#!/usr/bin/env vpython3 # coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Tests for git_map.""" from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import io import os import re import sys import unittest DEPOT_TOOLS_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) sys.path.insert(0, DEPOT_TOOLS_ROOT) from testing_support import git_test_utils import git_map import git_common if sys.version_info.major == 2: import mock else: from unittest import mock git_common.TEST_MODE = True GitRepo = git_test_utils.GitRepo class GitMapTest(git_test_utils.GitRepoReadOnlyTestBase): REPO_SCHEMA = """" A B C D 😋 F G B H I J K J L """ def setUp(self): # Include branch_K, branch_L to make sure that ABCDEFG all get the # same commit hashes as self.repo. Otherwise they get committed with the # wrong timestamps, due to commit ordering. # TODO(iannucci): Make commit timestamps deterministic in left to right, top # to bottom order, not in lexi-topographical order. origin_schema = git_test_utils.GitRepoSchema(""" A B C D 😋 F G M N O B H I J K J L """, self.getRepoContent) self.origin = origin_schema.reify() self.origin.git('checkout', 'main') self.origin.git('branch', '-d', *['branch_'+l for l in 'KLG']) self.repo.git('remote', 'add', 'origin', self.origin.repo_path) self.repo.git('config', '--add', 'remote.origin.fetch', '+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*') self.repo.git('update-ref', 'refs/remotes/origin/main', 'tag_E') self.repo.git('branch', '--set-upstream-to', 'branch_G', 'branch_K') self.repo.git('branch', '--set-upstream-to', 'branch_K', 'branch_L') self.repo.git('fetch', 'origin') mock.patch('git_map.RESET', '').start() mock.patch('git_map.BLUE_BACK', '').start() mock.patch('git_map.BRIGHT_RED', '').start() mock.patch('git_map.CYAN', '').start() mock.patch('git_map.GREEN', '').start() mock.patch('git_map.MAGENTA', '').start() mock.patch('git_map.RED', '').start() mock.patch('git_map.WHITE', '').start() mock.patch('git_map.YELLOW', '').start() self.addCleanup(mock.patch.stopall) def testHelp(self): outbuf = io.BytesIO() self.repo.run(git_map.main, ['-h'], outbuf) self.assertIn(b'usage: git map [-h] [--help] []', outbuf.getvalue()) def testGitMap(self): expected = os.linesep.join([ '* 6e85e877ea (tag_O, origin/main, origin/branch_O) 1970-01-30 ~ O', '* 4705470871 (tag_N) 1970-01-28 ~ N', '* 8761b1a94f (tag_M) 1970-01-26 ~ M', '* 5e7ce08691 (tag_G) 1970-01-24 ~ G', '* 78543ed411 (tag_F) 1970-01-18 ~ F', '* f5c2b77013 (tag_😋) 1970-01-16 ~ 😋', '* 5249c43079 (tag_D) 1970-01-10 ~ D', '* 072ade676a (tag_C) 1970-01-06 ~ C', '| * e77da937d5 (branch_G) 1970-01-26 ~ G', '| * acda9677fd 1970-01-20 ~ F', '| * b4bed3c8e1 1970-01-18 ~ 😋', '| * 5da071fda9 1970-01-12 ~ D', '| * 1ef9b2e4ca 1970-01-08 ~ C', '| | * ddd611f619 (branch_L) 1970-01-24 ~ L', '| | | * f07cbd8cfc (branch_K) 1970-01-22 ~ K', '| | |/ ', '| | * fb7da24708 1970-01-16 ~ J <(branch_L)', '| | * bb168f6d65 1970-01-14 ~ I', '| | * ee1032effa 1970-01-10 ~ H', '| |/ ', '| * db57edd2c0 1970-01-06 ~ B <(branch_K)', '| * e4f775f844 (root_A) 1970-01-04 ~ A', '| * 2824d6d8b6 (tag_L, origin/branch_L) 1970-01-22 ~ L', '| | * 4e599306f0 (tag_K, origin/branch_K) 1970-01-20 ~ K', '| |/ ', '| * 332f1b4499 (tag_J) 1970-01-14 ~ J', '| * 2fc0bc5ee5 (tag_I) 1970-01-12 ~ I', '| * 6e0ab26451 (tag_H) 1970-01-08 ~ H', '|/ ', '* 315457dbe8 (tag_B) 1970-01-04 ~ B', '* cd589e62d8 (tag_A, origin/root_A) 1970-01-02 ~ A', '* 7026d3d68e (tag_", root_", main, branch_") 1970-01-02 ~ "', ]) outbuf = io.BytesIO() self.repo.run(git_map.main, [], outbuf) output = outbuf.getvalue() output = re.sub(br'.\[\d\dm', b'', output) output = re.sub(br'.\[m', b'', output) self.assertEqual(output.splitlines(), expected.encode('utf-8').splitlines()) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()