#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """A git command for managing a local cache of git repositories.""" from __future__ import print_function import contextlib import errno import logging import optparse import os import re import subprocess import sys import tempfile import threading import time try: import urlparse except ImportError: # For Py3 compatibility import urllib.parse as urlparse from download_from_google_storage import Gsutil import gclient_utils import lockfile import metrics import subcommand # Analogous to gc.autopacklimit git config. GC_AUTOPACKLIMIT = 50 GIT_CACHE_CORRUPT_MESSAGE = 'WARNING: The Git cache is corrupt.' try: # pylint: disable=undefined-variable WinErr = WindowsError except NameError: class WinErr(Exception): pass class ClobberNeeded(Exception): pass def exponential_backoff_retry(fn, excs=(Exception,), name=None, count=10, sleep_time=0.25, printerr=None): """Executes |fn| up to |count| times, backing off exponentially. Args: fn (callable): The function to execute. If this raises a handled exception, the function will retry with exponential backoff. excs (tuple): A tuple of Exception types to handle. If one of these is raised by |fn|, a retry will be attempted. If |fn| raises an Exception that is not in this list, it will immediately pass through. If |excs| is empty, the Exception base class will be used. name (str): Optional operation name to print in the retry string. count (int): The number of times to try before allowing the exception to pass through. sleep_time (float): The initial number of seconds to sleep in between retries. This will be doubled each retry. printerr (callable): Function that will be called with the error string upon failures. If None, |logging.warning| will be used. Returns: The return value of the successful fn. """ printerr = printerr or logging.warning for i in range(count): try: return fn() except excs as e: if (i+1) >= count: raise printerr('Retrying %s in %.2f second(s) (%d / %d attempts): %s' % ( (name or 'operation'), sleep_time, (i+1), count, e)) time.sleep(sleep_time) sleep_time *= 2 class Mirror(object): git_exe = 'git.bat' if sys.platform.startswith('win') else 'git' gsutil_exe = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'gsutil.py') cachepath_lock = threading.Lock() UNSET_CACHEPATH = object() # Used for tests _GIT_CONFIG_LOCATION = [] @staticmethod def parse_fetch_spec(spec): """Parses and canonicalizes a fetch spec. Returns (fetchspec, value_regex), where value_regex can be used with 'git config --replace-all'. """ parts = spec.split(':', 1) src = parts[0].lstrip('+').rstrip('/') if not src.startswith('refs/'): src = 'refs/heads/%s' % src dest = parts[1].rstrip('/') if len(parts) > 1 else src regex = r'\+%s:.*' % src.replace('*', r'\*') return ('+%s:%s' % (src, dest), regex) def __init__(self, url, refs=None, commits=None, print_func=None): self.url = url self.fetch_specs = set([self.parse_fetch_spec(ref) for ref in (refs or [])]) self.fetch_commits = set(commits or []) self.basedir = self.UrlToCacheDir(url) self.mirror_path = os.path.join(self.GetCachePath(), self.basedir) if print_func: self.print = self.print_without_file self.print_func = print_func else: self.print = print def print_without_file(self, message, **_kwargs): self.print_func(message) @contextlib.contextmanager def print_duration_of(self, what): start = time.time() try: yield finally: self.print('%s took %.1f minutes' % (what, (time.time() - start) / 60.0)) @property def bootstrap_bucket(self): b = os.getenv('OVERRIDE_BOOTSTRAP_BUCKET') if b: return b u = urlparse.urlparse(self.url) if u.netloc == 'chromium.googlesource.com': return 'chromium-git-cache' # Not recognized. return None @property def _gs_path(self): return 'gs://%s/v2/%s' % (self.bootstrap_bucket, self.basedir) @classmethod def FromPath(cls, path): return cls(cls.CacheDirToUrl(path)) @staticmethod def UrlToCacheDir(url): """Convert a git url to a normalized form for the cache dir path.""" if os.path.isdir(url): # Ignore the drive letter in Windows url = os.path.splitdrive(url)[1] return url.replace('-', '--').replace(os.sep, '-') parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url) norm_url = parsed.netloc + parsed.path if norm_url.endswith('.git'): norm_url = norm_url[:-len('.git')] # Use the same dir for authenticated URLs and unauthenticated URLs. norm_url = norm_url.replace('googlesource.com/a/', 'googlesource.com/') return norm_url.replace('-', '--').replace('/', '-').lower() @staticmethod def CacheDirToUrl(path): """Convert a cache dir path to its corresponding url.""" netpath = re.sub(r'\b-\b', '/', os.path.basename(path)).replace('--', '-') return 'https://%s' % netpath @classmethod def SetCachePath(cls, cachepath): with cls.cachepath_lock: setattr(cls, 'cachepath', cachepath) @classmethod def GetCachePath(cls): with cls.cachepath_lock: if not hasattr(cls, 'cachepath'): try: cachepath = subprocess.check_output( [cls.git_exe, 'config'] + cls._GIT_CONFIG_LOCATION + ['cache.cachepath']).decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: cachepath = os.environ.get('GIT_CACHE_PATH', cls.UNSET_CACHEPATH) setattr(cls, 'cachepath', cachepath) ret = getattr(cls, 'cachepath') if ret is cls.UNSET_CACHEPATH: raise RuntimeError('No cache.cachepath git configuration or ' '$GIT_CACHE_PATH is set.') return ret @staticmethod def _GetMostRecentCacheDirectory(ls_out_set): ready_file_pattern = re.compile(r'.*/(\d+).ready$') ready_dirs = [] for name in ls_out_set: m = ready_file_pattern.match(name) # Given /.ready, # we are interested in / directory if m and (name[:-len('.ready')] + '/') in ls_out_set: ready_dirs.append((int(m.group(1)), name[:-len('.ready')])) if not ready_dirs: return None return max(ready_dirs)[1] def Rename(self, src, dst): # This is somehow racy on Windows. # Catching OSError because WindowsError isn't portable and # pylint complains. exponential_backoff_retry( lambda: os.rename(src, dst), excs=(OSError,), name='rename [%s] => [%s]' % (src, dst), printerr=self.print) def RunGit(self, cmd, **kwargs): """Run git in a subprocess.""" cwd = kwargs.setdefault('cwd', self.mirror_path) kwargs.setdefault('print_stdout', False) kwargs.setdefault('filter_fn', self.print) env = kwargs.get('env') or kwargs.setdefault('env', os.environ.copy()) env.setdefault('GIT_ASKPASS', 'true') env.setdefault('SSH_ASKPASS', 'true') self.print('running "git %s" in "%s"' % (' '.join(cmd), cwd)) gclient_utils.CheckCallAndFilter([self.git_exe] + cmd, **kwargs) def config(self, cwd=None, reset_fetch_config=False): if cwd is None: cwd = self.mirror_path if reset_fetch_config: try: self.RunGit(['config', '--unset-all', 'remote.origin.fetch'], cwd=cwd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # If exit code was 5, it means we attempted to unset a config that # didn't exist. Ignore it. if e.returncode != 5: raise # Don't run git-gc in a daemon. Bad things can happen if it gets killed. try: self.RunGit(['config', 'gc.autodetach', '0'], cwd=cwd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # Hard error, need to clobber. raise ClobberNeeded() # Don't combine pack files into one big pack file. It's really slow for # repositories, and there's no way to track progress and make sure it's # not stuck. if self.supported_project(): self.RunGit(['config', 'gc.autopacklimit', '0'], cwd=cwd) # Allocate more RAM for cache-ing delta chains, for better performance # of "Resolving deltas". self.RunGit(['config', 'core.deltaBaseCacheLimit', gclient_utils.DefaultDeltaBaseCacheLimit()], cwd=cwd) self.RunGit(['config', 'remote.origin.url', self.url], cwd=cwd) self.RunGit(['config', '--replace-all', 'remote.origin.fetch', '+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*', r'\+refs/heads/\*:.*'], cwd=cwd) for spec, value_regex in self.fetch_specs: self.RunGit( ['config', '--replace-all', 'remote.origin.fetch', spec, value_regex], cwd=cwd) def bootstrap_repo(self, directory): """Bootstrap the repo from Google Storage if possible. More apt-ly named bootstrap_repo_from_cloud_if_possible_else_do_nothing(). """ if not self.bootstrap_bucket: return False gsutil = Gsutil(self.gsutil_exe, boto_path=None) # Get the most recent version of the directory. # This is determined from the most recent version of a .ready file. # The .ready file is only uploaded when an entire directory has been # uploaded to GS. _, ls_out, ls_err = gsutil.check_call('ls', self._gs_path) ls_out_set = set(ls_out.strip().splitlines()) latest_dir = self._GetMostRecentCacheDirectory(ls_out_set) if not latest_dir: self.print('No bootstrap file for %s found in %s, stderr:\n %s' % (self.mirror_path, self.bootstrap_bucket, ' '.join((ls_err or '').splitlines(True)))) return False try: # create new temporary directory locally tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='_cache_tmp', dir=self.GetCachePath()) self.RunGit(['init', '--bare'], cwd=tempdir) self.print('Downloading files in %s/* into %s.' % (latest_dir, tempdir)) with self.print_duration_of('download'): code = gsutil.call('-m', 'cp', '-r', latest_dir + "/*", tempdir) if code: return False # A quick validation that all references are valid. self.RunGit(['for-each-ref'], cwd=tempdir) except Exception as e: self.print('Encountered error: %s' % str(e), file=sys.stderr) gclient_utils.rmtree(tempdir) return False # delete the old directory if os.path.exists(directory): gclient_utils.rmtree(directory) self.Rename(tempdir, directory) return True def contains_revision(self, revision): if not self.exists(): return False if sys.platform.startswith('win'): # Windows .bat scripts use ^ as escape sequence, which means we have to # escape it with itself for every .bat invocation. needle = '%s^^^^{commit}' % revision else: needle = '%s^{commit}' % revision try: # cat-file exits with 0 on success, that is git object of given hash was # found. self.RunGit(['cat-file', '-e', needle]) return True except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return False def exists(self): return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.mirror_path, 'config')) def supported_project(self): """Returns true if this repo is known to have a bootstrap zip file.""" u = urlparse.urlparse(self.url) return u.netloc in [ 'chromium.googlesource.com', 'chrome-internal.googlesource.com'] def _preserve_fetchspec(self): """Read and preserve remote.origin.fetch from an existing mirror. This modifies self.fetch_specs. """ if not self.exists(): return try: config_fetchspecs = subprocess.check_output( [self.git_exe, 'config', '--get-all', 'remote.origin.fetch'], cwd=self.mirror_path).decode('utf-8', 'ignore') for fetchspec in config_fetchspecs.splitlines(): self.fetch_specs.add(self.parse_fetch_spec(fetchspec)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logging.warning( 'Tried and failed to preserve remote.origin.fetch from the ' 'existing cache directory. You may need to manually edit ' '%s and "git cache fetch" again.' % os.path.join(self.mirror_path, 'config')) def _ensure_bootstrapped( self, depth, bootstrap, reset_fetch_config, force=False): pack_dir = os.path.join(self.mirror_path, 'objects', 'pack') pack_files = [] if os.path.isdir(pack_dir): pack_files = [f for f in os.listdir(pack_dir) if f.endswith('.pack')] self.print('%s has %d .pack files, re-bootstrapping if >%d or ==0' % (self.mirror_path, len(pack_files), GC_AUTOPACKLIMIT)) should_bootstrap = (force or not self.exists() or len(pack_files) > GC_AUTOPACKLIMIT or len(pack_files) == 0) if not should_bootstrap: if depth and os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.mirror_path, 'shallow')): logging.warning( 'Shallow fetch requested, but repo cache already exists.') return if not self.exists(): if os.path.exists(self.mirror_path): # If the mirror path exists but self.exists() returns false, we're # in an unexpected state. Nuke the previous mirror directory and # start fresh. gclient_utils.rmtree(self.mirror_path) os.mkdir(self.mirror_path) elif not reset_fetch_config: # Re-bootstrapping an existing mirror; preserve existing fetch spec. self._preserve_fetchspec() bootstrapped = (not depth and bootstrap and self.bootstrap_repo(self.mirror_path)) if not bootstrapped: if not self.exists() or not self.supported_project(): # Bootstrap failed due to: # 1. No previous cache. # 2. Project doesn't have a bootstrap folder. # Start with a bare git dir. self.RunGit(['init', '--bare'], cwd=self.mirror_path) else: # Bootstrap failed, previous cache exists; warn and continue. logging.warning( 'Git cache has a lot of pack files (%d). Tried to re-bootstrap ' 'but failed. Continuing with non-optimized repository.' % len(pack_files)) def _fetch(self, rundir, verbose, depth, no_fetch_tags, reset_fetch_config, prune=True): self.config(rundir, reset_fetch_config) fetch_cmd = ['fetch'] if verbose: fetch_cmd.extend(['-v', '--progress']) if depth: fetch_cmd.extend(['--depth', str(depth)]) if no_fetch_tags: fetch_cmd.append('--no-tags') if prune: fetch_cmd.append('--prune') fetch_cmd.append('origin') fetch_specs = subprocess.check_output( [self.git_exe, 'config', '--get-all', 'remote.origin.fetch'], cwd=rundir).decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip().splitlines() for spec in fetch_specs: try: self.print('Fetching %s' % spec) with self.print_duration_of('fetch %s' % spec): self.RunGit(fetch_cmd + [spec], cwd=rundir, retry=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: if spec == '+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*': raise ClobberNeeded() # Corrupted cache. logging.warning('Fetch of %s failed' % spec) for commit in self.fetch_commits: self.print('Fetching %s' % commit) try: with self.print_duration_of('fetch %s' % commit): self.RunGit(['fetch', 'origin', commit], cwd=rundir, retry=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logging.warning('Fetch of %s failed' % commit) def populate(self, depth=None, no_fetch_tags=False, shallow=False, bootstrap=False, verbose=False, lock_timeout=0, reset_fetch_config=False): assert self.GetCachePath() if shallow and not depth: depth = 10000 gclient_utils.safe_makedirs(self.GetCachePath()) with lockfile.lock(self.mirror_path, lock_timeout): try: self._ensure_bootstrapped(depth, bootstrap, reset_fetch_config) self._fetch(self.mirror_path, verbose, depth, no_fetch_tags, reset_fetch_config) except ClobberNeeded: # This is a major failure, we need to clean and force a bootstrap. gclient_utils.rmtree(self.mirror_path) self.print(GIT_CACHE_CORRUPT_MESSAGE) self._ensure_bootstrapped(depth, bootstrap, reset_fetch_config, force=True) self._fetch(self.mirror_path, verbose, depth, no_fetch_tags, reset_fetch_config) def update_bootstrap(self, prune=False, gc_aggressive=False, branch='master'): # The folder is gen_number = subprocess.check_output( [self.git_exe, 'number', branch], cwd=self.mirror_path).decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip() gsutil = Gsutil(path=self.gsutil_exe, boto_path=None) src_name = self.mirror_path dest_prefix = '%s/%s' % (self._gs_path, gen_number) # ls_out lists contents in the format: gs://blah/blah/123... _, ls_out, _ = gsutil.check_call('ls', self._gs_path) # Check to see if folder already exists in gs ls_out_set = set(ls_out.strip().splitlines()) if (dest_prefix + '/' in ls_out_set and dest_prefix + '.ready' in ls_out_set): print('Cache %s already exists.' % dest_prefix) return # Reduce the number of individual files to download & write on disk. self.RunGit(['pack-refs', '--all']) # Run Garbage Collect to compress packfile. gc_args = ['gc', '--prune=all'] if gc_aggressive: # The default "gc --aggressive" is often too aggressive for some machines, # since it attempts to create as many threads as there are CPU cores, # while not limiting per-thread memory usage, which puts too much pressure # on RAM on high-core machines, causing them to thrash. Using lower-level # commands gives more control over those settings. # This might not be strictly necessary, but it's fast and is normally run # by 'gc --aggressive', so it shouldn't hurt. self.RunGit(['reflog', 'expire', '--all']) # These are the default repack settings for 'gc --aggressive'. gc_args = ['repack', '-d', '-l', '-f', '--depth=50', '--window=250', '-A', '--unpack-unreachable=all'] # A 1G memory limit seems to provide comparable pack results as the # default, even for our largest repos, while preventing runaway memory (at # least on current Chromium builders which have about 4G RAM per core). gc_args.append('--window-memory=1g') # NOTE: It might also be possible to avoid thrashing with a larger window # (e.g. "--window-memory=2g") by limiting the number of threads created # (e.g. "--threads=[cores/2]"). Some limited testing didn't show much # difference in outcomes on our current repos, but it might be worth # trying if the repos grow much larger and the packs don't seem to be # getting compressed enough. self.RunGit(gc_args) gsutil.call('-m', 'cp', '-r', src_name, dest_prefix) # Create .ready file and upload _, ready_file_name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.ready') try: gsutil.call('cp', ready_file_name, '%s.ready' % (dest_prefix)) finally: os.remove(ready_file_name) # remove all other directory/.ready files in the same gs_path # except for the directory/.ready file previously created # which can be used for bootstrapping while the current one is # being uploaded if not prune: return prev_dest_prefix = self._GetMostRecentCacheDirectory(ls_out_set) if not prev_dest_prefix: return for path in ls_out_set: if (path == prev_dest_prefix + '/' or path == prev_dest_prefix + '.ready'): continue if path.endswith('.ready'): gsutil.call('rm', path) continue gsutil.call('-m', 'rm', '-r', path) @staticmethod def DeleteTmpPackFiles(path): pack_dir = os.path.join(path, 'objects', 'pack') if not os.path.isdir(pack_dir): return pack_files = [f for f in os.listdir(pack_dir) if f.startswith('.tmp-') or f.startswith('tmp_pack_')] for f in pack_files: f = os.path.join(pack_dir, f) try: os.remove(f) logging.warning('Deleted stale temporary pack file %s' % f) except OSError: logging.warning('Unable to delete temporary pack file %s' % f) @subcommand.usage('[url of repo to check for caching]') @metrics.collector.collect_metrics('git cache exists') def CMDexists(parser, args): """Check to see if there already is a cache of the given repo.""" _, args = parser.parse_args(args) if not len(args) == 1: parser.error('git cache exists only takes exactly one repo url.') url = args[0] mirror = Mirror(url) if mirror.exists(): print(mirror.mirror_path) return 0 return 1 @subcommand.usage('[url of repo to create a bootstrap zip file]') @metrics.collector.collect_metrics('git cache update-bootstrap') def CMDupdate_bootstrap(parser, args): """Create and uploads a bootstrap tarball.""" # Lets just assert we can't do this on Windows. if sys.platform.startswith('win'): print('Sorry, update bootstrap will not work on Windows.', file=sys.stderr) return 1 parser.add_option('--skip-populate', action='store_true', help='Skips "populate" step if mirror already exists.') parser.add_option('--gc-aggressive', action='store_true', help='Run aggressive repacking of the repo.') parser.add_option('--prune', action='store_true', help='Prune all other cached bundles of the same repo.') parser.add_option('--branch', default='master', help='Branch to use for bootstrap. (Default \'master\')') populate_args = args[:] options, args = parser.parse_args(args) url = args[0] mirror = Mirror(url) if not options.skip_populate or not mirror.exists(): CMDpopulate(parser, populate_args) else: print('Skipped populate step.') # Get the repo directory. _, args2 = parser.parse_args(args) url = args2[0] mirror = Mirror(url) mirror.update_bootstrap(options.prune, options.gc_aggressive, options.branch) return 0 @subcommand.usage('[url of repo to add to or update in cache]') @metrics.collector.collect_metrics('git cache populate') def CMDpopulate(parser, args): """Ensure that the cache has all up-to-date objects for the given repo.""" parser.add_option('--depth', type='int', help='Only cache DEPTH commits of history') parser.add_option( '--no-fetch-tags', action='store_true', help=('Don\'t fetch tags from the server. This can speed up ' 'fetch considerably when there are many tags.')) parser.add_option('--shallow', '-s', action='store_true', help='Only cache 10000 commits of history') parser.add_option('--ref', action='append', help='Specify additional refs to be fetched') parser.add_option('--commit', action='append', help='Specify additional commits to be fetched') parser.add_option('--no_bootstrap', '--no-bootstrap', action='store_true', help='Don\'t bootstrap from Google Storage') parser.add_option('--ignore_locks', '--ignore-locks', action='store_true', help='NOOP. This flag will be removed in the future.') parser.add_option('--break-locks', action='store_true', help='Break any existing lock instead of just ignoring it') parser.add_option('--reset-fetch-config', action='store_true', default=False, help='Reset the fetch config before populating the cache.') options, args = parser.parse_args(args) if not len(args) == 1: parser.error('git cache populate only takes exactly one repo url.') if options.ignore_locks: print('ignore_locks is no longer used. Please remove its usage.') if options.break_locks: print('break_locks is no longer used. Please remove its usage.') url = args[0] mirror = Mirror(url, refs=options.ref, commits=options.commit) kwargs = { 'no_fetch_tags': options.no_fetch_tags, 'verbose': options.verbose, 'shallow': options.shallow, 'bootstrap': not options.no_bootstrap, 'lock_timeout': options.timeout, 'reset_fetch_config': options.reset_fetch_config, } if options.depth: kwargs['depth'] = options.depth mirror.populate(**kwargs) @subcommand.usage('Fetch new commits into cache and current checkout') @metrics.collector.collect_metrics('git cache fetch') def CMDfetch(parser, args): """Update mirror, and fetch in cwd.""" parser.add_option('--all', action='store_true', help='Fetch all remotes') parser.add_option('--no_bootstrap', '--no-bootstrap', action='store_true', help='Don\'t (re)bootstrap from Google Storage') parser.add_option( '--no-fetch-tags', action='store_true', help=('Don\'t fetch tags from the server. This can speed up ' 'fetch considerably when there are many tags.')) options, args = parser.parse_args(args) # Figure out which remotes to fetch. This mimics the behavior of regular # 'git fetch'. Note that in the case of "stacked" or "pipelined" branches, # this will NOT try to traverse up the branching structure to find the # ultimate remote to update. remotes = [] if options.all: assert not args, 'fatal: fetch --all does not take a repository argument' remotes = subprocess.check_output([Mirror.git_exe, 'remote']) remotes = remotes.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').splitlines() elif args: remotes = args else: current_branch = subprocess.check_output( [Mirror.git_exe, 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']) current_branch = current_branch.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip() if current_branch != 'HEAD': upstream = subprocess.check_output( [Mirror.git_exe, 'config', 'branch.%s.remote' % current_branch]) upstream = upstream.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip() if upstream and upstream != '.': remotes = [upstream] if not remotes: remotes = ['origin'] cachepath = Mirror.GetCachePath() git_dir = os.path.abspath(subprocess.check_output( [Mirror.git_exe, 'rev-parse', '--git-dir']).decode('utf-8', 'ignore')) git_dir = os.path.abspath(git_dir) if git_dir.startswith(cachepath): mirror = Mirror.FromPath(git_dir) mirror.populate( bootstrap=not options.no_bootstrap, no_fetch_tags=options.no_fetch_tags, lock_timeout=options.timeout) return 0 for remote in remotes: remote_url = subprocess.check_output( [Mirror.git_exe, 'config', 'remote.%s.url' % remote]) remote_url = remote_url.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip() if remote_url.startswith(cachepath): mirror = Mirror.FromPath(remote_url) mirror.print = lambda *args: None print('Updating git cache...') mirror.populate( bootstrap=not options.no_bootstrap, no_fetch_tags=options.no_fetch_tags, lock_timeout=options.timeout) subprocess.check_call([Mirror.git_exe, 'fetch', remote]) return 0 @subcommand.usage('do not use - it is a noop.') @metrics.collector.collect_metrics('git cache unlock') def CMDunlock(parser, args): """This command does nothing.""" print('This command does nothing and will be removed in the future.') class OptionParser(optparse.OptionParser): """Wrapper class for OptionParser to handle global options.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, *args, prog='git cache', **kwargs) self.add_option('-c', '--cache-dir', help=( 'Path to the directory containing the caches. Normally ' 'deduced from git config cache.cachepath or ' '$GIT_CACHE_PATH.')) self.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=1, help='Increase verbosity (can be passed multiple times)') self.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='Suppress all extraneous output') self.add_option('--timeout', type='int', default=0, help='Timeout for acquiring cache lock, in seconds') def parse_args(self, args=None, values=None): # Create an optparse.Values object that will store only the actual passed # options, without the defaults. actual_options = optparse.Values() _, args = optparse.OptionParser.parse_args(self, args, actual_options) # Create an optparse.Values object with the default options. options = optparse.Values(self.get_default_values().__dict__) # Update it with the options passed by the user. options._update_careful(actual_options.__dict__) # Store the options passed by the user in an _actual_options attribute. # We store only the keys, and not the values, since the values can contain # arbitrary information, which might be PII. metrics.collector.add('arguments', list(actual_options.__dict__.keys())) if options.quiet: options.verbose = 0 levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARNING, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] logging.basicConfig(level=levels[min(options.verbose, len(levels) - 1)]) try: global_cache_dir = Mirror.GetCachePath() except RuntimeError: global_cache_dir = None if options.cache_dir: if global_cache_dir and ( os.path.abspath(options.cache_dir) != os.path.abspath(global_cache_dir)): logging.warning('Overriding globally-configured cache directory.') Mirror.SetCachePath(options.cache_dir) return options, args def main(argv): dispatcher = subcommand.CommandDispatcher(__name__) return dispatcher.execute(OptionParser(), argv) if __name__ == '__main__': try: with metrics.collector.print_notice_and_exit(): sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:])) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stderr.write('interrupted\n') sys.exit(1)