# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Multi-credential file store with lock support. This module implements a JSON credential store where multiple credentials can be stored in one file. That file supports locking both in a single process and across processes. The credential themselves are keyed off of: * client_id * user_agent * scope The format of the stored data is like so: { 'file_version': 1, 'data': [ { 'key': { 'clientId': '', 'userAgent': '', 'scope': '' }, 'credential': { # JSON serialized Credentials. } } ] } """ __author__ = 'jbeda@google.com (Joe Beda)' import base64 import errno import logging import os import threading from anyjson import simplejson from oauth2client.client import Storage as BaseStorage from oauth2client.client import Credentials from oauth2client import util from locked_file import LockedFile logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # A dict from 'filename'->_MultiStore instances _multistores = {} _multistores_lock = threading.Lock() class Error(Exception): """Base error for this module.""" pass class NewerCredentialStoreError(Error): """The credential store is a newer version that supported.""" pass @util.positional(4) def get_credential_storage(filename, client_id, user_agent, scope, warn_on_readonly=True): """Get a Storage instance for a credential. Args: filename: The JSON file storing a set of credentials client_id: The client_id for the credential user_agent: The user agent for the credential scope: string or iterable of strings, Scope(s) being requested warn_on_readonly: if True, log a warning if the store is readonly Returns: An object derived from client.Storage for getting/setting the credential. """ # Recreate the legacy key with these specific parameters key = {'clientId': client_id, 'userAgent': user_agent, 'scope': util.scopes_to_string(scope)} return get_credential_storage_custom_key( filename, key, warn_on_readonly=warn_on_readonly) @util.positional(2) def get_credential_storage_custom_string_key( filename, key_string, warn_on_readonly=True): """Get a Storage instance for a credential using a single string as a key. Allows you to provide a string as a custom key that will be used for credential storage and retrieval. Args: filename: The JSON file storing a set of credentials key_string: A string to use as the key for storing this credential. warn_on_readonly: if True, log a warning if the store is readonly Returns: An object derived from client.Storage for getting/setting the credential. """ # Create a key dictionary that can be used key_dict = {'key': key_string} return get_credential_storage_custom_key( filename, key_dict, warn_on_readonly=warn_on_readonly) @util.positional(2) def get_credential_storage_custom_key( filename, key_dict, warn_on_readonly=True): """Get a Storage instance for a credential using a dictionary as a key. Allows you to provide a dictionary as a custom key that will be used for credential storage and retrieval. Args: filename: The JSON file storing a set of credentials key_dict: A dictionary to use as the key for storing this credential. There is no ordering of the keys in the dictionary. Logically equivalent dictionaries will produce equivalent storage keys. warn_on_readonly: if True, log a warning if the store is readonly Returns: An object derived from client.Storage for getting/setting the credential. """ multistore = _get_multistore(filename, warn_on_readonly=warn_on_readonly) key = util.dict_to_tuple_key(key_dict) return multistore._get_storage(key) @util.positional(1) def get_all_credential_keys(filename, warn_on_readonly=True): """Gets all the registered credential keys in the given Multistore. Args: filename: The JSON file storing a set of credentials warn_on_readonly: if True, log a warning if the store is readonly Returns: A list of the credential keys present in the file. They are returned as dictionaries that can be passed into get_credential_storage_custom_key to get the actual credentials. """ multistore = _get_multistore(filename, warn_on_readonly=warn_on_readonly) multistore._lock() try: return multistore._get_all_credential_keys() finally: multistore._unlock() @util.positional(1) def _get_multistore(filename, warn_on_readonly=True): """A helper method to initialize the multistore with proper locking. Args: filename: The JSON file storing a set of credentials warn_on_readonly: if True, log a warning if the store is readonly Returns: A multistore object """ filename = os.path.expanduser(filename) _multistores_lock.acquire() try: multistore = _multistores.setdefault( filename, _MultiStore(filename, warn_on_readonly=warn_on_readonly)) finally: _multistores_lock.release() return multistore class _MultiStore(object): """A file backed store for multiple credentials.""" @util.positional(2) def __init__(self, filename, warn_on_readonly=True): """Initialize the class. This will create the file if necessary. """ self._file = LockedFile(filename, 'r+b', 'rb') self._thread_lock = threading.Lock() self._read_only = False self._warn_on_readonly = warn_on_readonly self._create_file_if_needed() # Cache of deserialized store. This is only valid after the # _MultiStore is locked or _refresh_data_cache is called. This is # of the form of: # # ((key, value), (key, value)...) -> OAuth2Credential # # If this is None, then the store hasn't been read yet. self._data = None class _Storage(BaseStorage): """A Storage object that knows how to read/write a single credential.""" def __init__(self, multistore, key): self._multistore = multistore self._key = key def acquire_lock(self): """Acquires any lock necessary to access this Storage. This lock is not reentrant. """ self._multistore._lock() def release_lock(self): """Release the Storage lock. Trying to release a lock that isn't held will result in a RuntimeError. """ self._multistore._unlock() def locked_get(self): """Retrieve credential. The Storage lock must be held when this is called. Returns: oauth2client.client.Credentials """ credential = self._multistore._get_credential(self._key) if credential: credential.set_store(self) return credential def locked_put(self, credentials): """Write a credential. The Storage lock must be held when this is called. Args: credentials: Credentials, the credentials to store. """ self._multistore._update_credential(self._key, credentials) def locked_delete(self): """Delete a credential. The Storage lock must be held when this is called. Args: credentials: Credentials, the credentials to store. """ self._multistore._delete_credential(self._key) def _create_file_if_needed(self): """Create an empty file if necessary. This method will not initialize the file. Instead it implements a simple version of "touch" to ensure the file has been created. """ if not os.path.exists(self._file.filename()): old_umask = os.umask(0177) try: open(self._file.filename(), 'a+b').close() finally: os.umask(old_umask) def _lock(self): """Lock the entire multistore.""" self._thread_lock.acquire() self._file.open_and_lock() if not self._file.is_locked(): self._read_only = True if self._warn_on_readonly: logger.warn('The credentials file (%s) is not writable. Opening in ' 'read-only mode. Any refreshed credentials will only be ' 'valid for this run.' % self._file.filename()) if os.path.getsize(self._file.filename()) == 0: logger.debug('Initializing empty multistore file') # The multistore is empty so write out an empty file. self._data = {} self._write() elif not self._read_only or self._data is None: # Only refresh the data if we are read/write or we haven't # cached the data yet. If we are readonly, we assume is isn't # changing out from under us and that we only have to read it # once. This prevents us from whacking any new access keys that # we have cached in memory but were unable to write out. self._refresh_data_cache() def _unlock(self): """Release the lock on the multistore.""" self._file.unlock_and_close() self._thread_lock.release() def _locked_json_read(self): """Get the raw content of the multistore file. The multistore must be locked when this is called. Returns: The contents of the multistore decoded as JSON. """ assert self._thread_lock.locked() self._file.file_handle().seek(0) return simplejson.load(self._file.file_handle()) def _locked_json_write(self, data): """Write a JSON serializable data structure to the multistore. The multistore must be locked when this is called. Args: data: The data to be serialized and written. """ assert self._thread_lock.locked() if self._read_only: return self._file.file_handle().seek(0) simplejson.dump(data, self._file.file_handle(), sort_keys=True, indent=2) self._file.file_handle().truncate() def _refresh_data_cache(self): """Refresh the contents of the multistore. The multistore must be locked when this is called. Raises: NewerCredentialStoreError: Raised when a newer client has written the store. """ self._data = {} try: raw_data = self._locked_json_read() except Exception: logger.warn('Credential data store could not be loaded. ' 'Will ignore and overwrite.') return version = 0 try: version = raw_data['file_version'] except Exception: logger.warn('Missing version for credential data store. It may be ' 'corrupt or an old version. Overwriting.') if version > 1: raise NewerCredentialStoreError( 'Credential file has file_version of %d. ' 'Only file_version of 1 is supported.' % version) credentials = [] try: credentials = raw_data['data'] except (TypeError, KeyError): pass for cred_entry in credentials: try: (key, credential) = self._decode_credential_from_json(cred_entry) self._data[key] = credential except: # If something goes wrong loading a credential, just ignore it logger.info('Error decoding credential, skipping', exc_info=True) def _decode_credential_from_json(self, cred_entry): """Load a credential from our JSON serialization. Args: cred_entry: A dict entry from the data member of our format Returns: (key, cred) where the key is the key tuple and the cred is the OAuth2Credential object. """ raw_key = cred_entry['key'] key = util.dict_to_tuple_key(raw_key) credential = None credential = Credentials.new_from_json(simplejson.dumps(cred_entry['credential'])) return (key, credential) def _write(self): """Write the cached data back out. The multistore must be locked. """ raw_data = {'file_version': 1} raw_creds = [] raw_data['data'] = raw_creds for (cred_key, cred) in self._data.items(): raw_key = dict(cred_key) raw_cred = simplejson.loads(cred.to_json()) raw_creds.append({'key': raw_key, 'credential': raw_cred}) self._locked_json_write(raw_data) def _get_all_credential_keys(self): """Gets all the registered credential keys in the multistore. Returns: A list of dictionaries corresponding to all the keys currently registered """ return [dict(key) for key in self._data.keys()] def _get_credential(self, key): """Get a credential from the multistore. The multistore must be locked. Args: key: The key used to retrieve the credential Returns: The credential specified or None if not present """ return self._data.get(key, None) def _update_credential(self, key, cred): """Update a credential and write the multistore. This must be called when the multistore is locked. Args: key: The key used to retrieve the credential cred: The OAuth2Credential to update/set """ self._data[key] = cred self._write() def _delete_credential(self, key): """Delete a credential and write the multistore. This must be called when the multistore is locked. Args: key: The key used to retrieve the credential """ try: del self._data[key] except KeyError: pass self._write() def _get_storage(self, key): """Get a Storage object to get/set a credential. This Storage is a 'view' into the multistore. Args: key: The key used to retrieve the credential Returns: A Storage object that can be used to get/set this cred """ return self._Storage(self, key)