# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Google OAuth2 related functions.""" from __future__ import print_function import collections import datetime import functools import httplib2 import json import logging import optparse import os import sys import threading import urllib import urlparse import subprocess2 from third_party.oauth2client import client # depot_tools/. DEPOT_TOOLS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # Google OAuth2 clients always have a secret, even if the client is an installed # application/utility such as this. Of course, in such cases the "secret" is # actually publicly known; security depends entirely on the secrecy of refresh # tokens, which effectively become bearer tokens. An attacker can impersonate # service's identity in OAuth2 flow. But that's generally fine as long as a list # of allowed redirect_uri's associated with client_id is limited to 'localhost' # or 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob'. In that case attacker needs some process # running on user's machine to successfully complete the flow and grab refresh # token. When you have a malicious code running on your machine, you're screwed # anyway. # This particular set is managed by API Console project "chrome-infra-auth". OAUTH_CLIENT_ID = ( '446450136466-2hr92jrq8e6i4tnsa56b52vacp7t3936.apps.googleusercontent.com') OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET = 'uBfbay2KCy9t4QveJ-dOqHtp' # This is what most GAE apps require for authentication. OAUTH_SCOPE_EMAIL = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email' # Gerrit and Git on *.googlesource.com require this scope. OAUTH_SCOPE_GERRIT = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gerritcodereview' # Deprecated. Use OAUTH_SCOPE_EMAIL instead. OAUTH_SCOPES = OAUTH_SCOPE_EMAIL # Authentication configuration extracted from command line options. # See doc string for 'make_auth_config' for meaning of fields. AuthConfig = collections.namedtuple('AuthConfig', [ 'use_oauth2', # deprecated, will be always True 'save_cookies', # deprecated, will be removed 'use_local_webserver', 'webserver_port', 'refresh_token_json', ]) # OAuth access token with its expiration time (UTC datetime or None if unknown). class AccessToken(collections.namedtuple('AccessToken', [ 'token', 'expires_at', ])): def needs_refresh(self, now=None): """True if this AccessToken should be refreshed.""" if self.expires_at is not None: now = now or datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Allow 3 min of clock skew between client and backend. now += datetime.timedelta(seconds=180) return now >= self.expires_at # Token without expiration time never expires. return False # Refresh token passed via --auth-refresh-token-json. RefreshToken = collections.namedtuple('RefreshToken', [ 'client_id', 'client_secret', 'refresh_token', ]) class AuthenticationError(Exception): """Raised on errors related to authentication.""" class LoginRequiredError(AuthenticationError): """Interaction with the user is required to authenticate.""" def __init__(self, scopes=OAUTH_SCOPE_EMAIL): msg = ( 'You are not logged in. Please login first by running:\n' ' luci-auth login -scopes %s' % scopes) super(LoginRequiredError, self).__init__(msg) class LuciContextAuthError(Exception): """Raised on errors related to unsuccessful attempts to load LUCI_CONTEXT""" def __init__(self, msg, exc=None): if exc is None: logging.error(msg) else: logging.exception(msg) msg = '%s: %s' % (msg, exc) super(LuciContextAuthError, self).__init__(msg) def has_luci_context_local_auth(): """Returns whether LUCI_CONTEXT should be used for ambient authentication. """ try: params = _get_luci_context_local_auth_params() except LuciContextAuthError: return False if params is None: return False return bool(params.default_account_id) def get_luci_context_access_token(scopes=OAUTH_SCOPE_EMAIL): """Returns a valid AccessToken from the local LUCI context auth server. Adapted from https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/luci/luci-py/+/master/client/libs/luci_context/luci_context.py See the link above for more details. Returns: AccessToken if LUCI_CONTEXT is present and attempt to load it is successful. None if LUCI_CONTEXT is absent. Raises: LuciContextAuthError if LUCI_CONTEXT is present, but there was a failure obtaining its access token. """ params = _get_luci_context_local_auth_params() if params is None: return None return _get_luci_context_access_token( params, datetime.datetime.utcnow(), scopes) _LuciContextLocalAuthParams = collections.namedtuple( '_LuciContextLocalAuthParams', [ 'default_account_id', 'secret', 'rpc_port', ]) def _cache_thread_safe(f): """Decorator caching result of nullary function in thread-safe way.""" lock = threading.Lock() cache = [] @functools.wraps(f) def caching_wrapper(): if not cache: with lock: if not cache: cache.append(f()) return cache[0] # Allow easy way to clear cache, particularly useful in tests. caching_wrapper.clear_cache = lambda: cache.pop() if cache else None return caching_wrapper @_cache_thread_safe def _get_luci_context_local_auth_params(): """Returns local auth parameters if local auth is configured else None. Raises LuciContextAuthError on unexpected failures. """ ctx_path = os.environ.get('LUCI_CONTEXT') if not ctx_path: return None ctx_path = ctx_path.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) try: loaded = _load_luci_context(ctx_path) except (OSError, IOError, ValueError) as e: raise LuciContextAuthError('Failed to open, read or decode LUCI_CONTEXT', e) try: local_auth = loaded.get('local_auth') except AttributeError as e: raise LuciContextAuthError('LUCI_CONTEXT not in proper format', e) if local_auth is None: logging.debug('LUCI_CONTEXT configured w/o local auth') return None try: return _LuciContextLocalAuthParams( default_account_id=local_auth.get('default_account_id'), secret=local_auth.get('secret'), rpc_port=int(local_auth.get('rpc_port'))) except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e: raise LuciContextAuthError('local_auth config malformed', e) def _load_luci_context(ctx_path): # Kept separate for test mocking. with open(ctx_path) as f: return json.load(f) def _get_luci_context_access_token(params, now, scopes=OAUTH_SCOPE_EMAIL): # No account, local_auth shouldn't be used. if not params.default_account_id: return None if not params.secret: raise LuciContextAuthError('local_auth: no secret') logging.debug('local_auth: requesting an access token for account "%s"', params.default_account_id) http = httplib2.Http() host = '' % params.rpc_port resp, content = http.request( uri='http://%s/rpc/LuciLocalAuthService.GetOAuthToken' % host, method='POST', body=json.dumps({ 'account_id': params.default_account_id, 'scopes': scopes.split(' '), 'secret': params.secret, }), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) if resp.status != 200: raise LuciContextAuthError( 'local_auth: Failed to grab access token from ' 'LUCI context server with status %d: %r' % (resp.status, content)) try: token = json.loads(content) error_code = token.get('error_code') error_message = token.get('error_message') access_token = token.get('access_token') expiry = token.get('expiry') except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e: raise LuciContextAuthError('Unexpected access token response format', e) if error_code: raise LuciContextAuthError( 'Error %d in retrieving access token: %s', error_code, error_message) if not access_token: raise LuciContextAuthError( 'No access token returned from LUCI context server') expiry_dt = None if expiry: try: expiry_dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(expiry) logging.debug( 'local_auth: got an access token for ' 'account "%s" that expires in %d sec', params.default_account_id, (expiry_dt - now).total_seconds()) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: raise LuciContextAuthError('Invalid expiry in returned token', e) else: logging.debug( 'local auth: got an access token for account "%s" that does not expire', params.default_account_id) access_token = AccessToken(access_token, expiry_dt) if access_token.needs_refresh(now=now): raise LuciContextAuthError('Received access token is already expired') return access_token def make_auth_config( use_oauth2=None, save_cookies=None, use_local_webserver=None, webserver_port=None, refresh_token_json=None): """Returns new instance of AuthConfig. If some config option is None, it will be set to a reasonable default value. This function also acts as an authoritative place for default values of corresponding command line options. """ default = lambda val, d: val if val is not None else d return AuthConfig( default(use_oauth2, True), default(save_cookies, True), default(use_local_webserver, not _is_headless()), default(webserver_port, 8090), default(refresh_token_json, '')) def add_auth_options(parser, default_config=None): """Appends OAuth related options to OptionParser.""" default_config = default_config or make_auth_config() parser.auth_group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Auth options') parser.add_option_group(parser.auth_group) # OAuth2 vs password switch. auth_default = 'use OAuth2' if default_config.use_oauth2 else 'use password' parser.auth_group.add_option( '--oauth2', action='store_true', dest='use_oauth2', default=default_config.use_oauth2, help='Use OAuth 2.0 instead of a password. [default: %s]' % auth_default) parser.auth_group.add_option( '--no-oauth2', action='store_false', dest='use_oauth2', default=default_config.use_oauth2, help='Use password instead of OAuth 2.0. [default: %s]' % auth_default) # Password related options, deprecated. parser.auth_group.add_option( '--no-cookies', action='store_false', dest='save_cookies', default=default_config.save_cookies, help='Do not save authentication cookies to local disk.') # OAuth2 related options. parser.auth_group.add_option( '--auth-no-local-webserver', action='store_false', dest='use_local_webserver', default=default_config.use_local_webserver, help='Do not run a local web server when performing OAuth2 login flow.') parser.auth_group.add_option( '--auth-host-port', type=int, default=default_config.webserver_port, help='Port a local web server should listen on. Used only if ' '--auth-no-local-webserver is not set. [default: %default]') parser.auth_group.add_option( '--auth-refresh-token-json', default=default_config.refresh_token_json, help='Path to a JSON file with role account refresh token to use.') def extract_auth_config_from_options(options): """Given OptionParser parsed options, extracts AuthConfig from it. OptionParser should be populated with auth options by 'add_auth_options'. """ return make_auth_config( use_oauth2=options.use_oauth2, save_cookies=False if options.use_oauth2 else options.save_cookies, use_local_webserver=options.use_local_webserver, webserver_port=options.auth_host_port, refresh_token_json=options.auth_refresh_token_json) def auth_config_to_command_options(auth_config): """AuthConfig -> list of strings with command line options. Omits options that are set to default values. """ if not auth_config: return [] defaults = make_auth_config() opts = [] if auth_config.use_oauth2 != defaults.use_oauth2: opts.append('--oauth2' if auth_config.use_oauth2 else '--no-oauth2') if auth_config.save_cookies != auth_config.save_cookies: if not auth_config.save_cookies: opts.append('--no-cookies') if auth_config.use_local_webserver != defaults.use_local_webserver: if not auth_config.use_local_webserver: opts.append('--auth-no-local-webserver') if auth_config.webserver_port != defaults.webserver_port: opts.extend(['--auth-host-port', str(auth_config.webserver_port)]) if auth_config.refresh_token_json != defaults.refresh_token_json: opts.extend([ '--auth-refresh-token-json', str(auth_config.refresh_token_json)]) return opts def get_authenticator(config, scopes=OAUTH_SCOPE_EMAIL): """Returns Authenticator instance to access given host. Args: config: AuthConfig instance. scopes: space separated oauth scopes. Defaults to OAUTH_SCOPE_EMAIL. Returns: Authenticator object. """ return Authenticator(config, scopes) class Authenticator(object): """Object that knows how to refresh access tokens when needed. Args: config: AuthConfig object that holds authentication configuration. """ def __init__(self, config, scopes): assert isinstance(config, AuthConfig) assert config.use_oauth2 self._access_token = None self._config = config self._lock = threading.Lock() self._external_token = None self._scopes = scopes if config.refresh_token_json: self._external_token = _read_refresh_token_json(config.refresh_token_json) logging.debug('Using auth config %r', config) def has_cached_credentials(self): """Returns True if long term credentials (refresh token) are in cache. Doesn't make network calls. If returns False, get_access_token() later will ask for interactive login by raising LoginRequiredError. If returns True, most probably get_access_token() won't ask for interactive login, though it is not guaranteed, since cached token can be already revoked and there's no way to figure this out without actually trying to use it. """ with self._lock: return bool(self._get_cached_credentials()) def get_access_token(self, force_refresh=False, allow_user_interaction=False, use_local_auth=True): """Returns AccessToken, refreshing it if necessary. Args: force_refresh: forcefully refresh access token even if it is not expired. allow_user_interaction: True to enable blocking for user input if needed. use_local_auth: default to local auth if needed. Raises: AuthenticationError on error or if authentication flow was interrupted. LoginRequiredError if user interaction is required, but allow_user_interaction is False. """ def get_loc_auth_tkn(): exi = sys.exc_info() if not use_local_auth: logging.error('Failed to create access token') raise try: self._access_token = get_luci_context_access_token() if not self._access_token: logging.error('Failed to create access token') raise return self._access_token except LuciContextAuthError: logging.exception('Failed to use local auth') raise exi[0], exi[1], exi[2] with self._lock: if force_refresh: logging.debug('Forcing access token refresh') try: self._access_token = self._create_access_token(allow_user_interaction) return self._access_token except LoginRequiredError: return get_loc_auth_tkn() # Load from on-disk cache on a first access. if not self._access_token: self._access_token = self._load_access_token() # Refresh if expired or missing. if not self._access_token or self._access_token.needs_refresh(): # Maybe some other process already updated it, reload from the cache. self._access_token = self._load_access_token() # Nope, still expired, need to run the refresh flow. if not self._access_token or self._access_token.needs_refresh(): try: self._access_token = self._create_access_token( allow_user_interaction) except LoginRequiredError: get_loc_auth_tkn() return self._access_token def authorize(self, http): """Monkey patches authentication logic of httplib2.Http instance. The modified http.request method will add authentication headers to each request and will refresh access_tokens when a 401 is received on a request. Args: http: An instance of httplib2.Http. Returns: A modified instance of http that was passed in. """ # Adapted from oauth2client.OAuth2Credentials.authorize. request_orig = http.request @functools.wraps(request_orig) def new_request( uri, method='GET', body=None, headers=None, redirections=httplib2.DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS, connection_type=None): headers = (headers or {}).copy() headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s' % self.get_access_token().token resp, content = request_orig( uri, method, body, headers, redirections, connection_type) if resp.status in client.REFRESH_STATUS_CODES: logging.info('Refreshing due to a %s', resp.status) access_token = self.get_access_token(force_refresh=True) headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s' % access_token.token return request_orig( uri, method, body, headers, redirections, connection_type) else: return (resp, content) http.request = new_request return http ## Private methods. def _get_cached_credentials(self): """Returns oauth2client.Credentials loaded from luci-auth.""" credentials = _get_luci_auth_credentials(self._scopes) if not credentials: logging.debug('No cached token') else: _log_credentials_info('cached token', credentials) # Is using --auth-refresh-token-json? if self._external_token: # Cached credentials are valid and match external token -> use them. It is # important to reuse credentials from the storage because they contain # cached access token. valid = ( credentials and not credentials.invalid and credentials.refresh_token == self._external_token.refresh_token and credentials.client_id == self._external_token.client_id and credentials.client_secret == self._external_token.client_secret) if valid: logging.debug('Cached credentials match external refresh token') return credentials # Construct new credentials from externally provided refresh token, # associate them with cache storage (so that access_token will be placed # in the cache later too). logging.debug('Putting external refresh token into the cache') credentials = client.OAuth2Credentials( access_token=None, client_id=self._external_token.client_id, client_secret=self._external_token.client_secret, refresh_token=self._external_token.refresh_token, token_expiry=None, token_uri='https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token', user_agent=None, revoke_uri=None) return credentials # Not using external refresh token -> return whatever is cached. return credentials if (credentials and not credentials.invalid) else None def _load_access_token(self): """Returns cached AccessToken if it is not expired yet.""" logging.debug('Reloading access token from cache') creds = self._get_cached_credentials() if not creds or not creds.access_token or creds.access_token_expired: logging.debug('Access token is missing or expired') return None return AccessToken(str(creds.access_token), creds.token_expiry) def _create_access_token(self, allow_user_interaction=False): """Mints and caches a new access token, launching OAuth2 dance if necessary. Uses cached refresh token, if present. In that case user interaction is not required and function will finish quietly. Otherwise it will launch 3-legged OAuth2 flow, that needs user interaction. Args: allow_user_interaction: if True, allow interaction with the user (e.g. reading standard input, or launching a browser). Returns: AccessToken. Raises: AuthenticationError on error or if authentication flow was interrupted. LoginRequiredError if user interaction is required, but allow_user_interaction is False. """ logging.debug( 'Making new access token (allow_user_interaction=%r)', allow_user_interaction) credentials = self._get_cached_credentials() # 3-legged flow with (perhaps cached) refresh token. refreshed = False if credentials and not credentials.invalid: try: logging.debug('Attempting to refresh access_token') credentials.refresh(httplib2.Http()) _log_credentials_info('refreshed token', credentials) refreshed = True except client.Error as err: logging.warning( 'OAuth error during access token refresh (%s). ' 'Attempting a full authentication flow.', err) # Refresh token is missing or invalid, go through the full flow. if not refreshed: # Can't refresh externally provided token. if self._external_token: raise AuthenticationError( 'Token provided via --auth-refresh-token-json is no longer valid.') if not allow_user_interaction: logging.debug('Requesting user to login') raise LoginRequiredError(self._scopes) logging.debug('Launching OAuth browser flow') credentials = _run_oauth_dance(self._scopes) _log_credentials_info('new token', credentials) logging.info( 'OAuth access_token refreshed. Expires in %s.', credentials.token_expiry - datetime.datetime.utcnow()) return AccessToken(str(credentials.access_token), credentials.token_expiry) ## Private functions. def _is_headless(): """True if machine doesn't seem to have a display.""" return sys.platform == 'linux2' and not os.environ.get('DISPLAY') def _read_refresh_token_json(path): """Returns RefreshToken by reading it from the JSON file.""" try: with open(path, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) return RefreshToken( client_id=str(data.get('client_id', OAUTH_CLIENT_ID)), client_secret=str(data.get('client_secret', OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET)), refresh_token=str(data['refresh_token'])) except (IOError, ValueError) as e: raise AuthenticationError( 'Failed to read refresh token from %s: %s' % (path, e)) except KeyError as e: raise AuthenticationError( 'Failed to read refresh token from %s: missing key %s' % (path, e)) def _log_credentials_info(title, credentials): """Dumps (non sensitive) part of client.Credentials object to debug log.""" if credentials: logging.debug('%s info: %r', title, { 'access_token_expired': credentials.access_token_expired, 'has_access_token': bool(credentials.access_token), 'invalid': credentials.invalid, 'utcnow': datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 'token_expiry': credentials.token_expiry, }) def _get_luci_auth_credentials(scopes): try: token_info = json.loads(subprocess2.check_output( ['luci-auth', 'token', '-scopes', scopes, '-json-output', '-'], stderr=subprocess2.VOID)) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError: return None return client.OAuth2Credentials( access_token=token_info['token'], client_id=OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, client_secret=OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, refresh_token=None, token_expiry=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(token_info['expiry']), token_uri=None, user_agent=None, revoke_uri=None) def _run_oauth_dance(scopes): """Perform full 3-legged OAuth2 flow with the browser. Returns: oauth2client.Credentials. """ subprocess2.check_call(['luci-auth', 'login', '-scopes', scopes]) return _get_luci_auth_credentials(scopes)