#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import codecs import copy import json import os import sys import unittest #import test_env # pylint: disable=W0403,W0611 sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))), 'recipe_modules', 'bot_update', 'resources')) sys.platform = 'linux2' # For consistency, ya know? import bot_update DEFAULT_PARAMS = { 'solutions': [{ 'name': 'somename', 'url': 'https://fake.com' }], 'revisions': [], 'first_sln': 'somename', 'target_os': None, 'target_os_only': None, 'patch_root': None, 'issue': None, 'patchset': None, 'rietveld_server': None, 'gerrit_repo': None, 'gerrit_ref': None, 'gerrit_rebase_patch_ref': None, 'revision_mapping': {}, 'apply_issue_email_file': None, 'apply_issue_key_file': None, 'apply_issue_oauth2_file': None, 'shallow': False, 'refs': [], 'git_cache_dir': '', 'gerrit_reset': None, } class MockedPopen(object): """A fake instance of a called subprocess. This is meant to be used in conjunction with MockedCall. """ def __init__(self, args=None, kwargs=None): self.args = args or [] self.kwargs = kwargs or {} self.return_value = None self.fails = False def returns(self, rv): """Set the return value when this popen is called. rv can be a string, or a callable (eg function). """ self.return_value = rv return self def check(self, args, kwargs): """Check to see if the given args/kwargs call match this instance. This does a partial match, so that a call to "git clone foo" will match this instance if this instance was recorded as "git clone" """ if any(input_arg != expected_arg for (input_arg, expected_arg) in zip(args, self.args)): return False return self.return_value def __call__(self, args, kwargs): """Actually call this popen instance.""" if hasattr(self.return_value, '__call__'): return self.return_value(*args, **kwargs) return self.return_value class MockedCall(object): """A fake instance of bot_update.call(). This object is pre-seeded with "answers" in self.expectations. The type is a MockedPopen object, or any object with a __call__() and check() method. The check() method is used to check to see if the correct popen object is chosen (can be a partial match, eg a "git clone" popen module would match a "git clone foo" call). By default, if no answers have been pre-seeded, the call() returns successful with an empty string. """ def __init__(self, fake_filesystem): self.expectations = [] self.records = [] def expect(self, args=None, kwargs=None): args = args or [] kwargs = kwargs or {} popen = MockedPopen(args, kwargs) self.expectations.append(popen) return popen def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.records.append((args, kwargs)) for popen in self.expectations: if popen.check(args, kwargs): self.expectations.remove(popen) return popen(args, kwargs) return '' class MockedGclientSync(): """A class producing a callable instance of gclient sync. Because for bot_update, gclient sync also emits an output json file, we need a callable object that can understand where the output json file is going, and emit a (albite) fake file for bot_update to consume. """ def __init__(self, fake_filesystem): self.output = {} self.fake_filesystem = fake_filesystem def __call__(self, *args, **_): output_json_index = args.index('--output-json') + 1 with self.fake_filesystem.open(args[output_json_index], 'w') as f: json.dump(self.output, f) class FakeFile(): def __init__(self): self.contents = '' def write(self, buf): self.contents += buf def read(self): return self.contents def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, _, __, ___): pass class FakeFilesystem(): def __init__(self): self.files = {} def open(self, target, mode='r', encoding=None): if 'w' in mode: self.files[target] = FakeFile() return self.files[target] return self.files[target] def fake_git(*args, **kwargs): return bot_update.call('git', *args, **kwargs) class BotUpdateUnittests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.filesystem = FakeFilesystem() self.call = MockedCall(self.filesystem) self.gclient = MockedGclientSync(self.filesystem) self.call.expect(('gclient', 'sync')).returns(self.gclient) self.old_call = getattr(bot_update, 'call') self.params = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_PARAMS) setattr(bot_update, 'call', self.call) setattr(bot_update, 'git', fake_git) self.old_os_cwd = os.getcwd setattr(os, 'getcwd', lambda: '/b/build/slave/foo/build') setattr(bot_update, 'open', self.filesystem.open) self.old_codecs_open = codecs.open setattr(codecs, 'open', self.filesystem.open) def tearDown(self): setattr(bot_update, 'call', self.old_call) setattr(os, 'getcwd', self.old_os_cwd) delattr(bot_update, 'open') setattr(codecs, 'open', self.old_codecs_open) def testBasic(self): bot_update.ensure_checkout(**self.params) return self.call.records def testBasicShallow(self): self.params['shallow'] = True bot_update.ensure_checkout(**self.params) return self.call.records if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()