#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Print dependency tree of branches in local repo. Example: origin/main cool_feature dependent_feature other_dependent_feature other_feature Branches are colorized as follows: * Red - a remote branch (usually the root of all local branches) * Cyan - a local branch which is the same as HEAD * Note that multiple branches may be Cyan, if they are all on the same commit, and you have that commit checked out. * Green - a local branch * Blue - a 'branch-heads' branch * Magenta - a tag * Magenta '{NO UPSTREAM}' - If you have local branches which do not track any upstream, then you will see this. """ import argparse import collections import metrics import subprocess2 import sys from git_common import current_branch, upstream, tags, get_branches_info from git_common import get_git_version, MIN_UPSTREAM_TRACK_GIT_VERSION, hash_one from git_common import run import setup_color from third_party.colorama import Fore, Style DEFAULT_SEPARATOR = ' ' * 4 class OutputManager(object): """Manages a number of OutputLines and formats them into aligned columns.""" def __init__(self): self.lines = [] self.nocolor = False self.max_column_lengths = [] self.num_columns = None def append(self, line): # All lines must have the same number of columns. if not self.num_columns: self.num_columns = len(line.columns) self.max_column_lengths = [0] * self.num_columns assert self.num_columns == len(line.columns) if self.nocolor: line.colors = [''] * self.num_columns self.lines.append(line) # Update maximum column lengths. for i, col in enumerate(line.columns): self.max_column_lengths[i] = max(self.max_column_lengths[i], len(col)) def merge(self, other): for line in other.lines: self.append(line) def as_formatted_string(self): return '\n'.join( l.as_padded_string(self.max_column_lengths) for l in self.lines) class OutputLine(object): """A single line of data. This consists of an equal number of columns, colors and separators.""" def __init__(self): self.columns = [] self.separators = [] self.colors = [] def append(self, data, separator=DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, color=Fore.WHITE): self.columns.append(data) self.separators.append(separator) self.colors.append(color) def as_padded_string(self, max_column_lengths): """"Returns the data as a string with each column padded to |max_column_lengths|.""" output_string = '' for i, (color, data, separator) in enumerate( zip(self.colors, self.columns, self.separators)): if max_column_lengths[i] == 0: continue padding = (max_column_lengths[i] - len(data)) * ' ' output_string += color + data + padding + separator return output_string.rstrip() class BranchMapper(object): """A class which constructs output representing the tree's branch structure. Attributes: __branches_info: a map of branches to their BranchesInfo objects which consist of the branch hash, upstream and ahead/behind status. __gone_branches: a set of upstreams which are not fetchable by git """ def __init__(self): self.verbosity = 0 self.maxjobs = 0 self.show_subject = False self.hide_dormant = False self.output = OutputManager() self.__gone_branches = set() self.__branches_info = None self.__parent_map = collections.defaultdict(list) self.__current_branch = None self.__current_hash = None self.__tag_set = None self.__status_info = {} def start(self): self.__branches_info = get_branches_info( include_tracking_status=self.verbosity >= 1) if (self.verbosity >= 2): # Avoid heavy import unless necessary. from git_cl import get_cl_statuses, color_for_status, Changelist change_cls = [ Changelist(branchref='refs/heads/' + b) for b in self.__branches_info.keys() if b ] status_info = get_cl_statuses(change_cls, fine_grained=self.verbosity > 2, max_processes=self.maxjobs) # This is a blocking get which waits for the remote CL status to be # retrieved. for cl, status in status_info: self.__status_info[cl.GetBranch()] = (cl.GetIssueURL( short=True), color_for_status(status), status) roots = set() # A map of parents to a list of their children. for branch, branch_info in self.__branches_info.items(): if not branch_info: continue parent = branch_info.upstream if self.__check_cycle(branch): continue if not self.__branches_info[parent]: branch_upstream = upstream(branch) # If git can't find the upstream, mark the upstream as gone. if branch_upstream: parent = branch_upstream else: self.__gone_branches.add(parent) # A parent that isn't in the branches info is a root. roots.add(parent) self.__parent_map[parent].append(branch) self.__current_branch = current_branch() self.__current_hash = hash_one('HEAD', short=True) self.__tag_set = tags() if roots: for root in sorted(roots): self.__append_branch(root, self.output) else: no_branches = OutputLine() no_branches.append('No User Branches') self.output.append(no_branches) def __check_cycle(self, branch): # Maximum length of the cycle is `num_branches`. This limit avoids # running into a cycle which does *not* contain `branch`. num_branches = len(self.__branches_info) cycle = [branch] while len(cycle) < num_branches and self.__branches_info[cycle[-1]]: parent = self.__branches_info[cycle[-1]].upstream cycle.append(parent) if parent == branch: print('Warning: Detected cycle in branches: {}'.format( ' -> '.join(cycle)), file=sys.stderr) return True return False def __is_invalid_parent(self, parent): return not parent or parent in self.__gone_branches def __color_for_branch(self, branch, branch_hash): if branch.startswith('origin/'): color = Fore.RED elif branch.startswith('branch-heads'): color = Fore.BLUE elif self.__is_invalid_parent(branch) or branch in self.__tag_set: color = Fore.MAGENTA elif self.__current_hash.startswith(branch_hash): color = Fore.CYAN else: color = Fore.GREEN if branch_hash and self.__current_hash.startswith(branch_hash): color += Style.BRIGHT else: color += Style.NORMAL return color def __is_dormant_branch(self, branch): if '/' in branch: return False is_dormant = run('config', '--get', 'branch.{}.dormant'.format(branch), accepted_retcodes=[0, 1]) return is_dormant == 'true' def __append_branch(self, branch, output, depth=0): """Recurses through the tree structure and appends an OutputLine to the OutputManager for each branch.""" child_output = OutputManager() for child in sorted(self.__parent_map.pop(branch, ())): self.__append_branch(child, child_output, depth=depth + 1) is_dormant_branch = self.__is_dormant_branch(branch) if self.hide_dormant and is_dormant_branch and not child_output.lines: return branch_info = self.__branches_info[branch] if branch_info: branch_hash = branch_info.hash else: try: branch_hash = hash_one(branch, short=True) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError: branch_hash = None line = OutputLine() # The branch name with appropriate indentation. suffix = '' if branch == self.__current_branch or (self.__current_branch == 'HEAD' and branch == self.__current_hash): suffix = ' *' branch_string = branch if branch in self.__gone_branches: branch_string = '{%s:GONE}' % branch if not branch: branch_string = '{NO_UPSTREAM}' main_string = ' ' * depth + branch_string + suffix line.append(main_string, color=self.__color_for_branch(branch, branch_hash)) # The branch hash. if self.verbosity >= 2: line.append(branch_hash or '', separator=' ', color=Fore.RED) # The branch tracking status. if self.verbosity >= 1: commits_string = '' behind_string = '' front_separator = '' center_separator = '' back_separator = '' if branch_info and not self.__is_invalid_parent( branch_info.upstream): behind = branch_info.behind commits = branch_info.commits if commits: commits_string = '%d commit' % commits commits_string += 's' if commits > 1 else ' ' if behind: behind_string = 'behind %d' % behind if commits or behind: front_separator = '[' back_separator = ']' if commits and behind: center_separator = '|' line.append(front_separator, separator=' ') line.append(commits_string, separator=' ', color=Fore.MAGENTA) line.append(center_separator, separator=' ') line.append(behind_string, separator=' ', color=Fore.MAGENTA) line.append(back_separator) if self.verbosity >= 4: line.append(' (dormant)' if is_dormant_branch else ' ', separator=' ', color=Fore.RED) # The Rietveld issue associated with the branch. if self.verbosity >= 2: (url, color, status) = (('', '', '') if self.__is_invalid_parent(branch) else self.__status_info[branch]) if self.verbosity > 2: line.append('{} ({})'.format(url, status) if url else '', color=color) else: line.append(url or '', color=color) # The subject of the most recent commit on the branch. if self.show_subject: if not self.__is_invalid_parent(branch): line.append(run('log', '-n1', '--format=%s', branch, '--')) else: line.append('') output.append(line) output.merge(child_output) def print_desc(): for line in __doc__.splitlines(): starpos = line.find('* ') if starpos == -1 or '-' not in line: print(line) else: _, color, rest = line.split(None, 2) outline = line[:starpos + 1] outline += getattr(Fore, color.upper()) + " " + color + " " + Fore.RESET outline += rest print(outline) print('') @metrics.collector.collect_metrics('git map-branches') def main(argv): setup_color.init() if get_git_version() < MIN_UPSTREAM_TRACK_GIT_VERSION: print( 'This tool will not show all tracking information for git version ' 'earlier than ' + '.'.join(str(x) for x in MIN_UPSTREAM_TRACK_GIT_VERSION) + '. Please consider upgrading.', file=sys.stderr) if '-h' in argv: print_desc() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-v', action='count', default=0, help=('Pass once to show tracking info, ' 'twice for hash and review url, ' 'thrice for review status, ' 'four times to mark dormant branches')) parser.add_argument('--no-color', action='store_true', dest='nocolor', help='Turn off colors.') parser.add_argument( '-j', '--maxjobs', action='store', type=int, help='The number of jobs to use when retrieving review status') parser.add_argument('--show-subject', action='store_true', dest='show_subject', help='Show the commit subject.') parser.add_argument('--hide-dormant', action='store_true', dest='hide_dormant', help='Hides dormant branches.') opts = parser.parse_args(argv) mapper = BranchMapper() mapper.verbosity = opts.v mapper.output.nocolor = opts.nocolor mapper.maxjobs = opts.maxjobs mapper.show_subject = opts.show_subject mapper.hide_dormant = opts.hide_dormant mapper.start() print(mapper.output.as_formatted_string()) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': try: with metrics.collector.print_notice_and_exit(): sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:])) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stderr.write('interrupted\n') sys.exit(1)