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depot_tools/third_party/gsutil da73a4bdaa bypass_prodaccess fix
It looked like the bypass_prodaccess flag wasn't passed in all the way to
where it needed to be, causing it to be set to True by default at some point,
which caused the prodaccess path to never happen.  This change takes the flag
and brings it all of the way.


Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
11 years ago
gslib bypass_prodaccess fix 11 years ago
plugins Disable retries when gsutil runs loas_check. 11 years ago
CHECKSUM Remove code in gsutil that removes http_proxy from the env var 11 years ago
README.chromium Adds SSO auth to gsutil 11 years ago
gsutil bypass_prodaccess fix 11 years ago


This directory contains the Python command line tool gsutil, which Google
has released as open source, to demonstrate the Google Storage API and to
provide a tool for manipulating data in the system.


Gsutil requires Python 2.6 or later.

To install gsutil take the following steps:

1. Pick a place where you want to install the software.  You can
   install the code wherever you prefer; for brevity the instructions below
   assume you want to install in $HOME/gsutil.

2. To install gsutil on Linux/Unix or MacOS, open a shell window, change
   directories to where you downloaded the gsutil.tar.gz file, and do this:
   % tar xfz gsutil.tar.gz -C $HOME

   Then add the following line to your $HOME/.bashrc shell initialization
       export PATH=${PATH}:$HOME/gsutil

   The next time you start a shell you should be able to run gsutil from
   the command line.

3. To install gsutil on Windows, install cygwin (,
   with at least version 2.6.5 of Python. Once you have that, start a shell
   and follow the Linux instructions above for unpacking and installing gsutil.

4. The first time you try to run gsutil, it will detect that you have no
   configuration file containing your credentials, interactively prompt you,
   and create the file.  

   After this you can use the tool.  Running gsutil with with no arguments
   will print a help summary.

For more information on installing and using gsutil, see