import os import urlparse import boto import boto.connection import boto.jsonresponse import boto.exception import awsqueryrequest class NoCredentialsError(boto.exception.BotoClientError): def __init__(self): s = 'Unable to find credentials' boto.exception.BotoClientError.__init__(self, s) class AWSQueryService(boto.connection.AWSQueryConnection): Name = '' Description = '' APIVersion = '' Authentication = 'sign-v2' Path = '/' Port = 443 Provider = 'aws' EnvURL = 'AWS_URL' Regions = [] def __init__(self, **args): self.args = args self.check_for_credential_file() self.check_for_env_url() if 'host' not in self.args: if self.Regions: region_name = self.args.get('region_name', self.Regions[0]['name']) for region in self.Regions: if region['name'] == region_name: self.args['host'] = region['endpoint'] if 'path' not in self.args: self.args['path'] = self.Path if 'port' not in self.args: self.args['port'] = self.Port try: boto.connection.AWSQueryConnection.__init__(self, **self.args) self.aws_response = None except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound: raise NoCredentialsError() def check_for_credential_file(self): """ Checks for the existance of an AWS credential file. If the environment variable AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE is set and points to a file, that file will be read and will be searched credentials. Note that if credentials have been explicitelypassed into the class constructor, those values always take precedence. """ if 'AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE' in os.environ: path = os.environ['AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE'] path = os.path.expanduser(path) path = os.path.expandvars(path) if os.path.isfile(path): fp = open(path) lines = fp.readlines() fp.close() for line in lines: if line[0] != '#': if '=' in line: name, value = line.split('=', 1) if name.strip() == 'AWSAccessKeyId': if 'aws_access_key_id' not in self.args: value = value.strip() self.args['aws_access_key_id'] = value elif name.strip() == 'AWSSecretKey': if 'aws_secret_access_key' not in self.args: value = value.strip() self.args['aws_secret_access_key'] = value else: print 'Warning: unable to read AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE' def check_for_env_url(self): """ First checks to see if a url argument was explicitly passed in. If so, that will be used. If not, it checks for the existence of the environment variable specified in ENV_URL. If this is set, it should contain a fully qualified URL to the service you want to use. Note that any values passed explicitly to the class constructor will take precedence. """ url = self.args.get('url', None) if url: del self.args['url'] if not url and self.EnvURL in os.environ: url = os.environ[self.EnvURL] if url: rslt = urlparse.urlparse(url) if 'is_secure' not in self.args: if rslt.scheme == 'https': self.args['is_secure'] = True else: self.args['is_secure'] = False host = rslt.netloc port = None l = host.split(':') if len(l) > 1: host = l[0] port = int(l[1]) if 'host' not in self.args: self.args['host'] = host if port and 'port' not in self.args: self.args['port'] = port if rslt.path and 'path' not in self.args: self.args['path'] = rslt.path def _required_auth_capability(self): return [self.Authentication]