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301 lines
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301 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Tool to quickly revert a change.
import exceptions
import optparse
import os
import sys
import xml
import gcl
import gclient
import gclient_scm
import gclient_utils
class ModifiedFile(exceptions.Exception):
class NoModifiedFile(exceptions.Exception):
class NoBlameList(exceptions.Exception):
class OutsideOfCheckout(exceptions.Exception):
def UniqueFast(list):
list = [item for item in set(list)]
return list
def GetRepoBase():
"""Returns the repository base of the root local checkout."""
info = gclient_scm.CaptureSVNInfo('.')
root = info['Repository Root']
url = info['URL']
if not root or not url:
raise exceptions.Exception("I'm confused by your checkout")
if not url.startswith(root):
raise exceptions.Exception("I'm confused by your checkout", url, root)
return url[len(root):] + '/'
def CaptureSVNLog(args):
command = ['log', '--xml']
if args:
command += args
output = gclient_scm.CaptureSVN(command)
dom = gclient_utils.ParseXML(output)
entries = []
if dom:
# /log/logentry/
# @revision
# author|date
# paths/
# path (@kind&@action)
for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('logentry'):
paths = []
for path in node.getElementsByTagName('path'):
item = {
'kind': path.getAttribute('kind'),
'action': path.getAttribute('action'),
'path': path.firstChild.nodeValue,
entry = {
'revision': int(node.getAttribute('revision')),
'author': gclient_utils.GetNamedNodeText(node, 'author'),
'date': gclient_utils.GetNamedNodeText(node, 'date'),
'paths': paths,
return entries
def Revert(revisions, force=False, commit=True, send_email=True, message=None,
"""Reverts many revisions in one change list.
If force is True, it will override local modifications.
If commit is True, a commit is done after the revert.
If send_mail is True, a review email is sent.
If message is True, it is used as the change description.
reviewers overrides the blames email addresses for review email."""
# Use the oldest revision as the primary revision.
changename = "revert%d" % revisions[len(revisions)-1]
if not force and os.path.exists(gcl.GetChangelistInfoFile(changename)):
print "Error, change %s already exist." % changename
return 1
# Move to the repository root and make the revision numbers sorted in
# decreasing order.
local_root = gcl.GetRepositoryRoot()
revisions_string = ",".join([str(rev) for rev in revisions])
revisions_string_rev = ",".join([str(-rev) for rev in revisions])
# Get all the modified files by the revision. We'll use this list to optimize
# the svn merge.
logs = []
for revision in revisions:
logs.extend(CaptureSVNLog(["-r", str(revision), "-v"]))
files = []
blames = []
repo_base = GetRepoBase()
for log in logs:
for file in log['paths']:
file_name = file['path']
# Remove the /trunk/src/ part. The + 1 is for the last slash.
if not file_name.startswith(repo_base):
raise OutsideOfCheckout(file_name)
# On Windows, we need to fix the slashes once they got the url part removed.
if sys.platform == 'win32':
# On Windows, gcl expect the correct slashes.
files = [file.replace('/', os.sep) for file in files]
# Keep unique.
files = UniqueFast(files)
blames = UniqueFast(blames)
if not reviewers:
reviewers = blames
reviewers = UniqueFast(reviewers)
# Make sure there's something to revert.
if not files:
raise NoModifiedFile
if not reviewers:
raise NoBlameList
if blames:
print "Blaming %s\n" % ",".join(blames)
if reviewers != blames:
print "Emailing %s\n" % ",".join(reviewers)
print "These files were modified in %s:" % revisions_string
print "\n".join(files)
print ""
# Make sure these files are unmodified with svn status.
status = gclient_scm.scm.SVN.CaptureStatus(files)
if status:
if force:
# TODO(maruel): Use the tool to correctly revert '?' files.
gcl.RunShell(["svn", "revert"] + files)
raise ModifiedFile(status)
# svn up on each of these files
gcl.RunShell(["svn", "up"] + files)
files_status = {}
# Extract the first level subpaths. Subversion seems to degrade
# exponentially w.r.t. repository size during merges. Working at the root
# directory is too rough for svn due to the repository size.
roots = UniqueFast([file.split(os.sep)[0] for file in files])
for root in roots:
# Is it a subdirectory or a files?
is_root_subdir = os.path.isdir(root)
need_to_update = False
if is_root_subdir:
file_list = []
# List the file directly since it is faster when there is only one file.
for file in files:
if file.startswith(root):
if len(file_list) > 1:
# Listing multiple files is not supported by svn merge.
file_list = ['.']
need_to_update = True
# Oops, root was in fact a file in the root directory.
file_list = [root]
root = "."
print "Reverting %s in %s/" % (revisions_string, root)
if need_to_update:
# Make sure '.' revision is high enough otherwise merge will be
# unhappy.
retcode = gcl.RunShellWithReturnCode(['svn', 'up', '.', '-N'])[1]
if retcode:
print 'svn up . -N failed in %s/.' % root
return retcode
command = ["svn", "merge", "-c", revisions_string_rev]
(output, retcode) = gcl.RunShellWithReturnCode(command, print_output=True)
if retcode:
print "'%s' failed:" % command
return retcode
# Grab the status
lines = output.split('\n')
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('---'):
if line.startswith('Skipped'):
print ""
raise ModifiedFile(line[9:-1])
# Update the status.
status = line[:5] + ' '
file = line[5:]
if is_root_subdir:
files_status[root + os.sep + file] = status
files_status[file] = status
if is_root_subdir:
# Transform files_status from a dictionary to a list of tuple.
files_status = [(files_status[file], file) for file in files]
description = "Reverting %s." % revisions_string
if message:
description += "\n\n"
description += message
# Don't use gcl.Change() since it prompts the user for infos.
change_info = gcl.ChangeInfo(changename, 0, 0, description, files_status,
upload_args = ['--no_presubmit', '-r', ",".join(reviewers)]
if send_email:
if commit:
gcl.UploadCL(change_info, upload_args)
retcode = 0
if commit:
gcl.Commit(change_info, ['--no_presubmit', '--force'])
# TODO(maruel): gclient sync (to leave the local checkout in an usable
# state)
retcode = gclient.Main(["", "sync"])
return retcode
def Main(argv):
usage = (
"""%prog [options] [revision numbers to revert]
Revert a set of revisions, send the review to Rietveld, sends a review email
and optionally commit the revert.""")
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option("-c", "--commit", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Commits right away.")
parser.add_option("-f", "--force", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Forces the local modification even if a file is "
"already modified locally.")
parser.add_option("-n", "--no_email", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Inhibits from sending a review email.")
parser.add_option("-m", "--message", default=None,
help="Additional change description message.")
parser.add_option("-r", "--reviewers", action="append",
help="Reviewers to send the email to. By default, the list "
"of commiters is used.")
if len(argv) < 2:
return 1;
options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
revisions = []
for item in args[1:]:
except ValueError:
parser.error("You need to pass revision numbers.")
if not revisions:
parser.error("You need to pass revision numbers.")
retcode = 1
if not os.path.exists(gcl.GetInfoDir()):
retcode = Revert(revisions, options.force, options.commit,
not options.no_email, options.message, options.reviewers)
except NoBlameList:
print "Error: no one to blame."
except NoModifiedFile:
print "Error: no files to revert."
except ModifiedFile, e:
print "You need to revert these files since they were already modified:"
print "".join(e.args)
print "You can use the --force flag to revert the files."
except OutsideOfCheckout, e:
print "Your repository doesn't contain ", str(e)
return retcode
if __name__ == "__main__":