# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Google OAuth2 related functions.""" from __future__ import print_function import collections import datetime import functools import json import logging import optparse import os import sys import threading import urllib import urlparse import subprocess2 from third_party import httplib2 # depot_tools/. DEPOT_TOOLS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # This is what most GAE apps require for authentication. OAUTH_SCOPE_EMAIL = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email' # Gerrit and Git on *.googlesource.com require this scope. OAUTH_SCOPE_GERRIT = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gerritcodereview' # Deprecated. Use OAUTH_SCOPE_EMAIL instead. OAUTH_SCOPES = OAUTH_SCOPE_EMAIL # Authentication configuration extracted from command line options. # See doc string for 'make_auth_config' for meaning of fields. AuthConfig = collections.namedtuple('AuthConfig', [ 'use_oauth2', # deprecated, will be always True 'save_cookies', # deprecated, will be removed 'use_local_webserver', 'webserver_port', ]) # OAuth access token with its expiration time (UTC datetime or None if unknown). class AccessToken(collections.namedtuple('AccessToken', [ 'token', 'expires_at', ])): def needs_refresh(self, now=None): """True if this AccessToken should be refreshed.""" if self.expires_at is not None: now = now or datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Allow 30s of clock skew between client and backend. now += datetime.timedelta(seconds=30) return now >= self.expires_at # Token without expiration time never expires. return False class AuthenticationError(Exception): """Raised on errors related to authentication.""" class LoginRequiredError(AuthenticationError): """Interaction with the user is required to authenticate.""" def __init__(self, scopes=OAUTH_SCOPE_EMAIL): msg = ( 'You are not logged in. Please login first by running:\n' ' luci-auth login -scopes %s' % scopes) super(LoginRequiredError, self).__init__(msg) class LuciContextAuthError(Exception): """Raised on errors related to unsuccessful attempts to load LUCI_CONTEXT""" def __init__(self, msg, exc=None): if exc is None: logging.error(msg) else: logging.exception(msg) msg = '%s: %s' % (msg, exc) super(LuciContextAuthError, self).__init__(msg) def has_luci_context_local_auth(): """Returns whether LUCI_CONTEXT should be used for ambient authentication. """ try: params = _get_luci_context_local_auth_params() except LuciContextAuthError: return False if params is None: return False return bool(params.default_account_id) # TODO(crbug.com/1001756): Remove. luci-auth uses local auth if available, # making this unnecessary. def get_luci_context_access_token(scopes=OAUTH_SCOPE_EMAIL): """Returns a valid AccessToken from the local LUCI context auth server. Adapted from https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/luci/luci-py/+/master/client/libs/luci_context/luci_context.py See the link above for more details. Returns: AccessToken if LUCI_CONTEXT is present and attempt to load it is successful. None if LUCI_CONTEXT is absent. Raises: LuciContextAuthError if LUCI_CONTEXT is present, but there was a failure obtaining its access token. """ params = _get_luci_context_local_auth_params() if params is None: return None return _get_luci_context_access_token( params, datetime.datetime.utcnow(), scopes) _LuciContextLocalAuthParams = collections.namedtuple( '_LuciContextLocalAuthParams', [ 'default_account_id', 'secret', 'rpc_port', ]) def _cache_thread_safe(f): """Decorator caching result of nullary function in thread-safe way.""" lock = threading.Lock() cache = [] @functools.wraps(f) def caching_wrapper(): if not cache: with lock: if not cache: cache.append(f()) return cache[0] # Allow easy way to clear cache, particularly useful in tests. caching_wrapper.clear_cache = lambda: cache.pop() if cache else None return caching_wrapper @_cache_thread_safe def _get_luci_context_local_auth_params(): """Returns local auth parameters if local auth is configured else None. Raises LuciContextAuthError on unexpected failures. """ ctx_path = os.environ.get('LUCI_CONTEXT') if not ctx_path: return None ctx_path = ctx_path.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) try: loaded = _load_luci_context(ctx_path) except (OSError, IOError, ValueError) as e: raise LuciContextAuthError('Failed to open, read or decode LUCI_CONTEXT', e) try: local_auth = loaded.get('local_auth') except AttributeError as e: raise LuciContextAuthError('LUCI_CONTEXT not in proper format', e) if local_auth is None: logging.debug('LUCI_CONTEXT configured w/o local auth') return None try: return _LuciContextLocalAuthParams( default_account_id=local_auth.get('default_account_id'), secret=local_auth.get('secret'), rpc_port=int(local_auth.get('rpc_port'))) except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e: raise LuciContextAuthError('local_auth config malformed', e) def _load_luci_context(ctx_path): # Kept separate for test mocking. with open(ctx_path) as f: return json.load(f) def _get_luci_context_access_token(params, now, scopes=OAUTH_SCOPE_EMAIL): # No account, local_auth shouldn't be used. if not params.default_account_id: return None if not params.secret: raise LuciContextAuthError('local_auth: no secret') logging.debug('local_auth: requesting an access token for account "%s"', params.default_account_id) http = httplib2.Http() host = '' % params.rpc_port resp, content = http.request( uri='http://%s/rpc/LuciLocalAuthService.GetOAuthToken' % host, method='POST', body=json.dumps({ 'account_id': params.default_account_id, 'scopes': scopes.split(' '), 'secret': params.secret, }), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) if resp.status != 200: raise LuciContextAuthError( 'local_auth: Failed to grab access token from ' 'LUCI context server with status %d: %r' % (resp.status, content)) try: token = json.loads(content) error_code = token.get('error_code') error_message = token.get('error_message') access_token = token.get('access_token') expiry = token.get('expiry') except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e: raise LuciContextAuthError('Unexpected access token response format', e) if error_code: raise LuciContextAuthError( 'Error %d in retrieving access token: %s', error_code, error_message) if not access_token: raise LuciContextAuthError( 'No access token returned from LUCI context server') expiry_dt = None if expiry: try: expiry_dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(expiry) logging.debug( 'local_auth: got an access token for ' 'account "%s" that expires in %d sec', params.default_account_id, (expiry_dt - now).total_seconds()) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: raise LuciContextAuthError('Invalid expiry in returned token', e) else: logging.debug( 'local auth: got an access token for account "%s" that does not expire', params.default_account_id) access_token = AccessToken(access_token, expiry_dt) if access_token.needs_refresh(now=now): raise LuciContextAuthError('Received access token is already expired') return access_token def make_auth_config( use_oauth2=None, save_cookies=None, use_local_webserver=None, webserver_port=None): """Returns new instance of AuthConfig. If some config option is None, it will be set to a reasonable default value. This function also acts as an authoritative place for default values of corresponding command line options. """ default = lambda val, d: val if val is not None else d return AuthConfig( default(use_oauth2, True), default(save_cookies, True), default(use_local_webserver, not _is_headless()), default(webserver_port, 8090)) def add_auth_options(parser, default_config=None): """Appends OAuth related options to OptionParser.""" default_config = default_config or make_auth_config() parser.auth_group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Auth options') parser.add_option_group(parser.auth_group) # OAuth2 vs password switch. auth_default = 'use OAuth2' if default_config.use_oauth2 else 'use password' parser.auth_group.add_option( '--oauth2', action='store_true', dest='use_oauth2', default=default_config.use_oauth2, help='Use OAuth 2.0 instead of a password. [default: %s]' % auth_default) parser.auth_group.add_option( '--no-oauth2', action='store_false', dest='use_oauth2', default=default_config.use_oauth2, help='Use password instead of OAuth 2.0. [default: %s]' % auth_default) # Password related options, deprecated. parser.auth_group.add_option( '--no-cookies', action='store_false', dest='save_cookies', default=default_config.save_cookies, help='Do not save authentication cookies to local disk.') # OAuth2 related options. # TODO(crbug.com/1001756): Remove. No longer supported. parser.auth_group.add_option( '--auth-no-local-webserver', action='store_false', dest='use_local_webserver', default=default_config.use_local_webserver, help='DEPRECATED. Do not use') parser.auth_group.add_option( '--auth-host-port', type=int, default=default_config.webserver_port, help='DEPRECATED. Do not use') parser.auth_group.add_option( '--auth-refresh-token-json', help='DEPRECATED. Do not use') def extract_auth_config_from_options(options): """Given OptionParser parsed options, extracts AuthConfig from it. OptionParser should be populated with auth options by 'add_auth_options'. """ return make_auth_config( use_oauth2=options.use_oauth2, save_cookies=False if options.use_oauth2 else options.save_cookies, use_local_webserver=options.use_local_webserver, webserver_port=options.auth_host_port) def auth_config_to_command_options(auth_config): """AuthConfig -> list of strings with command line options. Omits options that are set to default values. """ if not auth_config: return [] defaults = make_auth_config() opts = [] if auth_config.use_oauth2 != defaults.use_oauth2: opts.append('--oauth2' if auth_config.use_oauth2 else '--no-oauth2') if auth_config.save_cookies != auth_config.save_cookies: if not auth_config.save_cookies: opts.append('--no-cookies') if auth_config.use_local_webserver != defaults.use_local_webserver: if not auth_config.use_local_webserver: opts.append('--auth-no-local-webserver') if auth_config.webserver_port != defaults.webserver_port: opts.extend(['--auth-host-port', str(auth_config.webserver_port)]) return opts def get_authenticator(config, scopes=OAUTH_SCOPE_EMAIL): """Returns Authenticator instance to access given host. Args: config: AuthConfig instance. scopes: space separated oauth scopes. Defaults to OAUTH_SCOPE_EMAIL. Returns: Authenticator object. """ return Authenticator(config, scopes) class Authenticator(object): """Object that knows how to refresh access tokens when needed. Args: config: AuthConfig object that holds authentication configuration. """ def __init__(self, config, scopes): assert isinstance(config, AuthConfig) assert config.use_oauth2 self._access_token = None self._config = config self._lock = threading.Lock() self._scopes = scopes logging.debug('Using auth config %r', config) def has_cached_credentials(self): """Returns True if credentials can be obtained. If returns False, get_access_token() later will probably ask for interactive login by raising LoginRequiredError, unless local auth in configured. If returns True, most probably get_access_token() won't ask for interactive login, unless an external token is provided that has been revoked. """ with self._lock: return bool(self._get_luci_auth_token()) def get_access_token(self, force_refresh=False, allow_user_interaction=False, use_local_auth=True): """Returns AccessToken, refreshing it if necessary. Args: TODO(crbug.com/1001756): Remove. luci-auth doesn't support force-refreshing tokens. force_refresh: Ignored, allow_user_interaction: True to enable blocking for user input if needed. use_local_auth: default to local auth if needed. Raises: AuthenticationError on error or if authentication flow was interrupted. LoginRequiredError if user interaction is required, but allow_user_interaction is False. """ with self._lock: if self._access_token and not self._access_token.needs_refresh(): return self._access_token # Token expired or missing. Maybe some other process already updated it, # reload from the cache. self._access_token = self._get_luci_auth_token() if self._access_token and not self._access_token.needs_refresh(): return self._access_token # Nope, still expired, need to run the refresh flow. if not self._external_token and allow_user_interaction: logging.debug('Launching luci-auth login') self._access_token = self._run_oauth_dance() if self._access_token and not self._access_token.needs_refresh(): return self._access_token # TODO(crbug.com/1001756): Remove. luci-auth uses local auth if it exists. # Refresh flow failed. Try local auth. if use_local_auth: try: self._access_token = get_luci_context_access_token() except LuciContextAuthError: logging.exception('Failed to use local auth') if self._access_token and not self._access_token.needs_refresh(): return self._access_token # Give up. logging.error('Failed to create access token') raise LoginRequiredError(self._scopes) def authorize(self, http): """Monkey patches authentication logic of httplib2.Http instance. The modified http.request method will add authentication headers to each request. Args: http: An instance of httplib2.Http. Returns: A modified instance of http that was passed in. """ # Adapted from oauth2client.OAuth2Credentials.authorize. request_orig = http.request @functools.wraps(request_orig) def new_request( uri, method='GET', body=None, headers=None, redirections=httplib2.DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS, connection_type=None): headers = (headers or {}).copy() headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s' % self.get_access_token().token return request_orig( uri, method, body, headers, redirections, connection_type) http.request = new_request return http ## Private methods. def _run_luci_auth_login(self): """Run luci-auth login. Returns: AccessToken with credentials. """ logging.debug('Running luci-auth login') subprocess2.check_call(['luci-auth', 'login', '-scopes', self._scopes]) return self._get_luci_auth_token() def _get_luci_auth_token(self): logging.debug('Running luci-auth token') try: out, err = subprocess2.check_call_out( ['luci-auth', 'token', '-scopes', self._scopes, '-json-output', '-'], stdout=subprocess2.PIPE, stderr=subprocess2.PIPE) logging.debug('luci-auth token stderr:\n%s', err) token_info = json.loads(out) return AccessToken( token_info['token'], datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(token_info['expiry'])) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError: return None ## Private functions. def _is_headless(): """True if machine doesn't seem to have a display.""" return sys.platform == 'linux2' and not os.environ.get('DISPLAY')