@ -689,150 +689,6 @@ void SPU::IncrementCaptureBufferPosition()
m_SPUSTAT.second_half_capture_buffer = m_capture_buffer_position >= (CAPTURE_BUFFER_SIZE_PER_CHANNEL / 2);
void SPU::Execute(TickCount ticks)
u32 remaining_frames;
if (g_settings.cpu_overclock_active)
// (X * D) / N / 768 -> (X * D) / (N * 768)
const u64 num = (static_cast<u64>(ticks) * g_settings.cpu_overclock_denominator) + static_cast<u32>(m_ticks_carry);
remaining_frames = static_cast<u32>(num / m_cpu_tick_divider);
m_ticks_carry = static_cast<TickCount>(num % m_cpu_tick_divider);
remaining_frames = static_cast<u32>((ticks + m_ticks_carry) / SYSCLK_TICKS_PER_SPU_TICK);
m_ticks_carry = (ticks + m_ticks_carry) % SYSCLK_TICKS_PER_SPU_TICK;
while (remaining_frames > 0)
AudioStream* const output_stream = g_host_interface->GetAudioStream();
s16* output_frame_start;
u32 output_frame_space = remaining_frames;
output_stream->BeginWrite(&output_frame_start, &output_frame_space);
s16* output_frame = output_frame_start;
const u32 frames_in_this_batch = std::min(remaining_frames, output_frame_space);
for (u32 i = 0; i < frames_in_this_batch; i++)
s32 left_sum = 0;
s32 right_sum = 0;
s32 reverb_in_left = 0;
s32 reverb_in_right = 0;
u32 key_on_register = m_key_on_register;
m_key_on_register = 0;
u32 key_off_register = m_key_off_register;
m_key_off_register = 0;
u32 reverb_on_register = m_reverb_on_register;
for (u32 voice = 0; voice < NUM_VOICES; voice++)
const auto [left, right] = SampleVoice(voice);
left_sum += left;
right_sum += right;
if (reverb_on_register & 1u)
reverb_in_left += left;
reverb_in_right += right;
reverb_on_register >>= 1;
if (key_off_register & 1u)
key_off_register >>= 1;
if (key_on_register & 1u)
m_endx_register &= ~(1u << voice);
key_on_register >>= 1;
if (!m_SPUCNT.mute_n)
left_sum = 0;
right_sum = 0;
// Update noise once per frame.
// Mix in CD audio.
const auto [cd_audio_left, cd_audio_right] = g_cdrom.GetAudioFrame();
if (m_SPUCNT.cd_audio_enable)
const s32 cd_audio_volume_left = ApplyVolume(s32(cd_audio_left), m_cd_audio_volume_left);
const s32 cd_audio_volume_right = ApplyVolume(s32(cd_audio_right), m_cd_audio_volume_right);
left_sum += cd_audio_volume_left;
right_sum += cd_audio_volume_right;
if (m_SPUCNT.cd_audio_reverb)
reverb_in_left += cd_audio_volume_left;
reverb_in_right += cd_audio_volume_right;
// Compute reverb.
s32 reverb_out_left, reverb_out_right;
ProcessReverb(static_cast<s16>(Clamp16(reverb_in_left)), static_cast<s16>(Clamp16(reverb_in_right)),
&reverb_out_left, &reverb_out_right);
// Mix in reverb.
left_sum += reverb_out_left;
right_sum += reverb_out_right;
// Apply main volume after clamping. A maximum volume should not overflow here because both are 16-bit values.
*(output_frame++) = static_cast<s16>(ApplyVolume(Clamp16(left_sum), m_main_volume_left.current_level));
*(output_frame++) = static_cast<s16>(ApplyVolume(Clamp16(right_sum), m_main_volume_right.current_level));
// Write to capture buffers.
WriteToCaptureBuffer(0, cd_audio_left);
WriteToCaptureBuffer(1, cd_audio_right);
WriteToCaptureBuffer(2, static_cast<s16>(Clamp16(m_voices[1].last_volume)));
WriteToCaptureBuffer(3, static_cast<s16>(Clamp16(m_voices[3].last_volume)));
if (m_dump_writer)
m_dump_writer->WriteFrames(output_frame_start, frames_in_this_batch);
remaining_frames -= frames_in_this_batch;
void SPU::UpdateEventInterval()
// Don't generate more than the audio buffer since in a single slice, otherwise we'll both overflow the buffers when
// we do write it, and the audio thread will underflow since it won't have enough data it the game isn't messing with
// the SPU state.
const u32 max_slice_frames = g_host_interface->GetAudioStream()->GetBufferSize();
// TODO: Make this predict how long until the interrupt will be hit instead...
const u32 interval = (m_SPUCNT.enable && m_SPUCNT.irq9_enable) ? 1 : max_slice_frames;
const TickCount interval_ticks = static_cast<TickCount>(interval) * m_cpu_ticks_per_spu_tick;
if (m_tick_event->IsActive() && m_tick_event->GetInterval() == interval_ticks)
// Ensure all pending ticks have been executed, since we won't get them back after rescheduling.
TickCount downcount = interval_ticks;
if (!g_settings.cpu_overclock_active)
downcount -= m_ticks_carry;
void SPU::ExecuteTransfer(TickCount ticks)
const RAMTransferMode mode = m_SPUCNT.ram_transfer_mode;
@ -1442,7 +1298,7 @@ void SPU::ReadADPCMBlock(u16 address, ADPCMBlock* block)
std::tuple<s32, s32> SPU::SampleVoice(u32 voice_index)
ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE std::tuple<s32, s32> SPU::SampleVoice(u32 voice_index)
Voice& voice = m_voices[voice_index];
if (!voice.IsOn() && !m_SPUCNT.irq9_enable)
@ -1764,6 +1620,150 @@ void SPU::ProcessReverb(s16 left_in, s16 right_in, s32* left_out, s32* right_out
s_last_reverb_output[1] = *right_out = ApplyVolume(out[1], m_reverb_registers.vROUT);
void SPU::Execute(TickCount ticks)
u32 remaining_frames;
if (g_settings.cpu_overclock_active)
// (X * D) / N / 768 -> (X * D) / (N * 768)
const u64 num = (static_cast<u64>(ticks) * g_settings.cpu_overclock_denominator) + static_cast<u32>(m_ticks_carry);
remaining_frames = static_cast<u32>(num / m_cpu_tick_divider);
m_ticks_carry = static_cast<TickCount>(num % m_cpu_tick_divider);
remaining_frames = static_cast<u32>((ticks + m_ticks_carry) / SYSCLK_TICKS_PER_SPU_TICK);
m_ticks_carry = (ticks + m_ticks_carry) % SYSCLK_TICKS_PER_SPU_TICK;
while (remaining_frames > 0)
AudioStream* const output_stream = g_host_interface->GetAudioStream();
s16* output_frame_start;
u32 output_frame_space = remaining_frames;
output_stream->BeginWrite(&output_frame_start, &output_frame_space);
s16* output_frame = output_frame_start;
const u32 frames_in_this_batch = std::min(remaining_frames, output_frame_space);
for (u32 i = 0; i < frames_in_this_batch; i++)
s32 left_sum = 0;
s32 right_sum = 0;
s32 reverb_in_left = 0;
s32 reverb_in_right = 0;
u32 key_on_register = m_key_on_register;
m_key_on_register = 0;
u32 key_off_register = m_key_off_register;
m_key_off_register = 0;
u32 reverb_on_register = m_reverb_on_register;
for (u32 voice = 0; voice < NUM_VOICES; voice++)
const auto [left, right] = SampleVoice(voice);
left_sum += left;
right_sum += right;
if (reverb_on_register & 1u)
reverb_in_left += left;
reverb_in_right += right;
reverb_on_register >>= 1;
if (key_off_register & 1u)
key_off_register >>= 1;
if (key_on_register & 1u)
m_endx_register &= ~(1u << voice);
key_on_register >>= 1;
if (!m_SPUCNT.mute_n)
left_sum = 0;
right_sum = 0;
// Update noise once per frame.
// Mix in CD audio.
const auto [cd_audio_left, cd_audio_right] = g_cdrom.GetAudioFrame();
if (m_SPUCNT.cd_audio_enable)
const s32 cd_audio_volume_left = ApplyVolume(s32(cd_audio_left), m_cd_audio_volume_left);
const s32 cd_audio_volume_right = ApplyVolume(s32(cd_audio_right), m_cd_audio_volume_right);
left_sum += cd_audio_volume_left;
right_sum += cd_audio_volume_right;
if (m_SPUCNT.cd_audio_reverb)
reverb_in_left += cd_audio_volume_left;
reverb_in_right += cd_audio_volume_right;
// Compute reverb.
s32 reverb_out_left, reverb_out_right;
ProcessReverb(static_cast<s16>(Clamp16(reverb_in_left)), static_cast<s16>(Clamp16(reverb_in_right)),
&reverb_out_left, &reverb_out_right);
// Mix in reverb.
left_sum += reverb_out_left;
right_sum += reverb_out_right;
// Apply main volume after clamping. A maximum volume should not overflow here because both are 16-bit values.
*(output_frame++) = static_cast<s16>(ApplyVolume(Clamp16(left_sum), m_main_volume_left.current_level));
*(output_frame++) = static_cast<s16>(ApplyVolume(Clamp16(right_sum), m_main_volume_right.current_level));
// Write to capture buffers.
WriteToCaptureBuffer(0, cd_audio_left);
WriteToCaptureBuffer(1, cd_audio_right);
WriteToCaptureBuffer(2, static_cast<s16>(Clamp16(m_voices[1].last_volume)));
WriteToCaptureBuffer(3, static_cast<s16>(Clamp16(m_voices[3].last_volume)));
if (m_dump_writer)
m_dump_writer->WriteFrames(output_frame_start, frames_in_this_batch);
remaining_frames -= frames_in_this_batch;
void SPU::UpdateEventInterval()
// Don't generate more than the audio buffer since in a single slice, otherwise we'll both overflow the buffers when
// we do write it, and the audio thread will underflow since it won't have enough data it the game isn't messing with
// the SPU state.
const u32 max_slice_frames = g_host_interface->GetAudioStream()->GetBufferSize();
// TODO: Make this predict how long until the interrupt will be hit instead...
const u32 interval = (m_SPUCNT.enable && m_SPUCNT.irq9_enable) ? 1 : max_slice_frames;
const TickCount interval_ticks = static_cast<TickCount>(interval) * m_cpu_ticks_per_spu_tick;
if (m_tick_event->IsActive() && m_tick_event->GetInterval() == interval_ticks)
// Ensure all pending ticks have been executed, since we won't get them back after rescheduling.
TickCount downcount = interval_ticks;
if (!g_settings.cpu_overclock_active)
downcount -= m_ticks_carry;
void SPU::DrawDebugStateWindow()