# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Multi-credential file store with lock support. This module implements a JSON credential store where multiple credentials can be stored in one file. That file supports locking both in a single process and across processes. The credential themselves are keyed off of: * client_id * user_agent * scope The format of the stored data is like so: { 'file_version': 1, 'data': [ { 'key': { 'clientId': '', 'userAgent': '', 'scope': '' }, 'credential': { # JSON serialized Credentials. } } ] } """ __author__ = 'jbeda@google.com (Joe Beda)' import base64 import errno import logging import os import threading from anyjson import simplejson from .client import Storage as BaseStorage from .client import Credentials from . import util from locked_file import LockedFile logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # A dict from 'filename'->_MultiStore instances _multistores = {} _multistores_lock = threading.Lock() class Error(Exception): """Base error for this module.""" pass class NewerCredentialStoreError(Error): """The credential store is a newer version that supported.""" pass @util.positional(4) def get_credential_storage(filename, client_id, user_agent, scope, warn_on_readonly=True): """Get a Storage instance for a credential. Args: filename: The JSON file storing a set of credentials client_id: The client_id for the credential user_agent: The user agent for the credential scope: string or iterable of strings, Scope(s) being requested warn_on_readonly: if True, log a warning if the store is readonly Returns: An object derived from client.Storage for getting/setting the credential. """ # Recreate the legacy key with these specific parameters key = {'clientId': client_id, 'userAgent': user_agent, 'scope': util.scopes_to_string(scope)} return get_credential_storage_custom_key( filename, key, warn_on_readonly=warn_on_readonly) @util.positional(2) def get_credential_storage_custom_string_key( filename, key_string, warn_on_readonly=True): """Get a Storage instance for a credential using a single string as a key. Allows you to provide a string as a custom key that will be used for credential storage and retrieval. Args: filename: The JSON file storing a set of credentials key_string: A string to use as the key for storing this credential. warn_on_readonly: if True, log a warning if the store is readonly Returns: An object derived from client.Storage for getting/setting the credential. """ # Create a key dictionary that can be used key_dict = {'key': key_string} return get_credential_storage_custom_key( filename, key_dict, warn_on_readonly=warn_on_readonly) @util.positional(2) def get_credential_storage_custom_key( filename, key_dict, warn_on_readonly=True): """Get a Storage instance for a credential using a dictionary as a key. Allows you to provide a dictionary as a custom key that will be used for credential storage and retrieval. Args: filename: The JSON file storing a set of credentials key_dict: A dictionary to use as the key for storing this credential. There is no ordering of the keys in the dictionary. Logically equivalent dictionaries will produce equivalent storage keys. warn_on_readonly: if True, log a warning if the store is readonly Returns: An object derived from client.Storage for getting/setting the credential. """ multistore = _get_multistore(filename, warn_on_readonly=warn_on_readonly) key = util.dict_to_tuple_key(key_dict) return multistore._get_storage(key) @util.positional(1) def get_all_credential_keys(filename, warn_on_readonly=True): """Gets all the registered credential keys in the given Multistore. Args: filename: The JSON file storing a set of credentials warn_on_readonly: if True, log a warning if the store is readonly Returns: A list of the credential keys present in the file. They are returned as dictionaries that can be passed into get_credential_storage_custom_key to get the actual credentials. """ multistore = _get_multistore(filename, warn_on_readonly=warn_on_readonly) multistore._lock() try: return multistore._get_all_credential_keys() finally: multistore._unlock() @util.positional(1) def _get_multistore(filename, warn_on_readonly=True): """A helper method to initialize the multistore with proper locking. Args: filename: The JSON file storing a set of credentials warn_on_readonly: if True, log a warning if the store is readonly Returns: A multistore object """ filename = os.path.expanduser(filename) _multistores_lock.acquire() try: multistore = _multistores.setdefault( filename, _MultiStore(filename, warn_on_readonly=warn_on_readonly)) finally: _multistores_lock.release() return multistore class _MultiStore(object): """A file backed store for multiple credentials.""" @util.positional(2) def __init__(self, filename, warn_on_readonly=True): """Initialize the class. This will create the file if necessary. """ self._file = LockedFile(filename, 'r+b', 'rb') self._thread_lock = threading.Lock() self._read_only = False self._warn_on_readonly = warn_on_readonly self._create_file_if_needed() # Cache of deserialized store. This is only valid after the # _MultiStore is locked or _refresh_data_cache is called. This is # of the form of: # # ((key, value), (key, value)...) -> OAuth2Credential # # If this is None, then the store hasn't been read yet. self._data = None class _Storage(BaseStorage): """A Storage object that knows how to read/write a single credential.""" def __init__(self, multistore, key): self._multistore = multistore self._key = key def acquire_lock(self): """Acquires any lock necessary to access this Storage. This lock is not reentrant. """ self._multistore._lock() def release_lock(self): """Release the Storage lock. Trying to release a lock that isn't held will result in a RuntimeError. """ self._multistore._unlock() def locked_get(self): """Retrieve credential. The Storage lock must be held when this is called. Returns: oauth2client.client.Credentials """ credential = self._multistore._get_credential(self._key) if credential: credential.set_store(self) return credential def locked_put(self, credentials): """Write a credential. The Storage lock must be held when this is called. Args: credentials: Credentials, the credentials to store. """ self._multistore._update_credential(self._key, credentials) def locked_delete(self): """Delete a credential. The Storage lock must be held when this is called. Args: credentials: Credentials, the credentials to store. """ self._multistore._delete_credential(self._key) def _create_file_if_needed(self): """Create an empty file if necessary. This method will not initialize the file. Instead it implements a simple version of "touch" to ensure the file has been created. """ if not os.path.exists(self._file.filename()): old_umask = os.umask(0177) try: open(self._file.filename(), 'a+b').close() finally: os.umask(old_umask) def _lock(self): """Lock the entire multistore.""" self._thread_lock.acquire() self._file.open_and_lock() if not self._file.is_locked(): self._read_only = True if self._warn_on_readonly: logger.warn('The credentials file (%s) is not writable. Opening in ' 'read-only mode. Any refreshed credentials will only be ' 'valid for this run.' % self._file.filename()) if os.path.getsize(self._file.filename()) == 0: logger.debug('Initializing empty multistore file') # The multistore is empty so write out an empty file. self._data = {} self._write() elif not self._read_only or self._data is None: # Only refresh the data if we are read/write or we haven't # cached the data yet. If we are readonly, we assume is isn't # changing out from under us and that we only have to read it # once. This prevents us from whacking any new access keys that # we have cached in memory but were unable to write out. self._refresh_data_cache() def _unlock(self): """Release the lock on the multistore.""" self._file.unlock_and_close() self._thread_lock.release() def _locked_json_read(self): """Get the raw content of the multistore file. The multistore must be locked when this is called. Returns: The contents of the multistore decoded as JSON. """ assert self._thread_lock.locked() self._file.file_handle().seek(0) return simplejson.load(self._file.file_handle()) def _locked_json_write(self, data): """Write a JSON serializable data structure to the multistore. The multistore must be locked when this is called. Args: data: The data to be serialized and written. """ assert self._thread_lock.locked() if self._read_only: return self._file.file_handle().seek(0) simplejson.dump(data, self._file.file_handle(), sort_keys=True, indent=2) self._file.file_handle().truncate() def _refresh_data_cache(self): """Refresh the contents of the multistore. The multistore must be locked when this is called. Raises: NewerCredentialStoreError: Raised when a newer client has written the store. """ self._data = {} try: raw_data = self._locked_json_read() except Exception: logger.warn('Credential data store could not be loaded. ' 'Will ignore and overwrite.') return version = 0 try: version = raw_data['file_version'] except Exception: logger.warn('Missing version for credential data store. It may be ' 'corrupt or an old version. Overwriting.') if version > 1: raise NewerCredentialStoreError( 'Credential file has file_version of %d. ' 'Only file_version of 1 is supported.' % version) credentials = [] try: credentials = raw_data['data'] except (TypeError, KeyError): pass for cred_entry in credentials: try: (key, credential) = self._decode_credential_from_json(cred_entry) self._data[key] = credential except: # If something goes wrong loading a credential, just ignore it logger.info('Error decoding credential, skipping', exc_info=True) def _decode_credential_from_json(self, cred_entry): """Load a credential from our JSON serialization. Args: cred_entry: A dict entry from the data member of our format Returns: (key, cred) where the key is the key tuple and the cred is the OAuth2Credential object. """ raw_key = cred_entry['key'] key = util.dict_to_tuple_key(raw_key) credential = None credential = Credentials.new_from_json(simplejson.dumps(cred_entry['credential'])) return (key, credential) def _write(self): """Write the cached data back out. The multistore must be locked. """ raw_data = {'file_version': 1} raw_creds = [] raw_data['data'] = raw_creds for (cred_key, cred) in self._data.items(): raw_key = dict(cred_key) raw_cred = simplejson.loads(cred.to_json()) raw_creds.append({'key': raw_key, 'credential': raw_cred}) self._locked_json_write(raw_data) def _get_all_credential_keys(self): """Gets all the registered credential keys in the multistore. Returns: A list of dictionaries corresponding to all the keys currently registered """ return [dict(key) for key in self._data.keys()] def _get_credential(self, key): """Get a credential from the multistore. The multistore must be locked. Args: key: The key used to retrieve the credential Returns: The credential specified or None if not present """ return self._data.get(key, None) def _update_credential(self, key, cred): """Update a credential and write the multistore. This must be called when the multistore is locked. Args: key: The key used to retrieve the credential cred: The OAuth2Credential to update/set """ self._data[key] = cred self._write() def _delete_credential(self, key): """Delete a credential and write the multistore. This must be called when the multistore is locked. Args: key: The key used to retrieve the credential """ try: del self._data[key] except KeyError: pass self._write() def _get_storage(self, key): """Get a Storage object to get/set a credential. This Storage is a 'view' into the multistore. Args: key: The key used to retrieve the credential Returns: A Storage object that can be used to get/set this cred """ return self._Storage(self, key)