@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "common/assert.h"
#include "common/file_system.h"
#include "common/log.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "zlib.h"
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
@ -9,38 +10,60 @@ Log_SetChannel(PSFLoader);
namespace PSFLoader {
std::string File::GetTagString(const char* tag_name, const char* default_value) const
std::optional<std::string> File::GetTagString(const char* tag_name) const
auto it = m_tags.find(tag_name);
if (it == m_tags.end())
return default_value;
return std::nullopt;
return it->second;
int File::GetTagInt(const char* tag_name, int default_value) const
std::optional<int> File::GetTagInt(const char* tag_name) const
auto it = m_tags.find(tag_name);
if (it == m_tags.end())
return default_value;
return std::nullopt;
return std::atoi(it->second.c_str());
float File::GetTagFloat(const char* tag_name, float default_value) const
std::optional<float> File::GetTagFloat(const char* tag_name) const
auto it = m_tags.find(tag_name);
if (it == m_tags.end())
return default_value;
return std::nullopt;
return static_cast<float>(std::atof(it->second.c_str()));
std::string File::GetTagString(const char* tag_name, const char* default_value) const
std::optional<std::string> value(GetTagString(tag_name));
if (value.has_value())
return value.value();
return default_value;
int File::GetTagInt(const char* tag_name, int default_value) const
return GetTagInt(tag_name).value_or(default_value);
float File::GetTagFloat(const char* tag_name, float default_value) const
return GetTagFloat(tag_name).value_or(default_value);
bool File::Load(const char* path)
auto fp = FileSystem::OpenManagedCFile(path, "rb");
if (!fp)
Log_ErrorPrintf("Failed to open PSF file '%s'", path);
return false;
// we could mmap this instead
std::fseek(fp.get(), 0, SEEK_END);
@ -130,7 +153,7 @@ bool File::Load(const char* path)
if (!tag_key.empty())
Log_InfoPrintf("PSF Tag: '%s' = '%s'", tag_key.c_str(), tag_value.c_str());
Log_DevPrintf("PSF Tag: '%s' = '%s'", tag_key.c_str(), tag_value.c_str());
m_tags.emplace(std::move(tag_key), std::move(tag_value));
@ -139,4 +162,82 @@ bool File::Load(const char* path)
return true;
static std::string GetLibraryPSFPath(const char* main_path, const char* lib_path)
std::string path(FileSystem::GetPathDirectory(main_path));
path += lib_path;
return path;
static bool LoadLibraryPSF(const char* path, bool use_pc_sp, u32 depth = 0)
// don't recurse past 10 levels just in case of broken files
if (depth >= 10)
Log_ErrorPrintf("Recursion depth exceeded when loading PSF '%s'", path);
return false;
File file;
if (!file.Load(path))
Log_ErrorPrintf("Failed to load main PSF '%s'", path);
return false;
// load the main parent library - this has to be done first so the specified PSF takes precedence
std::optional<std::string> lib_name(file.GetTagString("_lib"));
if (lib_name.has_value())
const std::string lib_path(GetLibraryPSFPath(path, lib_name->c_str()));
Log_InfoPrintf("Loading main parent PSF '%s'", lib_path.c_str());
// We should use the initial SP/PC from the **first** parent lib.
const bool lib_use_pc_sp = (depth == 0);
if (!LoadLibraryPSF(lib_path.c_str(), lib_use_pc_sp, depth + 1))
Log_ErrorPrintf("Failed to load main parent PSF '%s'", lib_path.c_str());
return false;
// Don't apply the PC/SP from the minipsf file.
if (lib_use_pc_sp)
use_pc_sp = false;
// apply the main psf
if (!System::InjectEXEFromBuffer(file.GetProgramData().data(), static_cast<u32>(file.GetProgramData().size()),
Log_ErrorPrintf("Failed to parse EXE from PSF '%s'", path);
return false;
// load any other parent psfs
u32 lib_counter = 2;
for (;;)
lib_name = file.GetTagString(TinyString::FromFormat("_lib%u", lib_counter++));
if (!lib_name.has_value())
const std::string lib_path(GetLibraryPSFPath(path, lib_name->c_str()));
Log_InfoPrintf("Loading parent PSF '%s'", lib_path.c_str());
if (!LoadLibraryPSF(lib_path.c_str(), false, depth + 1))
Log_ErrorPrintf("Failed to load parent PSF '%s'", lib_path.c_str());
return false;
return true;
bool Load(const char* path)
Log_InfoPrintf("Loading PSF file from '%s'", path);
return LoadLibraryPSF(path, true);
} // namespace PSFLoader