git rebase-update [-v | --verbose] [-n | --no-fetch] [-k | --keep-going]
Brings all branches up-to-date with their tracking branches. This involves several phases:
- Preparation
If you currently have a branch checked out, any changes on that branch are frozen (See git-freeze(1) for more detail). Additionally, the current branch is recorded for the Restoration phase later (see CONFIGURATION VARIABLES for details on
). - Fetching
All branches are examined to find their upstream references. The correct set of git remotes is determined, and fetched accordingly. Note that if any branches have a tag as their upstream, we are forced to pull all remotes.
to skip this phase. - Rebasing
All branches are rebased in topological order from roots (upstreams) to leaves. Each branch is rebased from its marked merge-base (see CONFIGURATION VARIABLES) to the branch tip on top of its parent branch. If the parent branch is frozen (see git-freeze(1)), the branch will be rebased onto the last non-freeze commit on the parent branch.
Things get interesting when there are merge conflicts on rebase. The most common cause for conflicts is when your branch has been committed to the upstream in squashed form, ala git-squash-branch(1), which is what git-cl(1) and the Commit Queue will do. Because of that,
git rebase-update
will attempt to squash your conflicted branch to see if the squashed version applies cleanly to its upstream.If it does not apply cleanly, then your original (non-squashed) branch will be left in mid-rebase and
git rebase-update
will exit. You can deal with this like any other conflicted rebase. When you’re done, justgit rebase-update
again to pick up where you left off.
If you’d like to rebase all rebaseable branches in one pass and manually process the unrebaseable ones later, use -k or --keep-going. Cleanup will not happen until all branches apply cleanly.
- Cleanup
Once all the branches have been rebased, any empty branches (i.e. branches with no commits on them) are removed. If a branch is removed in this fashion, any branches which depend on it are reparented to the parent of the removed branch (see git-reparent-branch(1)).
- Restoration
git rebase-update
checks out the branch that you started on, and thaws it, if necessary (see git-thaw(1)). If the branch you started on got cleaned up,git rebase-update
will checkout the root ref (defaults to origin/master, as configured bydepot-tools.upstream
, see git-new-branch(1)).
- -k
- --keep-going
Keep processing past failed rebases.
- -n
- --no-fetch
Skip the
git fetch
phase of rebase-update. - -v
- --verbose
More text than your terminal can handle.
- --current
Only rebase the current branch.
When git rebase-update
first runs, it will record the current branch here so
that when it completes successfully, it will return back to the same branch you
started on, even if git rebase-update
is interrupted due to rebase conflicts.
When git rebase-update
completes successfully, this configuration variable is
If true
, will cause rebase-update to skip all processing on the branch.
Useful for old/high-conflict branches which you want to keep for posterity, but
don’t want to deal with when running git rebase-update
Holds the base reference for this branch. By default this is equivalent to
git merge-base <name> <name>@{upstream}
. However, it can diverge if
is manually rebased. In this case, it correctly preserves
the value it had before, where git merge-base
would now report the wrong
All of the tools in the depot_tools(1) suite collude to keep this value as up-to-date as possible, including git-reparent-branch(1), and git-new-branch(1). git-map(1) also shows the location of these marker values in white.
git-mark-merge-base(1) allows easy manual interaction for this value, in the unlikely event that it gets out of sync.
Some common short-hand aliases. Feel free to add these to your ~/.gitconfig file.
git reup = rebase-update
Part of the chromium depot_tools(7) suite. These tools are meant to assist with the development of chromium and related projects. Download the tools from here.