Sync To Output",tr("Checked"),
tr("Throttles the emulation speed based on the audio backend pulling audio frames. This helps to remove noises or crackling if emulation is too fast. Sync will "
"automatically be disabled if not running at 100% speed."));
m_ui.startDumpingOnBoot,"Start Dumping On Boot",tr("Unchecked"),
m_ui.startDumpingOnBoot,tr("Start Dumping On Boot"),tr("Unchecked"),
tr("Start dumping audio to file as soon as the emulator is started. Mainly useful as a debug option."));