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# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Monkeypatch IMapIterator so that Ctrl-C can kill everything properly.
# Derived from
import multiprocessing.pool
from multiprocessing.pool import IMapIterator
def wrapper(func):
def wrap(self, timeout=None):
return func(self, timeout=timeout or 1e100)
return wrap
| = wrapper(
IMapIterator.__next__ =
# TODO(iannucci): Monkeypatch all other 'wait' methods too.
import binascii
import contextlib
import functools
import logging
import signal
import sys
import tempfile
import threading
import subprocess2
GIT_EXE = 'git.bat' if sys.platform.startswith('win') else 'git'
class BadCommitRefException(Exception):
def __init__(self, refs):
msg = ('one of %s does not seem to be a valid commitref.' %
super(BadCommitRefException, self).__init__(msg)
def memoize_one(**kwargs):
"""Memoizes a single-argument pure function.
Values of None are not cached.
threadsafe (bool) - REQUIRED. Specifies whether to use locking around
cache manipulation functions. This is a kwarg so that users of memoize_one
are forced to explicitly and verbosely pick True or False.
Adds three methods to the decorated function:
* get(key, default=None) - Gets the value for this key from the cache.
* set(key, value) - Sets the value for this key from the cache.
* clear() - Drops the entire contents of the cache. Useful for unittests.
* update(other) - Updates the contents of the cache from another dict.
assert 'threadsafe' in kwargs, 'Must specify threadsafe={True,False}'
threadsafe = kwargs['threadsafe']
if threadsafe:
def withlock(lock, f):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
with lock:
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return inner
def withlock(_lock, f):
return f
def decorator(f):
# Instantiate the lock in decorator, in case users of memoize_one do:
# memoizer = memoize_one(threadsafe=True)
# @memoizer
# def fn1(val): ...
# @memoizer
# def fn2(val): ...
lock = threading.Lock() if threadsafe else None
cache = {}
_get = withlock(lock, cache.get)
_set = withlock(lock, cache.__setitem__)
def inner(arg):
ret = _get(arg)
if ret is None:
ret = f(arg)
if ret is not None:
_set(arg, ret)
return ret
inner.get = _get
inner.set = _set
inner.clear = withlock(lock, cache.clear)
inner.update = withlock(lock, cache.update)
return inner
return decorator
def _ScopedPool_initer(orig, orig_args): # pragma: no cover
"""Initializer method for ScopedPool's subprocesses.
This helps ScopedPool handle Ctrl-C's correctly.
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
if orig:
def ScopedPool(*args, **kwargs):
"""Context Manager which returns a multiprocessing.pool instance which
correctly deals with thrown exceptions.
*args - Arguments to multiprocessing.pool
kind ('threads', 'procs') - The type of underlying coprocess to use.
**etc - Arguments to multiprocessing.pool
if kwargs.pop('kind', None) == 'threads':
pool = multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool(*args, **kwargs)
orig, orig_args = kwargs.get('initializer'), kwargs.get('initargs', ())
kwargs['initializer'] = _ScopedPool_initer
kwargs['initargs'] = orig, orig_args
pool = multiprocessing.pool.Pool(*args, **kwargs)
yield pool
class ProgressPrinter(object):
"""Threaded single-stat status message printer."""
def __init__(self, fmt, enabled=None, stream=sys.stderr, period=0.5):
"""Create a ProgressPrinter.
Use it as a context manager which produces a simple 'increment' method:
with ProgressPrinter('(%%(count)d/%d)' % 1000) as inc:
for i in xrange(1000):
# do stuff
if i % 10 == 0:
fmt - String format with a single '%(count)d' where the counter value
should go.
enabled (bool) - If this is None, will default to True if
logging.getLogger() is set to INFO or more verbose.
stream (file-like) - The stream to print status messages to.
period (float) - The time in seconds for the printer thread to wait
between printing.
self.fmt = fmt
if enabled is None: # pragma: no cover
self.enabled = logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(logging.INFO)
self.enabled = enabled
self._count = 0
self._dead = False
self._dead_cond = threading.Condition()
self._stream = stream
self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run)
self._period = period
def _emit(self, s):
if self.enabled:
self._stream.write('\r' + s)
def _run(self):
with self._dead_cond:
while not self._dead:
self._emit(self.fmt % {'count': self._count})
self._emit((self.fmt + '\n') % {'count': self._count})
def inc(self, amount=1):
self._count += amount
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, _exc_type, _exc_value, _traceback):
self._dead = True
with self._dead_cond:
del self._thread
def parse_commitrefs(*commitrefs):
"""Returns binary encoded commit hashes for one or more commitrefs.
A commitref is anything which can resolve to a commit. Popular examples:
* 'HEAD'
* 'origin/master'
* 'cool_branch~2'
return map(binascii.unhexlify, hashes(*commitrefs))
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
raise BadCommitRefException(commitrefs)
def run(*cmd, **kwargs):
"""Runs a git command. Returns stdout as a string.
If logging is DEBUG, we'll print the command before we run it.
autostrip (bool) - Strip the output. Defaults to True.
Output string is always strip()'d.
autostrip = kwargs.pop('autostrip', True)
cmd = (GIT_EXE,) + cmd
logging.debug('Running %s', ' '.join(repr(tok) for tok in cmd))
ret = subprocess2.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess2.PIPE, **kwargs)
if autostrip:
ret = (ret or '').strip()
return ret
def hashes(*reflike):
return run('rev-parse', *reflike).splitlines()
def intern_f(f, kind='blob'):
"""Interns a file object into the git object store.
f (file-like object) - The file-like object to intern
kind (git object type) - One of 'blob', 'commit', 'tree', 'tag'.
Returns the git hash of the interned object (hex encoded).
ret = run('hash-object', '-t', kind, '-w', '--stdin', stdin=f)
return ret
def tree(treeref, recurse=False):
"""Returns a dict representation of a git tree object.
treeref (str) - a git ref which resolves to a tree (commits count as trees).
recurse (bool) - include all of the tree's decendants too. File names will
take the form of 'some/path/to/file'.
Return format:
{ 'file_name': (mode, type, ref) }
mode is an integer where:
* 0040000 - Directory
* 0100644 - Regular non-executable file
* 0100664 - Regular non-executable group-writeable file
* 0100755 - Regular executable file
* 0120000 - Symbolic link
* 0160000 - Gitlink
type is a string where it's one of 'blob', 'commit', 'tree', 'tag'.
ref is the hex encoded hash of the entry.
ret = {}
opts = ['ls-tree', '--full-tree']
if recurse:
for line in run(*opts).splitlines():
mode, typ, ref, name = line.split(None, 3)
ret[name] = (mode, typ, ref)
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
return None
return ret
def mktree(treedict):
"""Makes a git tree object and returns its hash.
See |tree()| for the values of mode, type, and ref.
treedict - { name: (mode, type, ref) }
with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f:
for name, (mode, typ, ref) in treedict.iteritems():
f.write('%s %s %s\t%s\0' % (mode, typ, ref, name))
return run('mktree', '-z', stdin=f)